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从Keil C51 的内存空间管理方式入手,着重讨论实时操作系统在任务调度时的重入问题,分析一些解决 重入的基本方式与方法:分析实时操作系统任务调度的占先性,提出非占先的任务调度是能更适合于 Keil C51 的一种调度方式。为此,构造这一实时操作系统,并有针对性地介绍此系统的堆管理方法、任务 的建立以及任务的切换等。-from Keil C51 memory space management mode. focused on real-time operating system in the task of re-scheduling into problems, the analysis of some important means to solve the basic ways and means : Analysis of real-time task scheduling the operating system take precedence, The proposed non-preemptive task scheduling can be more suited to a Keil C51 scheduling approach. To this end, the structure of the real-time operating systems, and targeted presentation of the heap management methods, and the establishment of task switching, and other tasks.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 246.87kb Publisher : jun

常用算法大合集; 包括插值、查找、常微分方程组求解、多项工与连分式函数计算、非线性方程与方程组求解、复数运算、汉字操作、基本图形操作、极值问题、矩阵特征值与特征向量的计算、矩阵运算、拟合与逼近、排序、数据处理与回归分析、数学变换与滤波、数值积分、随机数产生、特征函数、图形模式下读写屏幕象点、线性代数方程组求解等C语言算法-algorithms big Collection; Including interpolation, locate, ordinary differential equations to solve a number of public and even fractional function, nonlinear equations and equation solving complex operations Chinese operation, the basic graphics operation, Extreme, Matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors calculated matrix calculation, fitting and approximation, scheduling, data processing and regression analysis. mathematical transformation and filtering, numerical integration, Random Number Generator, characteristic function, graphics mode screen like reading and writing, linear algebraic equations, such as C language algorithms
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 268.33kb Publisher : 狼夜行

这是一个模拟第3类模式地震波的matlab脚本。 This a collection of Matlab scripts that solve the antiplane (mode III) earthquake dynamic problem with slip-weakening friction, on a 1D fault embedded in a 2D homogeneous elastic unbounded medium. The problem is formulated as a boundary integral equation and the elastodynamic kernels are analytically derived in the spectral domain (spatial wavenumber). The method is explained e.g. by Morrysey and Geubelle (1997), and has been improved and extensively used by Nadia Lapusta, Alain Cochard, etc.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.3kb Publisher : 杀风景

This an 8-puzzle solver. You input the current state of your annoying little 8 puzzle and it ll use the Hillclimbing Algorithm to calculate a list of moves which you can use to solve the puzzle. It is written in C++ with an interactive text mode based interface. Enter numbers 0-8. Keep your pathlength short as you can, and make the number of nodes between 1 and 65536 (on an x86 machine).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.8kb Publisher : 王涛


