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DL : 0
功能列表 - 理论上可以上传无限大的文件 - 实时显示上传状态、进度 - 支持多文件上传以及与表单混合上传 - 方便的用户调用接口 - 兼容不同浏览器 - ... 注意: 1. UPU需要php4.3.0及其以上版本,并打开socket扩展 2. upu/temp为上传临时文件存放目录, upu/files为文件存放目录,这两个目录可以在 upu.class.php中指定。 3. 你的<form>中要有enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"这个属性,action为文件上传成功后 的处理页面,也就是说你的<form>完全按照正常的思路来写就可以了,唯一不同的是需 要加入onsubmit=\"return upuInit(this)\" 4. 上传成功后,可以使用$_POST来获取表单数据,如果是普通表单,直接 $_POST[ 表单名称 ]即可获得其值,如果是一个文件,则返回这样一个数组 $_POST[ 表单名字 ] = Array ( [filename] => [clientpath] => [savepath] => [filetype] => [filesize] => [extension] => ) -function list-theoretically unlimited upload large files-real-time display upload state, progress-support multi-file upload form and mixed with upload-called user-friendly interface-compatible with a variety of browsers - .. . Note : 1. UPU need php4.3.0 and above. and open the socket extension 2. Approved / temp to store temporary files upload directory, Approved / files for document storage directory, This directory can be in two upu.class.php designated. 3. You
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 45.61kb Publisher : kuang

LyfUpload 是一个免费 的ASP组件,遵从 RFC-1867 HTTP 请求, 它可以在ASP页面中 接收客户端浏览器使用encType= \"multipart/form-data\" 的Form上载的文件。 本版本支持单文件上载、多文件上载、限制文件大小上载、限制某一类型文件上载、 文件上载到数据库、数据库中读取文件及文件上载重命名等功能。-LyfUpload is a free ASP components comply with the RFC-1867 HTTP request, it can receive ASP pages client browser encType = "multipart / form-data" on the Form contained in the document. This version supports file uploading single, multi-file upload limit on the file size limit on a certain type file uploading, file uploading to the database, read the files and rename the file upload function.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 229.55kb Publisher : chen

This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant parts of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, including the request methods HEAD, GET, POST and PUT, and automatic handling of authorization, redirection requests, and cookies. Furthermore the included Codecs class contains coders and decoders for the base64, quoted-printable, URL-encoding, chunked and the multipart/form-data encodings. The whole thing is free, and licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) (note that this is not the same as the GPL).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 716.54kb Publisher : Guo Quan

javamail中的一部份 调用request.getParameter()获取主机信息,随后建立一个MimeMessage对象一个Multipart对象一个MimeBodyPart对象。(直接改后缀名txt——》rar)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.5kb Publisher : 闵彭伟

javamail中的一部份 调用request.getParameter()获取主机信息,随后建立一个MimeMessage对象一个Multipart对象一个MimeBodyPart对象。(直接改后缀名txt——》rar)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.07kb Publisher : 闵彭伟

unit UnitSendMail;


  Windows, SysUtils, Classes,StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Dialogs,
  IdMessage, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient,
  IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase,IdMessageClient, IdSMTPBase, IdSMTP, IdText,

function SendEMail(SenderName, SenderAddress: PChar;
    Receivename, ReceiveAddress: PChar; MailSubject, MailContent: PChar;
    JpgFileName: PChar; SendType: Integer; PicID: PChar; IsCustom: Boolean;Attachment:PChar): Boolean; stdcall;
function ConnectMailServer(Host, UserName, Password: PChar;
    Port: Integer): Boolean; stdcall;
procedure DisconnectMail; stdcall;

  TSendMailObj = class
    FHost: String;
    FPort: Integer;
    FUserName: String;
    FPassword: String;
    ASmtp: TIdSMTP;
    property Host: string read FHost write FHost;
    property Port: Integer read FPort write FPort;
    property UserName: String read FUserName write FUserName;
    property Password: String read FPassword write FPassword;
    constructor Create;
    function ConnectServer: Boolean;
    function SendEMail(SenderName, SenderAddress: PChar;
      Receivename, ReceiveAddress: PChar; MailSubject, MailContent: PChar;
      JpgFileName: PChar; SendType: Integer; PicID: PChar;
      IsCustom: Boolean;Attachment:PChar): Boolean;

