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数字信号处理的Matlab实现的随书光盘,有时谱分析、小波变化、地震观测系统仿真与地面运动恢复等几个数字信号前沿课题,有实用价值-Digital signal processing with Matlab realized the book CD-ROM, and sometimes spectral analysis, wavelet changes in observing system simulation of earthquake ground motion and the restoration of several cutting-edge digital signal subjects have practical value
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 721kb Publisher : 元欣

这是基于运动块的分析,输入的是运动矢量,检测出对应的矢量-This is based on the movement block analysis, the importation of the motion vectors, detected in the corresponding vector
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 十年砍柴

很方便的小程序,可以将二维数组转为一维数组,还有im2block也可以将图像分块,在运动估计分析的时候很有用-Very convenient for small procedures, can be two-dimensional array into a one-dimensional array, there are im2block can also block images in the analysis of motion estimation is useful when
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 曹志民

机械工程设计分析和MATLAB应用 源代码 包括机械原理中常用机构的运动仿真程序代码-Mechanical engineering design analysis and application of MATLAB source code, including mechanical principle commonly used in body motion simulation program code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 39kb Publisher : 谷春亮

】在对目前运动估计快速块匹配算法研究的基础上, 描述了运动估计的基本原理 揭示了提高运动估计效率的关键技术, 并对相关的算法进行了分析和比较 提出了运动估计算法今后的研究方向。-] In the current fast block-matching motion estimation algorithm based on the description of the basic principles of motion estimation revealed to enhance the efficiency of motion estimation of the key technologies, and related algorithm analysis and comparison of motion estimation algorithm proposed future research direction.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 66kb Publisher : 孙翔

针对助推- 滑翔导弹的弹道优化问题,给出了一种求解其最大射程弹道的分段优化方法,建立了其 纵平面运动模型和弹道优化模型。在考虑攻角绝对值、攻角变化率、法向过载、分离点攻角衔接及落地条件等约束 下,应用序列二次规划法求解了其最大射程弹道。分析表明,助推- 滑翔导弹比传统弹道导弹射程显著提高,其最 优弹道的起伏有助于增大射程和提高突防能力-For booster- Optimize glider ballistic missile problem, give a maximum range of its ballistic solution of the sub-optimization method, set up the vertical plane motion model and optimization model of trajectory. In considering the absolute angle of attack, the rate of change of angle of attack, normal load, the separation point of convergence and the arrival angle of attack constraint conditions, the application of sequential quadratic programming method to solve a maximum range of its ballistic. Analysis showed that propelled- gliding range ballistic missile than the traditional significantly improve, the optimal trajectory of the ups and downs will help increase the range and ability to enhance penetration
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 373kb Publisher : 王敏

这个Matlab程序用来仿真和分析六杆机构运动学,从而理解机构运动的原理。 -This program is my Dynamic machine project in mechanical engineering department of Amirkabir University of Technology. ( This program simulate and analyze the 6 bar mechanism indicated in HELP.pdf By running it: • you can see the simulation of mechanism motion • analysis figures
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 416kb Publisher : royma

在广泛研究前人工作的基础上,本文对运动人物的检测、跟踪与识别进行了综述。为 使分类清楚明了,本文将人物运动分析分为两大类:人体运动分析,人脸分析。人体运动分 析包括人的较大幅度的肢体运动,如手势识别、步态分析、整个人体的运动分析;人脸分析 包括人脸检测与识别、表情分析。在详细介绍了国内外研究现状后,提出了存在的问题及研 究前景。-Extensively studied in previous work on the basis of the figures in this article on the movement detection, tracking and recognition are reviewed. To enable a clear understanding of classification, motion analysis of figures in this article will be divided into two categories: human motion analysis, analysis of human faces. Analysis of human motion including the relatively large body movements, such as gesture recognition, gait analysis, motion analysis of the human body Facial analysis includes face detection and recognition, facial expression analysis. In the study described in detail the status quo at home and abroad, the proposed study of the problems and prospects.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 349kb Publisher : martin