#//u(i,j)        x方向的速度u;或者θ方向速度
#//u(i,j)        y方向的速度v;或者径向速度ur'h\K
#//pc(i,j)       压力修正 p'[OS
#//p(i,j)        压力p-=5-+
#//p(i,j)        密度ρBk
#//p(i,j)        扩散系数γQ"G48E
#//t(i,j)        温度Tn7/bKr
#//ake(i,j)        湍流脉动能量k971E
#//dis(i,j)      动能的耗散率ε4
//amut(i,j)     湍动扩散系数+
//gen(i,j)      湍流能量的生成率S
//f(i,jnf)     不同的φ变量M
//lsolve(nf)   1,求解变量f(i,j,nf)  8
//lprint(nf)   1,打印变量f(i,j,nf)   ~f
//lblk(nf)     1,对变量f(i,j,nf)应用块修正b5|{@U
//mode         选择坐标系的变量. 目前只支持mode=1.
mode=1 直角坐标系(x~y)BMI
mode=2 圆柱坐标系(r~z)^pg>)
mode=3 极坐标(r~θ)   Z^r[LE
solve子程序中求解变量f(i,j,nf)的重复扫描次数 b
变量fi,j,nf)的字符性标题 |L;
//xl    计算区域在x方向上的宽度)?
//yl    计算区域在y方向上的宽度@ob
//l1     x方向上主控制体的网格数。也是x方向上压力节点位置的最后一个i值。
//m1   y方向上主控制体的网格数。也是y方向上压力节点位置的最后一个j值。
//dt           时间步长 △t
//x(i)        节点位置的x
//xu(i)       主控制容积在x方向的界面位置,即速度u(i,j)所在位置
//xdif(i)     差值 x(i)-x(i-1)
 //xcv(i)      主控制容积在x方向上的宽度
//xcvs(i)     速度u(i,j)的控制容积在x方向上的宽度
//y(j)        节点位置的y
//yv(j)       主控制容积在y方向的界面位置,即速度v(i,j)所在位置
//ydif(j)     差值 y(j)-x(j-1)
//ycv(j)      主控制容积在y方向上的宽度
//ycvs(j)     速度v(i,j)的控制容积在y方向上的宽度
////r(i,j)      主网络节点的半径r
////rmn(j)      在速度v(i,j)所在处的半径r之值
////sx (j)      主网格节点位置y(j)x方向上的标尺因子
//sxmn(j)     在界面位置yv(j)x方向的尺度因子
//xcvi(i,j)   xcv(i) 中与u(i,j)的控制容积相覆盖的部分
//xcvi(i,j)   xcv(i) 中与u(i+1,j)的控制容积相覆盖的部分
//ycvr(j)     主控制容积垂直于x方向的面的面积
//ycvrs(j)    速度v(i,j)的控制容积垂直于x方向的面的面积
//arx(j)      x方向相垂直的控制容积的面积
//arxj(j)     arx(j)中与速度v(i,j)的控制容积相覆盖的部分
//arxjp(j)    arx(j)中与速度v(i,j+1)的控制容积相覆盖的部分
//con(i,j)    离散方程中的常数项b,在子程序gamsor中又作为存储sc的单元
//aip(i,j)    系数ae
//aim(i,j)    系数aw
//ajp(i,j)    系数an
//ajm(i,j)    系数as
//ap(i,j)     系数ap,在在子程序gamsor中又作为存储sp的单元
//flow         穿过控制容积界面的质量流率
//diff         扩散传导性 D
//acof         DIFLOW子程序计算的量,它给出了对流与扩散作用的联合影响
//du(i,j)     影响u(i,j)de
//dv(i,j)     影响v(i,j)dn
//pv(j)       用于计算主网络节点i,j上的质量流率的ρvr的插值因子:计算式如下: //fvp(j)      说明同上
//fx(i)       用于计算主控制容积界面(即速度u(i,j)所在处)的密度
//            rhom的插值因子,计算式如下:
//fxm(i)      说明同上
//pt(i)pt(j) tdma中的转换系数(消元过程中)l
//qt(i)qt(j) tdma中的转换系数(消元过程中)
//第六部分 index变量
int nf;               //nf           标明不同φ变量的下标值
int nfmax;         //nfmax        设有存储单元的nf的最大值
int np;              //(nfmax)      p(i,j)实际为f(i,j,nfmax)
int nrho;           //(nfmax+1)    rho(i,j)实际为f(i,j,nfmax)
int ngam;         //(nfmax+2)    gam(i,j)实际为f(i,j,nfmax+2)n
int l2;              //l2           (l1-1)
int l3;              //l3           (l1-2)
int m2;           //m2           (m1-1)
int m3;           //m3           (m1-2) 2
int ist;                    //ist          i的第一个内节点值`
int jst;                    //jst          j的第一个内节点值
int iter;                   //iter         不稳态问题的步进计数
int last;                   //last         用户所规定的最大迭代计数
int iter1;             //iter1        一个时间点求解setup2( )的迭代次数
double time;              //time         不稳态问题中的时间t
int ipref;              //ipref        压力参考结点的i
int jpref;                //jpref        压力参考结点的j=/
double rhocon;           //rhocon       密度为常数的问题中的ρ
int lstop;                 //lstop        =1时,停止计算
double  smax;            //smax         p'方程中的质源的最大值

