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[Other resourceVHDL范例

Description: 最高优先级编码器 8位相等比较器 三人表决器(三种不同的描述方式) 加法器描述 8位总线收发器:74245 (注2) 地址译码(for m68008) 多路选择器(使用select语句) LED七段译码 多路选择器(使用if-else语句) 双2-4译码器:74139 多路选择器(使用when-else语句) 二进制到BCD码转换 多路选择器 (使用case语句) 二进制到格雷码转换 双向总线(注2) 汉明纠错吗译码器 三态总线(注2) 汉明纠错吗编码器 解复用器 -highest priority encoder, compared to eight for phase three of the vote (the description of three different ways) Adder Description eight bus Transceivers : 74,245 (Note 2) address decoder (for m68008) Multiple choice (use select statement) LED paragraph 107 of decoding multiple choice ( use if-else statements) 2-4 dual decoder : over 74,139 road choice (use when-else statements) of the binary conversion BCD multiple choice (use case statement) binary Gray code conversion to a two-way bus (Note 2)? Hamming error correction decoder three-state Bus (Note 2)? Hamming error correction encoder demultiplexer
Platform: | Size: 42884 | Author: kerty | Hits:

[Other resourcesdgshjd

Description: 数字系统设计这是有关的相关源代码,有简易CPU 除法器、计数器等 ...[fpdiv_vhdl.rar] - 四位除法器的vhdl源程序 [vhdl范例.rar] - 最高优先级编码器8位相等比较器 三人表决器(三种不同的描述方式) 加法器描述 8位总线收发器:74245 (注2) 地址译码(for m68008) 多路选择器(使 BR> ... -Digital System Design This is the underlying source code, a simple CPU divider. Counter etc. ... [fpdiv_vhdl.rar] - 4 division of vhdl source [vh dl example. rar] - highest priority encoder compared to eight for phase three of the vote (the three different description ) Adder Description eight bus transceiver : 74245 (Note 2) address decoder (for m68008) Multiple choice (so that BR
Platform: | Size: 838 | Author: 张瑞 | Hits:


Description: 最高优先级编码器 8位相等比较器 三人表决器(三种不同的描述方式) 加法器描述 8位总线收发器:74245 (注2) 地址译码(for m68008) 多路选择器(使用select语句) LED七段译码 多路选择器(使用if-else语句) 双2-4译码器:74139 多路选择器(使用when-else语句) 二进制到BCD码转换 多路选择器 (使用case语句) 二进制到格雷码转换 双向总线(注2) 汉明纠错吗译码器 三态总线(注2) 汉明纠错吗编码器 解复用器 -highest priority encoder, compared to eight for phase three of the vote (the description of three different ways) Adder Description eight bus Transceivers : 74,245 (Note 2) address decoder (for m68008) Multiple choice (use select statement) LED paragraph 107 of decoding multiple choice ( use if-else statements) 2-4 dual decoder : over 74,139 road choice (use when-else statements) of the binary conversion BCD multiple choice (use case statement) binary Gray code conversion to a two-way bus (Note 2)? Hamming error correction decoder three-state Bus (Note 2)? Hamming error correction encoder demultiplexer
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: kerty | Hits:


Description: 数字系统设计这是有关的相关源代码,有简易CPU 除法器、计数器等 ...[fpdiv_vhdl.rar] - 四位除法器的vhdl源程序 [vhdl范例.rar] - 最高优先级编码器8位相等比较器 三人表决器(三种不同的描述方式) 加法器描述 8位总线收发器:74245 (注2) 地址译码(for m68008) 多路选择器(使 BR> ... -Digital System Design This is the underlying source code, a simple CPU divider. Counter etc. ... [fpdiv_vhdl.rar]- 4 division of vhdl source [vh dl example. rar]- highest priority encoder compared to eight for phase three of the vote (the three different description ) Adder Description eight bus transceiver : 74245 (Note 2) address decoder (for m68008) Multiple choice (so that BR
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张瑞 | Hits:


Description: 某次考试有20个单项选择题,下面是这20个题的正确答: //* 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D //* 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A //* 采用数组存储上述20个标准答案,要求用户输入考生的答 //* 案,并采用另一个数组存储,程序显示该生是否通过考试, //* 并显示考生答错的题数和题号。-A second examination 20 multiple-choice individual, the following is the correct title 20 Answer://* 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D//* 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A//* using an array of storage above 20 standard answer that requires a user to Enter the candidate s FOR//* case, and uses another array to store, process shows whether the student passed the exam,//* and display the number of candidates got the wrong answer and the question of its title.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yann | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLJNetCMS20081208

