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[Other Databasesmadtable

Description: 什么数据库源码太复杂 搞不懂了码重复或已经存在-What database do not understand source code is too complex to repeat the code or already exists
Platform: | Size: 1288192 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Developmtbfq

Description: 用C++编写的媒体播放器,做得不是很好,只是供大家参考一下-With C++ Prepared media player is not doing well, just for your reference
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 阿云 | Hits:

[Windows Developmpb-demo

Description: Example document for using MTB from MIT
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: Berns Buenaobra | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMTB-255

Description: mtb-255 cog lcd config
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: ali | Hits:

[Software EngineeringHDR-upload

Description: Programmer : 李哲瑋 吳伊娜 ID : R04943020 R04945012 Date : 2016/3/31 Enviroment : MATLAB R2013a Description : A high dynamic range imaging and tone mapping implementation, MTB alignment Devebec s HDR reconstruction method photographic tone mapping. Usage : *main.m user can set true or false to pick whether you want to implement MTB,Sample or ToneMapping -IS_MTB -LOAD_SAMPLE -TONE_TRIG other parameters can be changed in main. *spec.txt in /photos2 user can change read in photos by changing this .txt file-Programmer : 李哲瑋 吳伊娜 ID : R04943020 R04945012 Date : 2016/3/31 Enviroment : MATLAB R2013a Description : A high dynamic range imaging and tone mapping implementation, MTB alignment Devebec s HDR reconstruction method photographic tone mapping. Usage : *main.m user can set true or false to pick whether you want to implement MTB,Sample or ToneMapping -IS_MTB -LOAD_SAMPLE -TONE_TRIG other parameters can be changed in main. *spec.txt in /photos2 user can change read in photos by changing this .txt file
Platform: | Size: 5288960 | Author: JeffLeeNTU | Hits:

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