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model reduction book 介绍线性时不变系统模型降阶的基本原理,也就是找到高阶系统的好的低阶逼 近。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 63.87kb Publisher : dengna

A Matlab toolbox for exact linear time-invariant system identification is presented. The emphasis is on the variety of possible ways to implement the mappings from data to parameters of the data generating system. The considered system representations are input/state/output, difference equation, and left matrix fraction. KEYWORDS: subspace identification, deterministic subspace identification, balanced model reduction, approximate system identification, MPUM.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 90.29kb Publisher : kedle

使用隐马尔可夫模型在小波域降噪处理运行环境Matlab-use of hidden Markov model in wavelet domain noise reduction processing operating environment Matlab
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.63mb Publisher : 冯斌

model reduction book 介绍线性时不变系统模型降阶的基本原理,也就是找到高阶系统的好的低阶逼 近。-model reduction book to introduce time-invariant linear system model reduction of the basic principles, that is, to find a good low-end high-order system approximation.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 64kb Publisher : dengna

Hankel 最优化模型降阶1 本次演讲既包含Hankel 最优化模型降阶的理论也包含算法。-Hankel optimal model reduction a speech contains both Hankel optimal model reduction algorithm also includes the theory.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 53kb Publisher : dengna

A Matlab toolbox for exact linear time-invariant system identification is presented. The emphasis is on the variety of possible ways to implement the mappings from data to parameters of the data generating system. The considered system representations are input/state/output, difference equation, and left matrix fraction. KEYWORDS: subspace identification, deterministic subspace identification, balanced model reduction, approximate system identification, MPUM.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 90kb Publisher : kedle

转载:众所周知有限元解决振动问题的能力还是有限的, 比如做齿轮啮合过程的动力学模拟就要同时涉及到接触和动力反映两个主要方面. 目前处理此类问题最成熟的软件当属MSC.ADAMS, 但ADAMS也只能在模拟过程中做到弹性与刚性接触而已! 据我所知, 已不止两位研究生试图用LS-DYNA来做此类模拟, 他们忽略了(或没搞清楚) LS-DYNA只能处理瞬态问题, 而对于该过程的模拟也是无能为力的!!! 结果是浪费了大量的时间, 甚至机会. 这本应是导师的责任, 但许多高龄导师对现代软件的不熟悉也是....那么此类问题的具体解决方案在哪里? Vibration Simulation Using Matlab and ANSYS 给出了答案. 掌握书中的内容意义非同小可! 这对于要从事CAE工作的将会受益(起码在今后20年内).随着我国经济的高速发展 解决资本积累必将是要遇到的问题, 工程(设备)维护, 系统监测也将(象发达国家)成为CAE非常重要的部分. 早早入手就能使你立于不败之地!-This book has three main purposes. The first purpose is to cc..-ct in one document the various methods of constructing and representing dynamic mechanical models. The second purpose is to help the reader develop a strong understanding of the modal analysis technique, where the total response of a system can be constructed by combinations of individual modes of vibration. The third purpose is to show how to take the results of large finite element models and reduce the size of the model (model reduction), extracting lower order state space models for use in MATLAB.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7.54mb Publisher : 何红亚

基于小波域隐马尔可夫模型的图像降噪,性能最好的图像降噪程序。 -Based on wavelet-domain Hidden Markov Model of image noise, the performance of the best image noise reduction procedures.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.34mb Publisher : 蒲秀娟

已知某系统传递函数G,可以调用改代码对系统进行降阶处理。功能同routh降阶相似,不过这里的分子阶次r和分母阶次k可以不止相差1。-Known transfer function of a system G, can call the code to deal with reduced-order system. Routh Reduction with similar features, but here the molecular order r and the denominator order k can be more than a difference of 1.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李雪刚

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My code is implementation of classic snakes, according to the article of Active contour model. I m making reduction of external curve to the center which searching for extremum (the strongest intensity gradient of edge).
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : paz

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matlab中线性系统的模型降阶-Pade降阶模型源码-matlab in the model reduction of linear systems Reduced-order model of source-Pade
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 不弃不舍

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A MATLAB Toolbox for Large Lyapunov and Riccati Equations, Model Reduction Problems, and Linear{Quadratic Optimal Control Problems
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 864kb Publisher : touati brahim ammar

《数字通信》(第4版)是数字通信领域的一本经典教材,通过对概率论及随机过程的复习,详细介绍了数字和模拟信源编码、数字调制信号和窄带信号与系统的特征、加性高斯白噪声中数字通信的调制和最佳调制与检测方法、基于最大似然准则的载波相位估计和定时同步的方法、不同信道模型的信道容量及随机编码、带限信道的信号设计、受到符号间干扰恶化信号的解调与检测问题、自适应信道均衡、多信道与多载波调制、扩展频谱信号和系统、衰落信道上的数字通信。 -" Digital communication" (4th edition) is a digital communications of a classic textbook in the field, through the review process, the probability of randomly addressed, details of the digital and analog source coding, digital modulation signal and the narrowband signal and system characteristics, additive white Gaussian noise in digital communication modulation and the best modulation and detection methods, based on maximum likelihood criterion of carrier phase estimation and time synchronization method, different channel model of channel capacity and random coding, band-limited channel signal design by ISI worse signal demodulation and detection, adaptive channel equalization, multi-channel and multi-carrier modulation, spread spectrum signals and systems, fading channel digital communications.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 16.77mb Publisher : ng

自动控制方法中的状态空间模型参数降秩数学算法,分别为 SVD-based method; Krylov-based Order Reduction--Lanczos algorithm; Krylov-based Order Reduction--Modified Lanczos algorithm; Krylov-based Order Reduction--The Arnoldi-algorithm; -Model Order Reduction Algorithms for Statespace-Model of Automating Systems- Follows are the algorithms: SVD-based method; Krylov-based Order Reduction--Lanczos algorithm; Krylov-based Order Reduction--Modified Lanczos algorithm; Krylov-based Order Reduction--The Arnoldi-algorithm;
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : Chen WZ

TS-Fuzzy Model模糊系统论文pdf文件以及Matlab code源码,对学习很有帮助。-paper: "Compact TS-Fuzzy Models through Clustering and OLS plus FIS Model Reduction" and Matlab code.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 164kb Publisher : Vlog

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PCA技术的一大好处是对数据进行降维的处理。我们可以对新求出的“主元”向量的重要性进行排序,根据需要取前面最重要的部分,将后面的维数省去,可以达到降维从而简化模型或是对数据进行压缩的效果。同时最大程度的保持了原有数据的信息。-A major advantage of PCA technology is reduce the dimension of the data processing. We can calculate the new " principal component" vector order of importance, according to need to take the most important part of the front, eliminating the rear of the dimensions, dimension reduction can be achieved to simplify the model or the effect of data compression . At the same time maintaining the greatest degree of the original data.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : xyhuang

Model Order Reduction Using LMI
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 734kb Publisher : FADI

model reduction - control theory
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : MKoteich

基于高斯混合模型的背景减除法,及目标检测额实现-Based on the background of the gaussian mixture model reduction division, and target detection amount to realize
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 11kb Publisher : 李新颖

Model Reduction using LMI
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 770kb Publisher : lamineali
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