Description: 主要功能模块介绍: 1. 企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、营销网络、企业荣誉、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目等。 2. 新闻动态:发布企业新闻和业内资讯,从后台到前台真正实现无限级分类显示,并随意控制显示级数,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 3. 产品展示:发布企业产品,增加了产品权限,并可多选产品直接下订单询盘,无限级分类,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 4. 下载资源:发布供网站浏览者和客户下载的资料等,如使用手册、销售合同、软件等,无限级分类。 5. 其他信息:相当于无限扩展栏,并可进行无限分类,可以用于发布网站主栏目未归类的信息,如解决方案、成功案例、购买流程等。 6. 会员中心:会员可任意设置级别 7. 留言反馈:以留言板的模式让有意见和建议的浏览者反馈回来。 8. 站内检索:可检索站内全部栏目内容。 9. 友情链接:可设文字和图片链接方式。 10. 网站导航:可随意开通、屏蔽网站模块,并可设置站外链接,让网站可大可小。 11. 系统管理:管理密码修改、网站信息设置、 12.管理权限:可根据需要增设多个管理员帐户,并任意分配-Main function modules Description: 1. Corporate Information: Release introduce all kinds of information companies, such as corporate profiles, organizational structure, marketing network, business honor, contacts, and can freely add new sections and so on. 2. News: Release corporate news and industry information, from background to foreground truly unlimited class category display and control of display random series, greatly increasing the flexibility of information dissemination. 3. Products: Release enterprise products, increasing product privileges, and can place orders directly to multiple-choice product inquiry, infinite-level classification, greatly increasing the flexibility of information dissemination. 4. Download resources: Published for the website and the client to download the data and so on, such as manuals, sales contracts, software, unlimited class category. 5. Additional information: the equivalent of an unlimited extension column, and can conduct an unlimit
Platform: | Size: 3066880 | Author: 二叉刀 | Hits:

[Education soft systemhuahaisoftV2.0

Description: 1、后台管理员:admin;密码:admin 2、内有20位学生帐号;帐号:1,密码1;帐号:2,密码2…… 3、练习模式也要登陆,但不记录分数。 4、考试模式需在后台设置试卷后,一考试帐号只能参加一次。 5、本系统可批量导入试题,但asp的ADO读取EXCEL数据时同一列数据遇到不同数据类型时中断,并不是以空记录中断,填写导入的EXCEL时请保持相同的数据类型;遇到此问题时可以用ACCESS软件打开数据库,然后在“文件”-》“获取外部数据”-》“导入”,然后选择EXCEL文件导入相应的表。 6、checkbox 的值是一个逗号加一个空格分隔的,因此多选题批量导入时,导入文件的正确答案请按选项的顺序填写,并以逗号加一个空格分隔。 例:答案为ABC,正确格式为“A, B, C”。“A,B,C”,“B, A, C”都为错误格式。 7、本系统修改于网上的考试系统,版权归原作者所有。 8、如需程序定制,如考试内容指定知识点等,请QQ联系171643253. huahaisoft-1, background admin manager: Password: admin 2, has 20 students account Account: 1, the password 1 Account: 2, the password 2... 3, practise mode will log in, but not recorded scores. 4, examination mode should set in the background, a test paper after examination account could only join again. 5, this system can be batch import questions, but asp ADO data read EXCEL same column data to meet different data types, is not empty when interrupt record interrupt, fill in import EXCEL when please keep the same data types, Encounter this problem can use ACCESS database software, then open the document "- >" obtain external data "- >" induction ", select the EXCEL file keyword corresponding table. 6, checkbox value is a comma add a blank space, so multiple-choice questions, import documents batch import the correct answer please click option order fill in, and with a comma add a blank space. Example: the answer for ABC, correct format for "A, B, C". "A, B, C",
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: 葛冰 | Hits:

