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手机QQ原代码,有喜欢的朋友可以大量的下载,我不要钱的哦-Mobile QQ original code, like a friend can have a large number of downloads, I do not want money, oh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 82kb Publisher :

VC++新手写一个通讯录程序带源码,CodeFans.NET编译运行截图在上边,本程序使用Access数据库,方便管理你的日常联系人信息,添加联系人、住址、电话、移动电话、电子信箱、QQ、备注等信息,实际写出这样一个程序并不难,新手也可以轻易写出来,因为这些操作都是最基本的数据库操作,想成为VC的编程高手,我们就需要从这些简单的实例慢慢研究。 -VC++ written a new book program with source code, CodeFans.NET compile and run in the above screenshot, the program uses the Access database to facilitate the management of your daily contacts, add contacts, address, phone, mobile phones, e-mail, QQ, Notes and other information, is not actually difficult to write such a program, novices can easily write, because these operations are the most basic database operations, to become masters of programming VC, we need to slowly from the examples of these simple .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : madud00092

一段实现通讯录(记录如:姓名、电话号码、单位电话、移动电话、传真号、电子邮件、QQ、MSN、个人主页、公司、街道、邮编、生日、大头帖、车牌、银行帐号、俱乐部名称、爱好等等)的小编程源代码 -The period of realization of the address book (records such as: name, phone number, unit of phones, mobile phones, fax number, e-mail, QQ, MSN, personal home page, company, street, zip code, date of birth, the bulk of posts, the vehicle registration, bank account, the club name small programming source code, hobbies, etc.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 李洋

优品致远顾客管理系统v2.0是国内第一流的顾客管理系统,能够多条件精确搜索到顾客群之后,带昵称给顾客群发手机短信,带昵称给顾客群发Email邮件,通过Excel数据文档批量导入会员数据,能够通过后台直接导出全部的会员信息,可以精准匹配顾客之后,导出筛选之后的顾客。可以自行添加、修改、删 除顾客,字段为:单位名称、密码、行业、业务、注册资金、员工人数、负责人姓名、营业执照、手机、QQ、email、办公电话、地址、邮编、网址、公司简介等等,可扩展字段。记录与顾客的交往记录,让您做生意如鱼得水,游刃有余。 演示地址: 账号:admin 密码:请向客服QQ:354500973申请管理员账号-Superior products Zhiyuan Customer Management System v2.0 is the domestic first-class customer management system, capable of multi-condition accurately search to the customer base, with the nickname group sending mobile phone text messages to customers, with the nickname Email e-mail blasts to the customer, batch import Excel data document Member data, be able to export all of the member information directly through the background can precisely match the customer after export customer after screening. Can add, modify and delete customer field: unit name, password, industry, business, registered capital, number of employees, the name of the person in charge of a business license, cell phone, QQ, email, office phone, address, zip code, URL, About scalable field. Records with customer interaction recording, so that you do business like a duck to water, its capability. The demo address: account: admin password: Please to customer service QQ: 3
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.22mb Publisher : 优品致远

黑狼订单反馈系统可实现直接将定单发送到邮箱,如果不想直接用上面的方法 也可以开通邮箱的短信提醒功能,如使用QQ邮箱,开通微信即可随时提醒到手机。本系统和其他的区别就是直接发送手机 不需要开通微信 或邮箱绑定手机。使用该程序请确认您的空间支持PHPMailer邮件发送组件,目前大部分国内PHP空间都支持。 -Black Wolf order feedback system can send orders directly to the mailbox, if you do not want to directly using the above method can also open the mailbox SMS alerts, such as the use of QQ mailbox, opened a micro letter to always remind to the phone. The system and the other difference is sent directly to the mobile phone does not need to open micro letter or e-mail bound phone. Use the program to make sure your space to support PHPMailer mail sending component, most of the domestic space PHP support.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 85kb Publisher : sliu123

动画制作公司网站系统,程序开源且免费,采用ASP+Access设计。 1、网站功能 a、能够自由设置网站网址 b、能够自由更改网站名称 c、能够自由设置客服邮箱 d、自定义地址、邮编、QQ、电话、手机、传真、ICP备案等功能 e、自定义网站开关 f、轻松设置Logo、Flash-Animation production company s Web site system, a program open source and free, the use of ASP+ Access design. 1, the site features a, can be freely set the site URL b, can freely change the site name c, can be set free customer service email d, custom address, zip code, QQ, telephone, mobile phone, fax, ICP filing function e, custom site switch f, easily set Logo, Flash
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.51mb Publisher : 黄志伟
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