  SendObj: TSendMailObj;


function SendEMail(SenderName, SenderAddress: PChar;
    Receivename, ReceiveAddress: PChar; MailSubject, MailContent: PChar;
    JpgFileName: PChar; SendType: Integer; PicID: PChar; IsCustom: Boolean;Attachment:PChar): Boolean; stdcall;
  Result :=  SendObj.SendEMail(SenderName, SenderAddress, Receivename,
          ReceiveAddress, MailSubject, MailContent,
            JpgFileName, SendType, PicID, IsCustom,Attachment);

function ConnectMailServer(Host, UserName, Password: PChar;
    Port: Integer): Boolean; stdcall;
    //if SendObj = nil then
    SendObj := TSendMailObj.Create;
{    if SendObj.ASmtp.Connected then
      SendObj.ASmtp.Disconnect;  }
    SendObj.Host := StrPas(Host);
    SendObj.Port := Port;
    SendObj.Username := StrPas(UserName);
    SendObj.Password := StrPas(Password);
    Result := SendObj.ConnectServer;
    Result := False;

procedure DisconnectMail; stdcall;
  if SendObj <> nil then
    if SendObj.ASmtp <> nil then
    SendObj := nil;
{ TSendMailObj }

function TSendMailObj.ConnectServer: Boolean;
  ASmtp.Host := FHost;
  ASmtp.Port := FPort;
  ASmtp.Username := FUserName;
  ASmtp.Password := FPassword;
    Result := ASmtp.Connected;
    Result := False;

constructor TSendMailObj.Create;
  ASmtp := TIdSMTP.Create(nil);


function TSendMailObj.SendEMail(SenderName, SenderAddress, Receivename,
  ReceiveAddress, MailSubject, MailContent, JpgFileName: PChar;
  SendType: Integer; PicID: PChar; IsCustom: Boolean;Attachment:PChar): Boolean;
  IdBody, IdHtml: TIdText;
  Att: TIdAttachmentFile;
  AMessage: TIdMessage;
  ASmtp_1: TIdSMTP;
  ASmtp_1 := TIdSMTP.Create(nil);
  ASmtp_1.Host := FHost;
  ASmtp_1.Port := FPort;
  ASmtp_1.Username := FUserName;
  ASmtp_1.Password := FPassword;
  //ASmtp_1.AuthType := atDefault;
  ASmtp_1.Connect; // }
  if not ASmtp.Connected then
  AMessage := TIdMessage.Create(nil);
  with AMessage do
    NoDecode := False;
    NoEncode := False;
    ContentType := 'multipart/mixed';
    Encoding := meMIME;
    MsgId := 'PrettyPic';
    if FileExists(StrPas(JpgFileName)) then
      References := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(StrPas(JpgFileName)), '')
      References := '';
    with Recipients.Add do
      Name := StrPas(Receivename);
      Address := StrPas(ReceiveAddress);
    Subject := StrPas(MailSubject);
    Sender.Name := StrPas(SenderName);
    Sender.Address := StrPas(SenderAddress);
    From.Name := Sender.Name;
    From.Address := Sender.Address;
    if SendType = 0 then
      IdBody := TIdText.Create(MessageParts);
      IdBody.ContentType := 'text/plain';
      IdHtml := TIdText.Create(MessageParts);
      IdHtml.ContentType := 'text/html;charset=gb2312';
      IdHtml.ContentTransfer := '7bit';
      IdHtml.Body.Add(' <html>');
      IdHtml.Body.Add('  <head>');
      IdHtml.Body.Add('      <title>' + StrPas(MailSubject) + ' </title>');
      IdHtml.Body.Add('  </head>');
      IdHtml.Body.Add('  <body title="' + References + '">');
      IdHtml.Body.Add('    ' + StrPas(MailContent) + ' <br>');
      if (not IsCustom) and FileExists(StrPas(JpgFileName)) then
        IdHtml.Body.Add('      <img src="cid:' + StrPas(PicID) + '" alt="' + ExtractFileName(StrPas(JpgFileName)) +
                            '" name="' + ExtractFileName(StrPas(JpgFileName)) + '" title="">');
      IdHtml.Body.Add('  </body>');
      IdHtml.Body.Add(' </html>');
    if FileExists(StrPas(JpgFileName)) then
      Att := TIdAttachmentFile.Create(MessageParts, StrPas(JpgFileName));
      Att.ExtraHeaders.Values['Content-ID'] := StrPas(PicID);
      Att.ContentType := 'image/jpg';
    if FileExists(StrPas(Attachment)) then
      Att := TIdAttachmentFile.Create(MessageParts, StrPas(Attachment));
    if Att <> nil then
    if IdBody <> nil then
    if IdHtml <> nil then
    if AMessage <> nil then

