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[Embeded-SCM Developmodbus功能码调试工具

Description: 用modbus协议工具的调试。主要对功能码和CRC校验
Platform: | Size: 228701 | Author: fczfr@163.com | Hits:

[Com PortMODBUS工具

Description: 这是一款对MODBUS进行测试和分析的软件!
Platform: | Size: 353007 | Author: vaivai | Hits:

[SourceCodelabview modbus rtu232

Description: labview modbus 通过RS232 通讯
Platform: | Size: 12221 | Author: wyg___ok@126.com | Hits:


Description: 用VB编写的一个ModBus通讯调试器,因只是作为示例,程序功能较为简单,只作学习参考。
Platform: | Size: 5407 | Author: webice@163.com | Hits:


Description: MODBUS通讯协议及编程
Platform: | Size: 82432 | Author: hiyon88 | Hits:

[Program docmodbus协议的一些研究

Description: modbus方面的一些介绍,快速入门可以用的。
Platform: | Size: 637440 | Author: yin_xiaoxiong@163.com | Hits:

[SCMC51 MODBUS 多机通讯程序

Description: 此程序为多机通过走 MODBUS 协议进行双机通讯,主机可以任意选择从机地址对这两台从机发送指令,有含 CRC 校验,最多可以挂 254 个从机.
Platform: | Size: 12361 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:

[Com Portmodbus协议读取S7-200PLC

Description: 如何利用MODBUS协议读取S7-200PLC的开关量和模拟量
Platform: | Size: 14390 | Author: zhang_blue | Hits:

[Technology Managementmodbus通信协议

Description: modbus协议国家标准
Platform: | Size: 3445510 | Author: sx_jc_cl@163.com | Hits:


Description: modbus源码程序,希望对大家有用!!!1
Platform: | Size: 376565 | Author: rxn3703@163.com | Hits:

[BooksModbus protocol-c

Description: modbus中文协议-Modbus Chinese agreement
Platform: | Size: 646144 | Author: 宛城布衣 | Hits:


Description: modbus PIC源程序-Modbus PIC source
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 小郑 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developmodbus

Description: MODBUS驱动,已经使用,从机方式,RTU,CRC校验-modbus drive ,c/s struct,rtu&ascii
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 小铁 | Hits:


Description: 详细的介绍了MODBUS的协议内容 包括传输格式,功能码介绍等-introduce the MODBUS protocol in detail including translation style ,function code etc.
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: 黄冉 | Hits:

[Communication-Mobilemodbus simulator

Description: 用c++编写的MODBUS Serial RTU Simulator,效果很不错-MODBUS Serial RTU Simulator ,code is c++!
Platform: | Size: 784384 | Author: 李瑶 | Hits:


Description: 一个modbus的测试工具,包括了rtu方式和ascII方式-a test tool for modbus,both rtu and ascii
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: kent | Hits:

[Program docModbus协议规范修改稿

Description: 非常详细的modbus规范介绍,有串口的也有基于tcp的。。。。一书在手,modebus不用愁。。。。MODBUS标准分为三部分。第一部分(“Modbus协议规范”)描述了MODBUS事物处理。第二部分(“MODBUS报文传输在TCP/IP上的实现指南”)提供了一个有助于开发者实现TCP/IP上的MODBUS应用层的参考信息。第三部分(“MODBUS报文传输在串行链路上的实现指南”)提供了一个有助于开发者实现串行链路上的MODBUS应用层的参考信息。-very detailed Modbus standard, a serial port is based on the tcp. . . . A book in hand, do not have to worry about modebus. . . . MODBUS divided into three parts. The first part ( "Modbus protocol specification") describes the MODBUS handle things. The second part ( "MODBUS Packet Transmission in TCP/IP Implementation Guide"), provides a help developers to implement TCP/IP on the application layer MODBUS reference information. The third part ( "MODBUS Packet Transmission in the serial link achieve Guide"), provides a help developers achieve serial MODBUS link on the application layer of reference information.
Platform: | Size: 1291264 | Author: 王继东 | Hits:


Description: 做modbus源代码,非常有用的啊,是非常有用的啊,非常有用的啊-modbus c51 source code
Platform: | Size: 555008 | Author: 妄语 | Hits:

[Program docModbus Protocol Reference Guide

Description: MODBus协议介绍,详细说明了基于MODBus协议的通信程序的编写!希望对大家有帮助!-MODBus agreement, a detailed description of MODBus agreement on the procedures for the preparation of communication! We want to help!
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: 赵延安 | Hits:


Description:  ModBus通讯协议分为RTU协议和ASCII协议,下面就ModBus RTU协议简要介绍如下:-ModBus RTU communication protocol into ASCII protocols and agreements, the following agreement on ModBus RTU briefed as follows :
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 曹剑 | Hits:
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