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摘 要 运动模糊恢复就是利用运动模糊退化的某种先验知识来重建或恢复原有图像 在运动模糊的点扩散函数未知的情况下 : 。 , 估计运动模糊的点扩散函数是运动模糊恢复的前提和关键 从傅立叶变换的角度对匀速直线运动模糊图像的点扩散函数在频域 。 论证了点扩散函数在频域内的零点特性及模糊图像两次傅立叶同态变换后的方向特性 并提出了利用这中的特点做了理论分析,些特性进行运动模糊方向估计的方法及两种模糊距离的估计方法 实验结果证明了所提出方法的有效性-Abstract motion blur is to use motion blur to restore the degradation of some prior knowledge to rebuild or restore the original image in the motion blur point spread function of the unknown circumstances:. , It is estimated that the motion blur point spread function is a prerequisite for the restoration of motion-blurred and critical perspective from the Fourier transform of the uniform linear motion blurred image of the point spread function in the frequency domain. Demonstrated that the point spread function of the zero in the frequency domain characteristics and the two blurred images after Fourier transform with the direction of state properties and proposed use of the characteristics of this has done a theoretical analysis, some characteristics of the estimated direction of motion-blurred and the two kinds of fuzzy distance estimation results proved the effectiveness of the proposed method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 934kb Publisher : zy

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本文以三相正弦波驱动的永磁同步电机(PMSM)为研究对象,在深入分析其内在电磁约束关系的基础上,给出了不同坐标系下的运动方程,根据其数学模型,确定了电动车用电机在旋转坐标系下的矢量控制方案。控制系统为电流环和速度环的双闭环系统-In this paper, three-phase sine-wave-driven permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for the study, in-depth analysis of its intrinsic relationship between electromagnetic bound on the basis of the different coordinate system is given under the equation of motion, in accordance with its mathematical model to determine the electrical motor vehicle in the rotating coordinate system of vector control programs. Control system for the current loop and speed loop dual closed-loop system
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : 林三

关于解微分方程的matlab小程序,适合本科生学习使用。-MATLAB in Physics is a four lecture series in MATLAB that is offered to first year physics undergraduate students. This lecture shows how to use MATLAB to simulate physical systems using a range of methods. Projectile motion is analysed using the Symbolic Math Toolbox, then more complicated chaotic systems are simulated using the MATLAB ODE solvers. Some advanced programming techniques such as Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming are briefly covered. The aim of this lecture series is to introduce students to computational methods in MATLAB to solve problems arising in physics that cannot be solved analytically. No prior knowledge of MATLAB is required. Themes of data analysis, visualization, modelling and programming are explored throughout these lectures.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 148kb Publisher : HM

对于细胞图像序列中多目标的追踪是细胞运动研究中的难点,针对高密度细胞图像中细胞运动的复杂性,本文提出一个细胞分割和追踪的系统。在细胞分割部分,针对实验所用细胞图像序列的特点,本文分别采用了不同的分割方法。在基本的细胞分割后,由于得到的分割图像存在着一些粘连细胞,为了将之分离,采用了基于Freeman code法对细胞轮廓进行跟踪编码。根据编码所得的链码特征分析细胞的轮廓形态,找出粘连细胞图像中的凹角点,再将凹角点进行分组配对完成粘连细胞的分离。在追踪部分,针对细胞的运动特性,将细胞分为惰性细胞和非惰性细胞,分别采用区域重叠法和拓扑约束法进行追踪。针对高密度细胞追踪中由于细胞密集加上细胞分裂很容易导致错误追踪的问题,本文提出将面积项引入实现追踪的拓扑约束条件中,对原方法进行改进,有效的解决了这一问题,有助于提高追踪效率,特别是对于细胞密度比较大,且分裂频繁的细胞图像效果明显。另外,本文提出根据细胞数量设置产生图的距离门限,使算法的适用性更强 。-For cells in image sequences multi-objective tracking is cells, the difficulty in the studies of cellular density cell image motion complexity, this paper puts forward a cell division and tracking system. In the cell division, according to the characteristics of image sequence cells, this paper adopts a different method. In the basic cell division, because the segmentation image exists some adhesion to the separation of cells, using the method of Freeman code based on contour tracking code. According to the characteristics of the chain code coding analysis, find the outline of cells in the cell adhesion, concave edges concave angular point pairs finished adhesion cell group. In part, according to the characteristic and cells
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.36mb Publisher : 刘颖

摘要:应用Matlab/Simulink对实验室研制的六自由度运动平台位置反解建模、仿真、分析,通过对上平台进行垂 荡、纵荡、横荡、纵摇、横摇和艏摇六个自由度方向上的运动仿真分析,得到了六个液压缸的长度变化规律,更直观的 了解了平台在不同运动情况下的运动规律 -Abstract: The six degrees of freedom motion platform location, Matlab/Simulink laboratory developed anti-solution modeling, simulation, analysis, on a platform heave, vertical swing, sway, pitch, roll and yawing sixdegrees of freedom on the direction of motion simulation, six hydraulic cylinders of length variation, a more intuitive understanding of the law of motion of the platform in the case of different sports
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 808kb Publisher : 何平

