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大型CFD源程序DUNS,求威望 介绍: Diagonalized ADI Navier-Stokes (DUNS) Code The DUNS code is a 2d/3d, structured, multi-block, multi-species, unsteady or steady, Navier Stokes fluid dynamics code with the q-omega turbulence model. It is configurable on several different levels allowing you to make the code as general or as efficient as you desire. It has been developed on Linux, Cray, RISC6000 and to a lesser extent SGI and HP architectures. It is written in FORTRAN-77 and C. It has been used primarily as a research code, and because of that, the coding can be at times rather undocumented and unclear.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : 胡小三

大型CFD源程序DUNS,求威望 介绍: Diagonalized ADI Navier-Stokes (DUNS) Code The DUNS code is a 2d/3d, structured, multi-block, multi-species, unsteady or steady, Navier Stokes fluid dynamics code with the q-omega turbulence model. It is configurable on several different levels allowing you to make the code as general or as efficient as you desire. It has been developed on Linux, Cray, RISC6000 and to a lesser extent SGI and HP architectures. It is written in FORTRAN-77 and C. It has been used primarily as a research code, and because of that, the coding can be at times rather undocumented and unclear.-Large-scale CFD source DUNS, seeking prestige Introduction: Diagonalized ADI Navier-Stokes (DUNS) CodeThe DUNS code is a 2d/3d, structured, multi-block, multi-species, unsteady or steady, Navier Stokes fluid dynamics code with the q- omega turbulence model. It is configurable on several different levels allowing you to make the codeas general or as efficient as you desire. It has been developed on Linux, Cray, RISC6000 and to a lesser extent SGI and HP architectures. It is written in FORTRAN-77 and C. It has been used primarily as a researchcode, and because of that, the coding can be at times rather undocumentedand unclear.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : 胡小三

使用多缓冲技术 来实现 小内存情况下,媒体播放的流畅-Using multi-buffering technology to achieve small memory case, the fluid media player
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 73kb Publisher : 白鹏翔

多重网格法及其在计算流体力学中的应用,流体力学新的算法-Multi-grid method and its application in computational fluid dynamics, fluid dynamics, the new algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.62mb Publisher : 吕惊雷

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求解一个多层分层流体中色散方程频率和波数关系的程序-Solving a multi-layer stratified fluid in the dispersion equation the relationship between the frequency and wave number of the procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yaojinwei

课程设计的主要内容为开发一个实时绘制大规模三维场景的程序系统,应老师要求,完成的主要功能如下。 必做部分: 1. 采用3DS Max对三维场景进行了建模。场景中包含了建筑物、道路、天空等基本元素,实现了场景的纹理贴图功能。(见图1,2) 2. 实现了通过3DS Loader读取场景数据。 3. 使用了OpenGL和GLUT扩展库来实时绘制上述场景,画面生成速度达到36帧/秒。 4. 提供了友善的用户界面,并实现了多角度场景的交互漫游,可以以第一人称行走的方式漫游场景,也可以以鸟瞰的方式从空中察看。 选做部分: 1. 在场景中添加了三维地形,并且人物可以随高度起伏、沿地形漫游场景。 2. 采用了流体模拟技术模拟水面的波动,并且模拟了流体与刚体的交互,显示了一个在水面上浮动的木块。 3. 实现了烟雾气象条件的实时绘制,并绘制了天空盒上的云。 4. 实现了碰撞检测技术,实时检测摄像机(即人的视点)与物体的碰撞,避免了穿墙等不真实的景象发生。 5. 实现了简单的计算动画技术,模拟了F111战斗机的飞行。 6. 实现了Billboard绘制技术,采用Billboard技术绘制数目,提高了程序运行效率。 -The main content of courses designed to develop a real-time rendering system of procedures for large-scale three-dimensional scene, the teacher should be required to complete the main functions as follows. Some will do: 1. Using 3DS Max to model three-dimensional scene. Scene includes buildings, roads, basic elements of the sky and realized the scene Texture mapping feature. (See Figure 1,2) 2. Achieved through 3DS Loader reads the scene data. Specific methods, see below. 3. Using OpenGL and GLUT extension to real-time rendering the scene, generating speeds of up to 36 images/sec. 4. Provides a friendly user interface, and implements interactive multi-angle scene roaming, you can walk the way the first person roaming scenario Bird s eye view of the way can also be from the air look. Some choose to do: 1. In the three-dimensional terrain scenes added, and the figure can rise and fall with height, roaming along the terrain scene. 2. Using a fluid simulation technology to simula
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.72mb Publisher : 王晓宁

