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java写的一个鼠标手势识别程序 java写的一个鼠标手势识别程序-java write a mouse gesture recognition procedures java write a mouse gesture recognition procedures
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 44.64kb Publisher : lea

鼠标手势识别系统,利用神经网络进行学习,用VC编译。-mouse gesture recognition system, neural network learning, compiled with VC.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 101.41kb Publisher : Frankie

java写的一个鼠标手势识别程序 java写的一个鼠标手势识别程序-java write a mouse gesture recognition procedures java write a mouse gesture recognition procedures
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : lea

鼠标手势识别系统,利用神经网络进行学习,用VC编译。-mouse gesture recognition system, neural network learning, compiled with VC.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 102kb Publisher : Frankie

DL : 0
英文类手写输入 用as3实现的。何以识别0-9,A-Z这些字。用鼠标在书写区写出文字,程序就能识别得到。-English handwriting input using AS3 Class achievable. Why the identification of 0-9, AZ these words. With the mouse to write text in the writing area, the program will be able to receive recognition.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 114kb Publisher :

Wouldn t it be great if we could somehow give visual commands to our computer without touching the keyboard or mouse? In this article, we will put together a simple laser gesture recognition application and use it to control Windows Media Player. This is far more comfortable than using a remote control because you don t have to look for the correct buttons in the dark. All you have to do is make a few simple gestures anywhere in the camera s field of view with a laser pointer, and that s it! This program recognizes simple gestures made on a wall with a laser pointer such as left, right, up, down, two downward and two upward diagonals. This program could be modified to recognize some more gestures however, it cannot recognize complex gestures since I haven t taken a neural network approach for image recognition. 通过“手势”控制媒体播放器。-Wouldn t it be great if we could somehow give visual commands to our computer without touching the keyboard or mouse? In this article, we will put together a simple laser gesture recognition application and use it to control Windows Media Player. This is far more comfortable than using a remote control because you don t have to look for the correct buttons in the dark. All you have to do is make a few simple gestures anywhere in the camera s field of view with a laser pointer, and that s it! This program recognizes simple gestures made on a wall with a laser pointer such as left, right, up, down, two downward and two upward diagonals. This program could be modified to recognize some more gestures however, it cannot recognize complex gestures since I haven t taken a neural network approach for image recognition. through the
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 340kb Publisher : 成东

基于BP神经网络的鼠标手势识别算法与实验程序GestureStudy-BP neural network based on the mouse gesture recognition algorithm and experimental procedures GestureStudy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 856kb Publisher : zyanghai

基于点轨迹的手势识别.鼠标右键点击开始记录鼠标轨迹,基于记录的轨迹,利用神经网络算法进行识别.-Trajectory based on the point of gesture recognition. By right-clicking the mouse to start recording the track, based on track record, the use of neural network algorithm to identify.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 101kb Publisher : wdx

DL : 0
一个手势识别程序,使用有监督的神经网络实现,用户可以在窗口区域内用鼠标模拟手势,程序可以自动识别,而且可以自定义手势-a gesture recognition program based on Neural Network,the gestrue can be simulated by mouse move, furthermore, you can also define the gesture by yourself
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 56kb Publisher : EA

利用MFC写的一个鼠标手势识别的DEMO程序。-MFC write using a mouse gesture recognition of the DEMO program.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 86kb Publisher : 郑轩

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本程序基于 BP 神经网络完成了对用户使用鼠标输入的特定手势的识别,并且可以学习 用户创建的新手势。程序中已经存储的手势是 Palm 系列掌上电脑中手写识别专用的 Graffiti 字体的数字 0~9,这种字体的特点是每个字由一个连续笔划构成,适合用一个连贯的鼠标手势表示: -This procedure based on BP neural network was completed using the mouse to the user input of a specific gesture recognition, and users can learn to create new gestures. Procedures have been stored in the Palm series of hand gestures is a computer dedicated Graffiti handwriting recognition digital fonts 0 to 9, the font of each word is characterized by a continuous strokes by the composition, for consistency with a mouse gesture, said:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 290kb Publisher : 郑强

This is the mouse movement recognition, and can be used as gesture recognition in touch panel. The source code was complied under ubuntu 8.10
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 77kb Publisher : 缪炜

MFC写的一个鼠标手势识别的程序,能像firfox插件那样识别鼠标手势-MFC to write a mouse gesture recognition process, so as to identify firfox mouse gestures plug-ins
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 79kb Publisher : 伍永

XStroke是一个全屏幕的X Window系统识别程序。它捕获的指针设备,(如鼠标,手写笔,或触摸屏),识别笔画。-XStroke is a full-screen gesture recognition program for the X Window System. It captures gestures performed with a pointer device, (such as a mouse, a stylus, or a pen/tablet), recognizes the gestures and performs actions based on the gestures. xstroke has been developed on Linux systems, (i386 and StrongARM), but should be quite portable to any reasonable system with X.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : 詹魏

DL : 0
基于 BP 神经网络的鼠标手势识别实验程序-BP neural network based on the mouse gesture recognition test procedures
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1011kb Publisher : karl

DL : 0
mouse gesture recognition using java program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : e

一个手势识别来控制鼠标的软件 通过摄像头捕捉手的移动从而来控制鼠标-A gesture recognition software to control the mouse through the camera to capture hand movements to control the mouse
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 52kb Publisher : 邵华杰

Mouse Gesture recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 169kb Publisher : blibot

有监督方法训练BP神经网络,实现鼠标手势识别-BP Nutronetwork for mouse pose indentify
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.8mb Publisher : 陈唐龙

DL : 0
基于神经网络的鼠标手势识别算法及代码, 包括一份 PDF 论文.-A mouse gesture recognition algorithm based on neural network.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 732kb Publisher : TRX109
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