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利用小波进行多尺度边缘检测,包含canny算法,多尺度边缘检测程序-Carried out using wavelet multiscale edge detection, including the canny algorithm, multi-scale edge detection procedure
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher :

本代码比较全面地给出了图像边缘检测常用的各种算法的代码,包括:基于LoG算子边缘检测、基于Canny算子的边缘检测、基于SUSAN算子的边缘检测、基于小波变换模极大值的边缘检测、利用有限冲击响应来提取不同方向边缘、采用灰度形态学膨胀和腐蚀,对图像进行单尺度和多尺度的形态学边缘检测-This code gives a more comprehensive variety of commonly used edge detection algorithm code, including: LoG operator based on edge detection, based on Canny operator edge detection based on SUSAN operator edge detection based on wavelet transform modulus maxima edge detection values ​ ​ using finite impulse response to extract edges in different directions, using grayscale morphological dilation and erosion, the image of the single-scale and multi-scale morphological edge detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 138kb Publisher : 朱玥
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