超速行驶是引起交通事故的主要原因之一,雷达测速仪是检测车辆超速行驶的有效方式之一。本代码用Matlab仿真实现多普勒雷达测速,在MATLAB仿真软件中对被检测车辆运动产生的多普勒频率进行频谱分析。-Speeding is one of the main causes a traffic accident, the radar gun is one effective way to detect speeding vehicles. The code using Matlab simulation Doppler radar gun, the vehicle motion is detected Doppler frequency spectrum analysis in MATLAB simulation software.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 韩晶晶

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本文首先研究了ISAR成像的基本原理,在理想转台模型的基础上对距离-多普勒(R-D)成像算法做了分析,对目前常用的运动补偿技术进行了对比和研究,并将这些技术用于雅克-42飞机的实测数据中。然后,论文系统地论述了压缩感知主体理论,重点对信号重构中的基追踪(BP)算法和正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法进行了深入的研究和讨论,并通过正弦信号的仿真结果验证了两种方法的有效性。-Firstly, the basic principle of ISAR imaging study, based on an ideal model for distance turntable- Doppler (RD) imaging algorithm to do the analysis of the motion compensation techniques currently used are compared and studied, and the use of these technologies in the measured data in the Yak-42 aircraft. Then, the paper systematically discusses the theory of compressed sensing body, focusing on the signal reconstruction of the base track (BP) algorithm and orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm is conducted in-depth studies and discussions, and the simulation results verify the sinusoidal signal the effectiveness of the two methods.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12kb Publisher : tianyuetong

图像分析中使用到的运动估计,包含MATLAB的代码-Images used in the analysis to the motion estimation, contain MATLAB code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : liudonglin

1.纽马克算法,振动分析方法,计算多自由度系统振动响应,位移,速度,加速度 2.用于计算多自由度系统固有频率、固有振型、模态质量、模态刚度矩阵、正则模态向量、受迫响应振动 3.里兹法是一种缩减系统自由度的近似方法,用于多自由度系统的求解 4.庞加莱截面图法,用来对多变量自治系统的运动进行分析 5.频谱图法,用于系统的频域分析 6.线加速度法求解系统振动响应 7.雨流计数法,主要用于工程界, 特别在疲劳寿命计算中运用非常广泛,对载荷的时间历程通过计数的过程反映了材料的记忆特性-1. Newmark algorithm, vibration analysis method to calculate multiple degrees of freedom system vibration, displacement, velocity, acceleration 2. Multi-DOF system for calculating the natural frequencies, mode shapes, modal mass, modal stiffness matrix, normal modes state vector, forced vibration response 3. Ritz method is an approximate method to reduce the degrees of freedom for multi-degree of freedom systems solving 4. Poincare sectional view method for multivariable autonomous motion system are 5. the spectrum analysis method for frequency domain analysis system 6. the method for solving linear acceleration system vibration 7. the rain flow counting method, mainly used in engineering, especially used in the calculation of the fatigue life of a very wide range of load time through the course of the process of counting it reflects the memory characteristics of the material
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14kb Publisher : 邱飞

Computer vision algorithms execute some of the most compu-tational intensive tasks in problems such as pattern recognitionand motion analysis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.08mb Publisher : alireza0675

四轮转向车辆操纵稳定性仿真分析,首先建立二自由度四轮转向车辆运动微分方程,求解出横摆角速度、质心侧偏角、侧向加速度的传递函数,然后在MATLAB环境中通过M语言编写仿真软件对传递函数的时域与频域特性进行计算,最后将仿真数据与前轮转向车辆仿真数据进行对比分析。(The simulation analysis of steering stability of four-wheel steering vehicles first establishes the differential equation of motion of two-degree-of-freedom four-wheel steering vehicle, and solves the transfer function of yaw angular velocity, centroid side yaw angle and lateral acceleration, and then passes the medium language in MATLAB environment. The simulation software is written to calculate the time domain and frequency domain characteristics of the transfer function. Finally, the simulation data is compared with the front wheel steering vehicle simulation data.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 气体扩散层

folder = 'C:\Users\erinb\Documents\NTNU\Teaching\EWEM_H14\ProjectDescription\xxSRA_models\OC4semi\Decay6'; % folder % where the analysis was carried out bodyNum = 1; % body number motion = 6; %1 for surge, 3 for heave, 5 for pitch, 6 for yaw FFT_tmax = 1000; % maximum time for the FFT plot %(reduce if motions have already died out) endRamp = 360; % start time for decay test matfileName = 'm001.m'; wnForDampCoeff = 2*pi/80.4; % natural frequency in rad/s for damping coefficient % calculation. The damping coefficient calculation will not run for % wnForDampCoeff=0. This should be updated.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 405kb Publisher : tariq
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