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利用数学形态学构成形态学滤波器对图象进行滤波,处理效果较满意.-using mathematical morphology constitute morphological filter image filtering, processing more satisfied with the results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李晓慧

该程序在matlab平台上实现了用最佳提取图像边缘的canny算子提取整副图像的边缘象素. 其中利用高斯函数滤除噪声和用高斯算子的一阶微分对图像滤波合并为一个算子,通过形态学算子将两幅图像的边缘进行连接.-The program in matlab platform to achieve the best extraction of the canny edge operator extract the whole image edge pixel deputy. Which use Gaussian function to filter out the noise and the use of Gaussian operator of the first-order differential of the image filtering into an operator, through morphological operators to the brink of two images connect.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 秀秀

图形图像处理,形态学滤波器,脑部MRI图像。可用于图像平滑滤波。-Graphic image processing, morphological filters, the brain MRI images. Can be used for image smoothing filter.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 54kb Publisher : LiuKe

二值图像形态滤波和灰度图像形态滤波操作的Matlab实现。-Binary image morphological filter and grayscale images Matlab morphological filtering operations to achieve.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 79kb Publisher : Anna

DL : 0
canny edge detector. The program in matlab platform to achieve the best extraction of the canny edge operator extract the whole image edge pixel deputy. Which use Gaussian function to filter out the noise and the use of Gaussian operator of the first-order differential of the image filtering into an operator, through morphological operators to the brink of two images connect
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : mokocom

RNA 和 DNA序列模拟 基因建模 数值模拟 采用matlab 编写 能计算几千个 基因点的特性和行为-In one type of gene expression analysis, fluorescently tagged messenger RNA from different cells are hybridized to a microscopic array of thousands of complimentary DNA spots that correspond to different genes. Illuminated spots emit different color light, indicating which genes are expressed (e.g., green=control, red=sample, yellow=both). In this case study, MATLAB, the Image Processing and Signal Processing toolboxes were used to determine the green intensities from a small portion of a microarray image containing 4,800 spots. A 10x10 pattern of spots was detected by averaging rows and columns to produce horizontal and vertical profiles. Periodicity was determined automatically by autocorrelation and used to form an optimal length filter for morphological background removal. A rectangular grid of bounding boxes was defined. Each spot was individually addressed and segmented by thresholding to form a mask. The mask was used to isolate each spot from surrounding background. Individu
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.24mb Publisher : Tu Shu

基于粒子群的形态滤波,对有噪声的图像进行滤波,比一般去噪方法效果要好-Morphological filter based on particle swarm, the image of a noise filter, better results than denoising
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王培培

传统形态滤波,关于腐蚀膨胀,开闭运算运算的matlab源代码,仅供参考-Traditional morphological filter Matlab source code for reference on the erosion operation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 周军

形态小波Matlab编程,腐蚀膨胀开闭和闭开滤波器等。-Morphological Wavelet Matlab programming, corrosion expansion of the opening and closing and closing open filter.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : laura

基于图像处理的鱼卵计数方法研究 针对传统的鱼卵计数方法效率低、精度差、对鱼卵有损伤等缺点,提出了基于图像处理的鱼卵计数方法: 通 过Matlab 软件中强大的图像处理功能,对经过Photoshop 预处理的图像进行灰度化、去除噪音、二值化和形态学处 理,采用连通图计数和面积计数法进行鱼卵的计数,精确性在95 以上。该方法减轻了操作者劳动强度,弥补了 人视觉的不足之处,可以有效地提高工作效率和计数精度,并且可避免鱼卵损伤,有利于后续工作的开展,具有一 定的理论和应用价值。-In view of the traditional method of counting fish spawns has many shortcomings,such as poor precision, low efficiency and eggs damage. In order to cover the shortcomings,being helpful for follow-up work,two methods of counting fish spawns based on image processing was proposed in this paper. Through the powerful image processing function of Matlab software,putting up median filter,gray processing,binary processing and morphological operation to the reading image dealt by Photoshop software. Then on the theory of connected graph counting and area comparison,counting up the number of spawns,the degree of counting precision is higher than 95 which have certain theoretical and practical value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 230kb Publisher : 孔珺

形态学滤波器的matlab程序,主要用于信号处理、特征提取。-Morphological filter matlab program, mainly for signal processing, feature extraction.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 刘震霆

形态学滤波器 matlab程序,主要用于特征提起、信号处理-Morphological filter matlab program, mainly for the characteristic lift, signal processing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 莫少君

1.图像反转 2.灰度线性变换 3.非线性变换 4.直方图均衡化 5. 线性平滑滤波器 6.中值滤波器 7.用Sobel算子和拉普拉斯对图像锐化:8.梯度算子检测边缘 9.LOG算子检测边缘 10.Canny算子检测边缘 11.边界跟踪 (bwtraceboundary函数)12.Hough变换 13.直方图阈值法 14. 自动阈值法:Otsu法 15.膨胀操作 16.腐蚀操作 17.开启和闭合操作 18.开启和闭合组合操作 19.形态学边界提取 20.形态学骨架提取 21.直接提取四个顶点坐标 22.文件打开窗口(1. image reversal 2. gray linear transform 3. nonlinear transform 4. histogram equalization 5. linear smoothing filter 6. median filter 7. image sharpening on Sobel edge detection operator and Laplasse: 8. gradient edge detection operator 9.LOG edge detection operator 10.Canny operator 11. boundary tracking (bwtraceboundary function) 12.Hough transform 13. histogram thresholding method 14. threshold method: Otsu method the 15. expansion operation 16. corrosion operation 17. opening and closing operation of the 18. opening and closing combination operation 19. morphological edge extraction 20. morphological skeleton extraction 21. direct extraction of four vertex coordinates 22. file open window)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 111kb Publisher : 春天里的野百合
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