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本系统采用access+asp开发,系统要求:windows9X+pws win2000(或更高)+IIS、IE 4.0以上及相关打印设备 2、处于安全考虑,建议安装使用前,先修改数据库路径(默认为\"tcadmin\\tcmdb\")及数据库名称,然后修改文件tcconn.asp相应路径设置 3、本系统所有日期格式均为:yyyy-mm-dd,例如:2004-03-28.请按此格式输入日期,否则日期数据拒绝存入数据库 4、档案输出文件为word(*.doc)格式。由于个人配置及环境不一,所以输出后建议用MS word稍作编辑 5、系统所有查找定位均支持模糊查找。例:输入关键词:\"李\",选择条件按 \"姓名\" 查找,则记录列表将显示所有姓名中含有\"李\"字的教师记录 6、教师业务档案输出时,建议先保存后编辑,以免给你造成不必要的麻烦 7、教师查询页面学院首页指向:tcadmin/user_search.asp 8、教师业务档案管理系统登陆页面学院首页调用:login.htm ,调用方法:首页插入代码:<iframe src=\"你的路径/tcadmin/login.htm\" scrolling=\"no\" frameborder=\"0\"></ifram-access the system using asp development, system requirements : windows9X pws WIN2000 (or higher) IIS, IE 4.0 and related printing equipment, in safety considerations, the proposed installation, modify the database path first (default "tcadmin \\ tcmdb") and the database name, then amend the document tcconn.asp corresponding set up three paths, all of the system date formats are : yyyy-mm-dd, for example :2004-03-28. Click Enter the date format, Otherwise, the date of data stored in the database refused to 4, the output files for word document (*. doc) format. Due to personal and environmental different configuration, the output after the proposed MS word minor editing 5, All search positioning system support fuzzy search. For example : Enter your keywords : "Lee", the ch
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 687.75kb Publisher : dengweian

DL : 0
本系统采用access+asp开发,系统要求:windows9X+pws win2000(或更高)+IIS、IE 4.0以上及相关打印设备 2、处于安全考虑,建议安装使用前,先修改数据库路径(默认为"tcadmin\tcmdb")及数据库名称,然后修改文件tcconn.asp相应路径设置 3、本系统所有日期格式均为:yyyy-mm-dd,例如:2004-03-28.请按此格式输入日期,否则日期数据拒绝存入数据库 4、档案输出文件为word(*.doc)格式。由于个人配置及环境不一,所以输出后建议用MS word稍作编辑 5、系统所有查找定位均支持模糊查找。例:输入关键词:"李",选择条件按 "姓名" 查找,则记录列表将显示所有姓名中含有"李"字的教师记录 6、教师业务档案输出时,建议先保存后编辑,以免给你造成不必要的麻烦 7、教师查询页面学院首页指向:tcadmin/user_search.asp 8、教师业务档案管理系统登陆页面学院首页调用:login.htm ,调用方法:首页插入代码:<iframe src="你的路径/tcadmin/login.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></ifram-access the system using asp development, system requirements : windows9X pws WIN2000 (or higher) IIS, IE 4.0 and related printing equipment, in safety considerations, the proposed installation, modify the database path first (default "tcadmin \ tcmdb") and the database name, then amend the document tcconn.asp corresponding set up three paths, all of the system date formats are : yyyy-mm-dd, for example :2004-03-28. Click Enter the date format, Otherwise, the date of data stored in the database refused to 4, the output files for word document (*. doc) format. Due to personal and environmental different configuration, the output after the proposed MS word minor editing 5, All search positioning system support fuzzy search. For example : Enter your keywords : "Lee", the ch
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 688kb Publisher : dengweian

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 920kb Publisher : spark.lei
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