double  ssum;            //ssum         p'方程中的质源的代数和

Update : 2008-12-03 Size : 11.17kb Publisher : tanglincn

This an 8-puzzle solver. You input the current state of your annoying little 8 puzzle and it ll use the Hillclimbing Algorithm to calculate a list of moves which you can use to solve the puzzle. It is written in C++ with an interactive text mode based interface. Enter numbers 0-8. Keep your pathlength short as you can, and make the number of nodes between 1 and 65536 (on an x86 machine).
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : 王涛

数论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 数论算法库,包括以下算法: 欧几里德算法求a,b的最大公倍数 扩展的欧几里德算法,求出gcd(a,b)和满足gcd(a,b)=ax+by的整数x和y 求解模线性方程 ax ≡ b (mod n) 其中n>0 求解模线性方程组(中国余数定理) 模取幂运算 计算a^b mod n (a,b可能很大) Miller-Rabin随机性素数测试算法 -Number theory algorithms library C++ Language content code number theory algorithm library, which includes the following algorithms: Euclidean algorithm for a, b of the largest common multiple extended Euclidean algorithm, to derive gcd (a, b) and to meet gcd (a, b) = ax+ by the integer x and y-mode linear equations to solve ax ≡ b (mod n) in which n> 0 solving mode of linear equations (China remainder theorem) mode calculation computing exponentiation a ^ b mod n (a, b may be a lot) Miller-Rabin random prime number testing algorithm
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9kb Publisher : henry

从Keil C51 的内存空间管理方式入手,着重讨论实时操作系统在任务调度时的重入问题,分析一些解决 重入的基本方式与方法:分析实时操作系统任务调度的占先性,提出非占先的任务调度是能更适合于 Keil C51 的一种调度方式。为此,构造这一实时操作系统,并有针对性地介绍此系统的堆管理方法、任务 的建立以及任务的切换等。-from Keil C51 memory space management mode. focused on real-time operating system in the task of re-scheduling into problems, the analysis of some important means to solve the basic ways and means : Analysis of real-time task scheduling the operating system take precedence, The proposed non-preemptive task scheduling can be more suited to a Keil C51 scheduling approach. To this end, the structure of the real-time operating systems, and targeted presentation of the heap management methods, and the establishment of task switching, and other tasks.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 247kb Publisher :

这是一个模拟第3类模式地震波的matlab脚本。 This a collection of Matlab scripts that solve the antiplane (mode III) earthquake dynamic problem with slip-weakening friction, on a 1D fault embedded in a 2D homogeneous elastic unbounded medium. The problem is formulated as a boundary integral equation and the elastodynamic kernels are analytically derived in the spectral domain (spatial wavenumber). The method is explained e.g. by Morrysey and Geubelle (1997), and has been improved and extensively used by Nadia Lapusta, Alain Cochard, etc. -This is a Class 3 model simulation of seismic waves of matlab scripts. This a collection of Matlab scripts that solve the antiplane (mode III) earthquake dynamic problem with slip-weakening friction, on a 1D fault embedded in a 2D homogeneous elastic unbounded medium.The problem is formulated as a boundary integral equationand the elastodynamic kernels are analytically derived inthe spectral domain (spatial wavenumber). The method is explained eg by Morrysey and Geubelle (1997), and has been improved and extensively used by Nadia Lapusta, Alain Cochard, etc.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7kb Publisher : 杀风景