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Flow 3D是具有高度可靠性的具有多种用途的CFD(计算流体动力学)软件,广泛应用在水利,环境工程,金属铸造,等领域,,它能够精确地模拟具有自由表面的流体的流动问题。 好不容易与别人交换而来的程序。 -Flow 3D is a highly reliable multi-purpose CFD (computational fluid dynamics) software, widely used in water conservancy, environmental engineering, metal fabrication, aerospace, micro-electromechanical systems, painting, daily necessities and other areas, it can accurately to simulate free surface fluid flow problems. Finally exchanged with others from the program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 89kb Publisher : 吴方

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本书全面系统介绍了小波分析的基本理论和最新研究成果,重点介绍小波分析的应用成果,并通过软件实现来检验应用效果。全书分为三篇:第一篇是小波理论,包含8章内容,小波分析的发展历史及文献综述、准备知识、多分辨分析与共轭滤波器、连续小波变换、最佳小波基的构造及算法、二维母小波的构造、框架与样条小波理论、时间----频率分析;第二篇是小波应用,包含12章内容,详细介绍了小波分析在图象压缩、流体力学、工业CT、故障诊断、语音分割、数学物理、地球物理勘探、医学细胞识别、线性系统、神经网络等方面的应用;第三篇是小波软件,将第一篇和第二篇的重要算法用C语言实现,且全部在微机上调试通过,读者可直接应用或稍加修改即见成效。-This book systematically introduces the basic theory of wavelet analysis and the latest research results, focusing on the application of wavelet analysis results and applications through the software to test results. The book is divided into three: first is the wavelet theory, contains 8 chapters, the history of development of wavelet analysis and literature review, preparation of knowledge, multi-resolution analysis of the conjugate filter, continuous wavelet transform, the best wavelet algorithm for the construction and two-dimensional structure of the mother wavelet, frame and spline wavelet theory, time frequency analysis---- second is the wavelet applications, contains 12 chapters, detailing the wavelet analysis in image compression, fluid mechanics, industrial CT , fault diagnosis, speech segmentation, mathematical physics, geophysical exploration, medical cell recognition, linear systems, neural networks and other applications third is the wavelet software, the importance of t
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.05mb Publisher :

一本关于多重网格法的书,适合用于流体等专业学生-A book on multi-grid method, suitable for the fluid, and other professional students
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.86mb Publisher : renlin

流体力学相干结构 多尺度 小波分解 正确的小波变换 里面包含了关于流体力学对于相干结构的描述-Wavelet multi-scale coherent structures in fluid mechanics correct the wavelet decomposition which contains information on fluid mechanics for the description of coherent structures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : baoquan

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多相流动lbm计算,实现shanchen模型-Multi-component fluid, using a LB method, based on the Shan-Chen model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李飞

探讨微流道网络中电动力学流体的多物理场模拟。对于在Y-连接处合并的长流道网络的模拟,它把长流道(0-D)耦合边界条件的代数约束和2-D Y-连接结合起来。采用耦合变量,这些作为多物理场的扩展来实施。 -Explore the multi-physics simulation of of electrodynamics fluid in the microfluidic network. For the simulation of the merger of long-runner in the Y-junction network, it is the long flow channel coupled algebraic constraints of the boundary conditions (0-D) and 2-D Y-connection combined. Coupling variables, which are implemented as an extension of the multi-physics.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.9mb Publisher : cichin

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多孔介质流动程序,基于Shan-Chen模型,使用格子玻尔兹曼理论-Multi-component fluid, using a LB method,based on the Shan-Chen model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yang

Multi-component fluid, using a LB method, based on the Shan-Chen model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : solitpapa

