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Susan C. Hagness的1D FDTD(matlab)源码-Susan C. Hagness the 1D FDTD (matlab) source
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 小方

Tracking Algorithm: Object Delineation Method Files: Cmorph02.m Current version of tracking algorithm Parsampleflowgrav050901b1.m Sample parameter file 一种跟踪方法 国外网站转载-Instructions: Download the tracking algorithm and sample parameter file. The parameter file is set up for the sample movie on the lab web page, or use your own uncompressed avi and adjust the parameter file. Place all 3 in your Matlab root directory. Type: Cmorph02( Parsampleflowgrav050901b1 ).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12kb Publisher : Ming

image inpainting -CS7495 Final Project Sooraj Bhat Object Removal by Exemplar-based Inpainting USING THE CODE Everything was done in Matlab and MEX (i.e. a C function callable from Matlab). First, the C code needs to be compiled. At the Matlab prompt, type: mex bestexemplarhelper.c You should then be able to run the following (which takes ~2mins on my 2GHz Pentium 4 laptop with 256MB of RAM): [i1,i2,i3,c,d,mov] = inpaint( bungee0.png , bungee1.png ,[0 255 0]) A smaller run (~25 seconds) would be: [i1,i2,i3,c,d,mov] = inpaint( bw0.png , bw2.png ,[0 255 0]) To visualize: plotall close movie(mov) SAMPLE IMAGES & RESULTS *0.png The original images ( bw and bungee ) *{1,2}.png The different fill region masks. *P2.png Plots of confidence and data terms. *P5.png Plots of original, fill region, inpainted images and confidence and data terms. Other images in the dir contain redundant information. I di
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.69mb Publisher : majb
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