用于求解复数的加减乘除和求模运算,是用VC做的-For addition and subtraction, multiplication and division to solve complex and demand-mode operation is done with VC
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.81mb Publisher : 廖永洪

matlab编写结构计算振型分解法,能求解多自由度问题,自动绘出振型-the preparation of structural calculations matlab vibration mode decomposition method to solve the problem of multi-degree of freedom, automatic mapping mode shape
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : chensj

用Fox_Li数值迭代法求解F_P型激光谐振腔的本征模式-Fox_Li numerical iterative method used to solve F_P type laser resonator eigen mode
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 901kb Publisher : 罗瑞

DL : 0
在使用Magic CD/DVD Burner控件写个生成可引导启动的ISO时,碰到引导功能不正常,为了解决该控件的BUG,首先要解决引导文件在ISO的位置与读取方式,特此写了以下代码,方解决Magic CD/DVD Burner的问题。 -In the use of Magic CD/DVD Burner Controls generate write a guide to start the ISO encountered unusual guide features, in order to solve the control of the BUG, first of all to solve the guidance document in the ISO read mode and the location, and would like to write the following code, to solve the Magic CD/DVD Burner problem.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 绝对零度

将潮流计算公式矢量化处理,利用Matlab编写潮流程序,并将Matlab的m文件编译成COM组件,可简单实现 Matlab和其它语言的混合编程。通过简单的函数调用即可完成如稀疏、解方程等一系列数学运算,并可轻易实现相关图形的 绘制。潮流计算中采用AMD算法对修正方程系数矩阵进行节点优化,并采用LDLT算法进行求解,有效地减少了注入元,计 算速度成倍提高。在混合编程的模式下,提高了程序开发速度、程序可靠性、计算效率和保密性。 -Formula for calculating the trend vector processing, the use of Matlab procedures for the preparation of the tide, and Matlab m-file compiled into a COM component, can be simply the realization of Matlab and other programming languages mixed. Through a simple function call to complete, such as sparse, solve a series of mathematical equations, and easily achieve the related graphics rendering. Power flow calculation algorithm used in AMD coefficient matrix of the correction equation for node optimization, and the use of LDLT algorithm, effectively reduces injection yuan, doubling to improve computing speed. Programming in mixed mode, increased the speed of program development, program reliability, computational efficiency and confidentiality.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 217kb Publisher : wuzhicheng

舰空导弹协同制导流程研究,通过对舰空导弹常见制导方法过程的分析,结合网络中心战以及协同作战能力的概念,提出多平台协同制导对 导弹制导模式的要求,对未来舰空导弹协同制导时的制导过程进行初步探讨,并指出实现协同制导需要解决的关键技术。-Ship-to-air guided missile synergistic flow study, through the ship-to-air guided missile common method of analysis of the process, combined with Network Centric Warfare, as well as the concept of Cooperative Engagement Capability, the multi-platform collaborative guided mode of the missile guidance requirements, ship-to-air missile for the future collaboration when the guided-guided process of preliminary study and pointed out that the implementation guidance necessary synergy to solve the key technology.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 292kb Publisher : 陈鑫

DL : 0
Program to solve for natural frequencies (eigenvalues) and resulting mode shapes (eigenvectors) in simple structures -Program to solve for natural frequencies (eigenvalues) and resulting mode shapes (eigenvectors) in simple structures
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : cougar

你将学到为何利用其他开发人员的经验与智慧解决问题,我们会看看设计模式的用途与优点,并通过实例来了解模式是如何运作。-You will learn why to use the experience and wisdom of other developers to solve the problem, we will look at the uses and benefits of design patterns, and an example to understand the model is how it works.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8.4mb Publisher :

求解二维声子晶体能带结构XY模式,内附注释,希望能帮到你-Solving the two-dimensional phononic crystal band structure XY mode, included comments, I hope it may give some help
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 杰森

DL : 0
Very good toolbox to solve various optimization problems
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7kb Publisher : karthikeyan

DL : 0
求解TE模,该程序可以求解出归一化频率与折射率之间的关系。-solve TE mode
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张玉龙
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