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Description:   对于网络,其生成树中的边也带权,将生成树各边的权值总和称为生成树的权,并将权值最小的生成树称为最小生成树(Minimun Spanning Tree),简称为MST。   Prim算法的基本思想是:   (1) 在图G=(V, E) (V表示顶点 ,E表示边)中,从集合V中任取一个顶点(例如取顶点v0)放入集合 U中,这时 U={v0},集合T(E)为空。   (2) 从v0出发寻找与U中顶点相邻(另一顶点在V中)权值最小的边的另一顶点v1,并使v1加入U。即U={v0,v1 },同时将该边加入集合T(E)中。   (3) 重复(2),直到U = V为止。 -prim
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: zc | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developusb-tools

Description: mst方案芯片升级USB工具,内包含整个ORCAD原理图及PADS原理图及零件BOM清单,有需要的可以下载参考。 -mst program chip to upgrade USB tool, contains the entire ORCAD and PADS schematic diagram and parts BOM list of those in need can be downloaded for reference.
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: yangwen | Hits:


Description: 算法特点:该算法的特点是当前形成的集合T始终是一棵树。将T中U和TE分别看作红点和红边集,V-U看作蓝点集。算法的每一步均是在连接红、蓝点集的紫边中选择一条轻边扩充进T中。MST性质保证了此边是安全的。T从任意的根r开始,并逐渐生长直至U=V,即T包含了 C中所有的顶点为止。MST性质确保此时的T是G的一棵MST。因为每次添加的边是使树中的权尽可能小,因此这是一种"贪心"的策略。 -Algorithm characteristics: the algorithm is characterized by the formation of the current set of T is always a tree. The T, U and TE were seen as red dots and red edge set, VU as a blue dot set. Every step of the algorithm are connecting the red, blue, choose a set of purple fringing to expand into the T in the light side. The nature side of MST to ensure that this is safe. T starting from any root r, and gradually grow up to U = V, ie T contains all the vertices of C so far. MST to ensure that this time the nature of the tree T is a G MST. Because each side is to add the right tree as small as possible, so this is a " greedy" strategy.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 吕济根 | Hits:

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