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[GUI Develop录入信息程序

Description: 本程序用于录入姓名、性别、爱好、所在学院、专业;并要求学院选定后才在专业列表框中显示该学院的专业。将最终用户信息显示在一个多行编辑框里。 并可以用于实现用户在第一个编辑框里输入的内容的反转、全大写、全小写,把转换后的结果显示在只读编辑框里。-procedures for the entry of the name, sex, love, the host institutions, professional; College requirements and selected professional after the listbox revealed that the professional colleges. End-user information will be revealed in a multi-line editor frame. And users can be used to achieve in an editorial listing the contents of the input inversion, all uppercase, lowercase, after conversion to the results of the CD-frame editing.
Platform: | Size: 26875 | Author: 越吴 | Hits:


Description: 自己综合多方信息,编写的一个利用串口通信,进行电话计费系统。其中涉及串口通信,JPG图片调用,图片显示与LISTBOX覆盖等问题。其中还有一个关于色彩的BUG,请专家指正,我没有继续作下去,就结束任务了。-own integrated multi-information prepared by the use of a serial communications, the telephone billing system. Serial communication involved, JPG photo call, and pictures LISTBOX coverage and other issues. Among them were a color on the BUG, experts correct, I did not continue to go on and on the end of the mandate.
Platform: | Size: 703205 | Author: 桂林朱 | Hits:


Description: 可同时选择多项的列表框-listbox that can be selected multiple items
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 自己综合多方信息,编写的一个利用串口通信,进行电话计费系统。其中涉及串口通信,JPG图片调用,图片显示与LISTBOX覆盖等问题。其中还有一个关于色彩的BUG,请专家指正,我没有继续作下去,就结束任务了。-own integrated multi-information prepared by the use of a serial communications, the telephone billing system. Serial communication involved, JPG photo call, and pictures LISTBOX coverage and other issues. Among them were a color on the BUG, experts correct, I did not continue to go on and on the end of the mandate.
Platform: | Size: 702464 | Author: 桂林朱 | Hits:

[GUI Develop录入信息程序

Description: 本程序用于录入姓名、性别、爱好、所在学院、专业;并要求学院选定后才在专业列表框中显示该学院的专业。将最终用户信息显示在一个多行编辑框里。 并可以用于实现用户在第一个编辑框里输入的内容的反转、全大写、全小写,把转换后的结果显示在只读编辑框里。-procedures for the entry of the name, sex, love, the host institutions, professional; College requirements and selected professional after the listbox revealed that the professional colleges. End-user information will be revealed in a multi-line editor frame. And users can be used to achieve in an editorial listing the contents of the input inversion, all uppercase, lowercase, after conversion to the results of the CD-frame editing.
Platform: | Size: 1890304 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 增强弄listbox控件,多级选择!~ 以后,本人上传的代码不注重实用性,只注重理解,主要是教大家如何去写!~ -Get enhanced listbox control, multi-level selection! ~ After I upload the code does not focus on practicality, only focused on understanding, everyone is taught how to write! ~
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: retty | Hits:


Description: 实现带图标的listbox,文字一行显示不下的时候可以多行显示,并且可以将某一项设置为灰,既不响应鼠标。-To achieve with the icon of the listbox, the text shows that no less than the time line can be multi-line display and can be set to a gray, not in response to the mouse.
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: shaoyingzi | Hits:


Description: 多线程文件下载器 显示在listbox里 轮询 从downloadlist.ini中获取要下载的文件,并且校验MD5,存储数据库,重复的不再下载-Multi-threaded file download device displayed in the listbox inside polling from downloadlist.ini get to download the file, and verify MD5, store databases, repeat no longer download
Platform: | Size: 717824 | Author: 周荣誉 | Hits:


Description: 一个listbox控件的应用,内含两个LIST,并加入多线程工作机制-A listbox control, application, containing 2 LIST, and joined the working mechanism of multi-threaded
Platform: | Size: 4516864 | Author: zhaowenhao | Hits:


Description: 实现图片和文本换行的listbox代码。 每个item中可包含icon图标和多行文字。-Each list box item can be enabled or disabled, can have a icon on the left and its text can be multi-line. Even if almost the same visual effects can be obtained using a standard CListCtrl control, there are some differences that make CListBoxST better: Easy to use Standard CListBox methods Disabled items Multi-line text Methods to move items up, down, at top, at bottom Different hilight styles
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 呆呆 | Hits:


Description: VC++可的ListBox的多目标关联演示源程序,没有使用数据库,点击标题可显示出更加详细的内容,像一些简易的数据库程序的功能一样,展示如何使用具备多功能的目标关联的ListBox-VC++ can of ListBox multi target association demo source, not using database, click title can show more detailed content, like some simple database program functionality like demonstrate how use possess multifunctional target associated ListBox
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: fengchefei | Hits:


Description: 自绘listbox控件,实现多行文字内容-Since the draw listbox control, multi-line text
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: tt | Hits:


Description: VC编程实现ListBox多目标关联经典代码VC ListBox multi-objective programming code associated with the classical-VC ListBox multi-objective programming code associated with the classical
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: tang | Hits:


Description: Labview中多列列表控件的使用例程,对了解多列列表控件用法有一定帮助。-Labview multi-column list control in the use of routine, multi-column list control in understanding usage of some help.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: lilu | Hits:


Description: VC++可的ListBox的多目标关联演示源程序,没有使用数据库,点击标题可显示出更加详细的内容,像一些简易的数据库程序的功能一样,展示如何使用具备多功能的目标关联的ListBox。 -VC++ to the ListBox source multi-target association presentation, do not use the database, click on the title to display a more detailed content, such as some simple functions like the database program, showing how to use the target function is associated with ListBox.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: madud00073 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMulti.column.listbox.display.VB

Description: 多列显示方式VB列表框设计代码Multi-column list box display the design code for VB -Multi-column list box display the design code for VB
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李j | Hits:

[OS programlistbox-3

Description: A Multi-Level CCheckListbox - 多级列表框的源码-A Multi-Level CCheckListbox- multi-level list box
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 陈双林 | Hits:


Description: 高端大方的多行列表控件,机场标牌效果,非常漂亮-High-end generous multi-line list controls, airport signage effect, very nice
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: jimslin | Hits:


Description: How to split the listbox to multi columns
Platform: | Size: 5531 | Author: namcdao@gmail.com | Hits:


Description: How to split the listbox to multi column
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: namcdao | Hits:
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