    ASmtp_1.Free; //}
    Result := True;
  except on e: Exception do
    Result := False;



Update : 2009-01-14 Size : 1.65kb Publisher : kennyxue

LyfUpload 是一个免费 的ASP组件,遵从 RFC-1867 HTTP 请求, 它可以在ASP页面中 接收客户端浏览器使用encType= "multipart/form-data" 的Form上载的文件。 本版本支持单文件上载、多文件上载、限制文件大小上载、限制某一类型文件上载、 文件上载到数据库、数据库中读取文件及文件上载重命名等功能。-LyfUpload is a free ASP components comply with the RFC-1867 HTTP request, it can receive ASP pages client browser encType = "multipart/form-data" on the Form contained in the document. This version supports file uploading single, multi-file upload limit on the file size limit on a certain type file uploading, file uploading to the database, read the files and rename the file upload function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 229kb Publisher : chen

DL : 0
功能列表 - 理论上可以上传无限大的文件 - 实时显示上传状态、进度 - 支持多文件上传以及与表单混合上传 - 方便的用户调用接口 - 兼容不同浏览器 - ... 注意: 1. UPU需要php4.3.0及其以上版本,并打开socket扩展 2. upu/temp为上传临时文件存放目录, upu/files为文件存放目录,这两个目录可以在 upu.class.php中指定。 3. 你的<form>中要有enctype="multipart/form-data"这个属性,action为文件上传成功后 的处理页面,也就是说你的<form>完全按照正常的思路来写就可以了,唯一不同的是需 要加入onsubmit="return upuInit(this)" 4. 上传成功后,可以使用$_POST来获取表单数据,如果是普通表单,直接 $_POST[ 表单名称 ]即可获得其值,如果是一个文件,则返回这样一个数组 $_POST[ 表单名字 ] = Array ( [filename] => [clientpath] => [savepath] => [filetype] => [filesize] => [extension] => ) -function list-theoretically unlimited upload large files-real-time display upload state, progress-support multi-file upload form and mixed with upload-called user-friendly interface-compatible with a variety of browsers- .. . Note : 1. UPU need php4.3.0 and above. and open the socket extension 2. Approved/temp to store temporary files upload directory, Approved/files for document storage directory, This directory can be in two upu.class.php designated. 3. You
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : kuang

This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant parts of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, including the request methods HEAD, GET, POST and PUT, and automatic handling of authorization, redirection requests, and cookies. Furthermore the included Codecs class contains coders and decoders for the base64, quoted-printable, URL-encoding, chunked and the multipart/form-data encodings. The whole thing is free, and licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) (note that this is not the same as the GPL). -This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant parts of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, including the request methods HEAD, GET, POST and PUT, and automatic handling of authorization, redirection requests, and cookies. Furthermore the included Codecs class contains coders and decoders for the base64, quoted-printable, URL-encoding, chunked and the multipart/form-data encodings. The whole thing is free, and licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL ) (note that this is not the same as the GPL).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 717kb Publisher : Guo Quan

javamail中的一部份 调用request.getParameter()获取主机信息,随后建立一个MimeMessage对象一个Multipart对象一个MimeBodyPart对象。(直接改后缀名txt——》rar)-JavaMail in a part of call request.getParameter () to obtain host information, followed by the creation of a MimeMessage object object of a MimeBodyPart a Multipart object. (Direct to the suffix of txt-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 闵彭伟