[WEB Codephpwind_BIG5_8.5

Description: 软件简介 PHPWind社区程序是一套采用php+mysql数据库方式运行并可生成html页面的全新且完善的强大系统。产品支持多种编码选择:GBK,BIG5,及UTF8。我们希望作为一个开源的系统,phpwind可以以其流畅的速度与高负载能力激起各位加入phpwind阵营的热情,并共同打造专业品牌phpwind! phpwind 8.5从内容的表现方式、组织形式和推送方式三个角度进行了加强。站长可根据实际运营需求设置版块图片内容的表现形式;个人中心新鲜事增加了话题功能,方便用户进行群聊和查找相关内容;注册可灵活的设置需要填写的字段和要推送给用户的内容等等,以下简单罗列,此外,phpwind 8.5除了兼容8.3的风格插件,还完美兼容phpwind 周边产品哦~~ -Software profile PHPWind community program is a set of using PHP+ mysql database can be operated in such a manner and generating HTML pages of new and perfect powerful systems. Product support multiple choice: GBK code, BIG5, and UTF8. We hope that as an open source system, with its phpwind can smooth the speed and high load ability to arouse everyone to join phpwind faction enthusiasm, and jointly create professional brand phpwind! The phpwind 8.5 expression from content, the organization forms and delivery ways to strengthen three viewpoints. According to actual operation demand webmaster forums pictures content set form Personal center s new increase the topic function, convenient user group chat and search relevant content Registered but flexible Settings need to fill in the fields and to push to the user content and so on, the following simple list, in addition, the phpwind 8.5 besides compatible 8.3, perfect compatibility style plugin phpwind peripheral products oh ~ ~
Platform: | Size: 13458432 | Author: 吕欢欢 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:单选题范例-This is a flash source file, with good results, the test platform for the flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code are: multiple choice paradigm
Platform: | Size: 316416 | Author: | Hits:

[WEB CodeLiangjingCMsFree

Description: 主要功能模块介绍 1. 企业信息:发布介绍企业的各类信息,如企业简介、组织机构、营销网络、企业荣誉、联系方式,并可随意增加新的栏目等。 2. 新闻动态:发布企业新闻和业内资讯,从后台到前台真正实现无限级分类显示,并随意控制显示级数,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 3. 产品展示:发布企业产品,按产品类别显示及搜索产品,并可多选产品直接下订单询盘,无限级分类,大大增加信息发布的灵活性。 4. 下载资源:发布供网站浏览者和客户下载的资料等,如使用手册、销售合同、软件等,无限级分类。 5. 人力资源:发布招聘信息,人才策略,浏览者可在线递交简历。 6. 其他信息:相当于无限扩展栏,并可进行无限分类,可以用于发布网站主栏目未归类的信息,如解决方案、成功案例、购买流程等。 7. 会员中心:会员可任意设置级别,并可根据级别限制浏览相关内容,会员机制与订购、应聘、留言三大模块有机结合的,我们充分考虑到了网站访问者的惰性,所以会员机制与三大模块又可完全脱离,即未注册也同样能留言、下订单、递交简历。 8. 留言反馈:-The main functional modules Enterprise information: release describes the various types of information such as company profiles, organization, marketing network, Honor, contact, and can be increased to the new column. 2 News: Publishing News and industry information, from background to foreground truly unlimited class classification, and free to control the display of the series, greatly increasing the flexibility of information. Products: publishing enterprise products, display and search for products by product category, can be multiple choice orders directly Inquiry, unlimited classification, greatly increase the flexibility of information dissemination. Downloads: release for the website and customers to download information, such as user manual, sales contracts, software, unlimited-class classification. (5) Human resources: job information, human resources strategy, the viewer can submit your resume online. Other information: the equivalent of an infinite extension bar, and
Platform: | Size: 1609728 | Author: 廖建波 | Hits:

[WEB Codexhvote_utf8

Description: 功能介绍: 1.所有的投票根据主题进行分类,系统可以设置任意多个投票主题 2.可以设置任意多个投票的问题以及答案 3.可以任意设置单选或者是多选形式的投票 4.可以设定是否限制同一IP重复投票,并且能够设置同一IP重复投票时间的限制 5.可以设定是否收集参与投票用户的信息 6.可以设定是否限制用户查看投票结果 7.可以设定投票主题的到期时间 8.可以清空整个投票主题的投票记录、票数 9.可以设置投票是文字形式还是图片形式 10.可以设置投票项每行的排列数量 -Features: a vote according to the subject classification system can be set to any number of voting Theme 2 can be set to any number of voting issues and answer any set radio or the form of multiple choice voting. set whether to restrict the same IP duplicate voting, and the ability to set the same IP duplicate voting time constraints. can set whether to collect information to participate in the voting user can set whether to restrict the user to view the voting results can be set to vote topic expiration time can clear the entire voting record of voting theme, votes can be set to vote is a form of text or picture form 10 can be set to the vote of each line arranged in the number of
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 刘德华 | Hits:

