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[Other Embeded programMPU6050-DMP

Description: 读取MPU6050传感器DMP方式陀螺仪与加速度传感器融合后数据
Platform: | Size: 1393975 | Author: tumblerman | Hits:

[SCMMPU6050(硬件IIC) -mpu6050

Description: mpu6050的STM32F103驱动。(MPU6050 DRIVER FOR STM32F103)
Platform: | Size: 1868800 | Author: 发个非官方 | Hits:


Description: MPU60506轴加速度传感器计算姿态角(MPU6050 calculates attitude angles)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: xinbufengxing | Hits:


Description: mpu6050的使用说明,可以了解mpu6050陀螺仪(Mpu6050 instructions, can understand mpu6050 gyroscope)
Platform: | Size: 1057792 | Author: 李连华 | Hits:


Description: mpu6050的使用说明书,其中有mpu6050的相关资料(Mpu6050 operating instructions, including mpu6050 related information)
Platform: | Size: 1349632 | Author: 李连华 | Hits:


Description: STM32解算MPU6050工程文件,IIC读取6050数据,带DMP 。(STM32 calculation of MPU6050 engineering documents)
Platform: | Size: 2510848 | Author: 波斯小喵 | Hits:


Description: mpu6050驱动,供大家学习下载使用,来来来,快下载(Mpu6050 driver for everyone to learn to download, use, come and go, download!)
Platform: | Size: 15959040 | Author: 疾风小布 | Hits:


Description: 基于瑞萨,i2c通讯获取mpu6050数据(i2c example,C based on Renesas RX23t R5F523ADFM)
Platform: | Size: 301056 | Author: mikeyu | Hits:


Description: MPU6050说明书V5 GY521mpu-6050资料陀螺仪资料(MPU6050 description)
Platform: | Size: 1058816 | Author: charston | Hits:


Description: c51与mpu6050的使用程序,供大家参考参考(C51 and mpu6050 are used for reference)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: junzhao6120 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopMPU6050资料V5

Description: MPU6050六轴加速度传感器的相关资料,以及C语言例程,可以应用在自平衡小车上。(MPU6050 six-axis acceleration sensor of the relevant information, and C language routines, can be applied to self-balancing car.)
Platform: | Size: 4728832 | Author: nuaahz | Hits:

[SCMMPU6050 I2C读取数据 -精简版

Description: stm32通过iic读取mpu6050数据(stm32 read mpu6050 by iic)
Platform: | Size: 4699136 | Author: 晴儿2333 | Hits:


Description: MPU6050传感器资料,例程和软件(MPU6050 senser datasheet)
Platform: | Size: 3793920 | Author: barry11dd | Hits:

[Other Embeded programMPU6050六轴传感器实验

Description: 基于cortex-m内核的mpu6050六轴传感器实验(Experiment of mpu6050 six axis sensor based on Cortex-M kernel)
Platform: | Size: 445440 | Author: 代码狗 | Hits:


Description: mpu6050的msp430f5529驱动(the headfile of mpu6050 for the msp430f5529)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 秋皋库贞 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringmpu6050.zip

Description: MPU6050程序,检测显示xyz轴的加速度和角度(MPU6050 program to detect the acceleration and angle of the XYZ axis)
Platform: | Size: 5094400 | Author: cz310328 | Hits:

[SCMArduino MPU6050

Description: Arduino MPU6050串口输出角度(波特率9600 卡尔曼滤波)(Arduino MPU6050 serial output angle (baud rate 9600, Calman filter))
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: 18037581263 | Hits:


Description: MPU6050,包括初始化和LCD1602显示,功能可实现(MPU6050, including initialization and LCD1602 display, functions can be achieved)
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 啦啦啦1123 | Hits:


Description: 基于stm32的MPU6050收读取和模拟IIC 陀螺仪初始化配置,陀螺仪三轴加速度算法处理,俯仰角,航向角等四轴飞行器参数读取与显示。(MPU6050 receive, read, and simulate IIC based on stm32 Gyroscope initialization configuration, gyroscope three axis acceleration algorithm, pitch angle, heading angle and other four axis aircraft parameters are read and displayed.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 青青河边草Gi | Hits:


Description: 通过51单片机读取MPU6050的加速度和角速度数据并在LCD1602上面显示出来。(Through the 51 microcontroller to read MPU6050 acceleration and angular speed data, and displayed on the LCD1602 above.)
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: Dinvent | Hits:
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