Springframework最好的Web框架-Springframework the best Web Framework
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 219kb Publisher : 吕务展

Spring源代码,开源的src\org\springframework\web\multipart\ MVC上传文件-Spring code src\org\springframework\web\multipart\ MVE Upload file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.13mb Publisher : zhai

This sample source code for multipart loading indicator for .net grids-This is sample source code for multipart loading indicator for .net grids
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 149kb Publisher : sathish

Web based binary image upload for ARM LPC2366 controller. Toolchain is Keil Realview MDK ARM ver 3.2 with RL ARM Real time Lib 3.40. RAR file contains webiap2.cgi file and HTTP_cgi file. HTTP_cgi file is modified in cgi_process_data to upload binary image of application using HTTP protcol. File upload is using HTML syntax method=\"post\" ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : kashinath

pop3 高级编写Client ActiveX for safe message delivery with SMTP protocol * Easy usage - one line command for complete delivery * Attachments, multipart messages, embed images, unicode support * Secure! SSL/TLS for transport, S/MIME for content protection * Create message with wodSmtp or from external source * Tested with most popular servers available -pop3 emailClient ActiveX for safe message delivery with SMTP protocol * Easy usage- one line command for complete delivery * Attachments, multipart messages, embed images, unicode support * Secure! SSL/TLS for transport, S/MIME for content protection * Create message with wodSmtp or from external source * Tested with most popular servers available
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : songzhihu

Client ActiveX for safe message delivery with SMTP protocol * Easy usage - one line command for complete delivery * Attachments, multipart messages, embed images, unicode support * Secure! SSL/TLS for transport, S/MIME for content protection * Create message with wodSmtp or from external source * Tested with most popular servers available -Client ActiveX for safe message delivery with SMTP protocol * Easy usage- one line command for complete delivery * Attachments, multipart messages, embed images, unicode support * Secure! SSL/TLS for transport, S/MIME for content protection * Create message with wodSmtp or from external source * Tested with most popular servers available
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : songzhihu

clever internet activex edition, it will help that easy to make internet programming, support to read webpage, write webpage, get multipart data, like flashget or internet download accelator
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.14mb Publisher : taehyun

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : lloyihc

DL : 0
一直以来,由于FileSystemObject的局限,所以ASP最大的难题就是文件上传,大多解决法就是安装 第三方上传组件。可第三方组件有很多问题,有的组件要注册,有的组件要在表单中加上他的版权信息。 还有的就是组件的兼容问题。 在网上也流传了很多无组件上传的代码,但都是只能上传文本文件,或是只能将文件上传到数据库中。 我这段时间在研究ASP,发现可以不用第三方组件上传任意类型的文件。就写了这个类,给大家一 个方便,整个类放在一个文件中: 在 Example 目录下还有一个完整的多文件上传示 例程序,可以直接使用。 a)可直接运行于 Windows2000+IIS 5 NT4 或是 Win98+PWS, 要安装ADO2.6 下载地址: <!--#include FILE=""--> 就行了 b) 在使用文件上传时, 表单 form 要加上 enctype="multipart/form-data" 即: <form name="form1" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="text" value="abc" name="text1"> <input type=file name="file"> <input type=submit name="submit" value="提交"> </form> -All along, due to the limitations of FileSystemObject, so the biggest problem is the ASP file upload, most of the solution method is to install Third-party upload components. Third-party components can be a lot of problems, and some components to be registered, and some components in a form letter with his copyright Information. There is the component of the compatibility problems. The Internet has spread a lot of free component to upload code, but they are only uploading text files, or can upload the file to the database In. I study this period of time in ASP, not third-party components that can upload any type of file. To write this class to everyone A convenient, the whole class in a file: in the Example directory there is a complete multilingual Pieces show uploading Example program that can be used directly. a) can be directly run on Windows2000+ IIS 5 NT4 or Win98+ PWS, to install ADO2.6 Download:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : ICE

Multipart implements Body Source Code for Andriod.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : wenqilon
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