地震资料解释 叠前多角度组合流体识别-Prestacking Multi-angle Combination fluid identification
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李斌

Multi-component fluid, using a LB method
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher :

Maple和Matlab是公式推导和计算的软件,最早是理论物理工作者为简化在原子核有关的公式推导而产生的。后来被用在极其复杂的公式推导和程序编制中。 作为现代科技的前沿数值计算,三维流体力学以及电磁学方程,核工程的方程在曲线坐标情况下,都是十分复杂的。仅仅流体力学的三个动量方程的项数就超过2532项,能量方程就有1583项,应力张量有954项,牵涉到湍流和边界条件的处理负复杂度还会加倍。 常微分方程也越来越复杂,多发动机停车的系统方程组用A4纸打印出来有800多页,所以这些高科技计算仅就公式的推导以及数值计算所需要的离散就已经几乎超出了人工推导及编译的极限,很需要依靠这类带有人工推理的软件协助解决此类问题,现在通过这些软件可以满足这个需要,他不但推导公式,而且推导出计算数学的离散描述,进一步把算法翻译成 “C”语言、VB、Java,等各类计算机源程序, 从而避免了手编程序的繁杂和疏漏。-Maple is the formula derivation and calculation software , the earliest theoretical physics related to nuclear workers in order to simplify the derivation of the formula generated . Was later used in an extremely complex formula derivation and procedures in preparation . Calculated as the frontier values ​ ​ of modern technology, as well as three-dimensional hydrodynamic equations of electromagnetism , nuclear engineering equations in curvilinear coordinates cases are very complex . Several just three momentum equations of fluid mechanics on more than 2532 , the energy equation have 1583 , there are 954 stress tensor , the complexity involved in the processing of negative turbulence and boundary conditions will be doubled. ODE is also more complex, multi- engine shutdown system of equations using A4 paper to print out more than 800 pages, and so derive the required discrete numerical calculation only these high-tech formula has almost beyond human derivation and limit the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : yangxintie

A new Eulerian-Lagrangian coupling algorithm and improved multi-material ALE-capabilities have made LS-DYNA an efficient tool for analyzing large deformation processes, such as bird strike events and forging operations.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 453kb Publisher : Tianma

ANSYS Fluent软件内置丰富的模型流、湍流、热传导和工业应用相互作用所需的物理建模功能,应用范围涵盖机翼气流、炉内燃烧、泡罩塔、石油平台、血流、半导体制造、无尘室设计和污水处理厂。借助专用模型,该软件能够对气缸内燃烧、空气声学、旋转机械和多物理场系统进行建模,从而进一步拓展了其应用范围。-ANSYS Fluent software built-in rich model flow, turbulence, heat transfer and industrial applications required interaction physical modeling capabilities, applications ranging wing airflow, combustion furnace, bubble column, oil platforms, blood, semiconductor manufacturing, no dust chamber design and sewage treatment plants. With the special model, the software is capable of in-cylinder combustion, aero-acoustics, rotating machinery and multi-physics modeling system to further expand its scope of application.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.41mb Publisher : terrence lee

DL : 0
以稀疏子空间聚类以及低秩子空间聚类等基本谱聚类算法为基础,通过 运用核映射算法,融合与数据本身结构相关的局部切线空间函数以及主成分分析 算法建立了可以应对独立子空间聚类、非独立子空间聚类、非线性聚类、混合多 流体聚类问题以及多种含有大数据量的实际问题,包括处理运动分割、人脸识别、 工件识别等情况中的多种类型数据分类的聚类算法,并且引入 Map-Reduce 并行处 理方法优化了算法的计算效率(Based on the basic spectral clustering algorithm such as sparse subspace clustering and low rank subspace clustering, the local tangent space function and the principal component analysis algorithm are established by using the kernel mapping algorithm, which can deal with the independent subspace Clustering, non-independent subspace clustering, nonlinear clustering, mixed multi-fluid clustering problems and a variety of practical problems with large amounts of data, including dealing with motion segmentation, face recognition, workpiece recognition, etc. Data clustering algorithm, and the introduction of Map-Reduce parallel processing method to optimize the computational efficiency of the algorithm)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 奏凯吧
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