[WEB Codeminitoupiaoxitong

Description: 功能介绍: 1.所有的投票根据主题进行分类,系统可以设置任意多个投票主题 2.可以设置任意多个投票的问题以及答案 3.可以任意设置单选或者是多选形式的投票 4.可以设定是否限制同一IP重复投票,并且能够设置同一IP重复投票时间的限制 5.可以设定是否收集参与投票用户的信息 6.可以设定是否限制用户查看投票结果 7.可以设定投票主题的到期时间 8.可以清空整个投票主题的投票记录、票数 9.可以设置投票是文字形式还是图片形式 10.可以设置投票项每行的排列数量 -Features: a vote according to the subject classification system can be set to any number of voting Theme 2 can be set to any number of voting issues and answer any set radio or the form of multiple choice voting. set whether to restrict the same IP duplicate voting, and the ability to set the same IP duplicate voting time constraints. can set whether to collect information to participate in the voting user can set whether to restrict the user to view the voting results can be set to vote topic expiration time can clear the entire voting record of voting theme, votes can be set to vote is a form of text or picture form 10 can be set to the vote of each line arranged in the number of
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: 刘德华 | Hits:


Description: The 2012 edition of the Kaoyan ideological and political theory over the years Zhenti the treasure house of multiple-choice sections of training
Platform: | Size: 786432 | Author: liaoyuya | Hits:

[WEB CodeBiceSurveyFree5.8

Description: 佰思超强自定义调查投票系统可完全自定义的调查投票管理系统,可以生成任何网上您所见到的投票调查问卷。简单好用,但不失功能强大。 简单易用的纯HTML静态表单制作系统 可完全自定义的调查投票管理系统,可以生成任何网上您所见到的投票调查问卷。 可自定义题目类型 (如单选+多选,单选+文字,纯文字,文字+列表等等类型),同时可自由组合各种新类型题目 可自定义制作生成绝大多数问卷调查报名表 可自定义制作生成绝大多数问卷调查,图片调查等 可自定义制作生成绝大多数心理测评 可自定义制作生成绝大多数逻辑问卷调查 可自定义制作生成绝大多数网络考试系统,自动打分问卷调查 可自定义制作生成绝大多数产品问卷调查反馈系统 可自由编辑界面,所有用户界面均采用纯Html页面(模版生成) 随时可对使用中投票调查进行更改,随时查看和分析调查结果。 多种投票限制方式,自由设置。 完美实现第3方被问卷调查用户权限控制 完美支持密码(序列号)问卷调查 支持iPad,iPhone,Android等移动设备参与调查-Bai thinking super self-survey voting system the defined investigation voting system can be completely custom, can generate any you have seen online poll questionnaire. Simple and easy to use, yet still powerful. Easy-to-use pure static HTML form production system Voting management system can completely customize the survey, you can generate any you have seen online poll questionnaire. Can customize the types of questions (such as radio multiple choice type of radio text, text, text, lists, etc.), while free combination of various new types subject The vast majority of survey registration form can generate custom production Custom production generates the vast majority of questionnaires, pictures investigation Generate custom produced most of the psychological evaluation Can generate custom produced most logical survey Generate custom produced the vast majority of network test system, automatic scoring survey The vast majority of products survey feedback system can generate
Platform: | Size: 4975616 | Author: 6169315 | Hits:

[WEB Codezvot

Description: 系统整合单选/多选一体化功能,并适合图文评选,适合用于大型媒体单位、机关单位、院校机构、集团公司、门户网站可用于城市评选、美景评选、优秀人物评选、活动评选,事迹评选. 智睿网络投票评选管理系统 6.8更新内容: 1、评选列表修正显示 -System integrated radio/multiple choice integration function, and suitable for graphic selection, suitable for large media units, organs and units and institutions of the Group companies, the portal can be used for city selection, beauty named outstanding character selection event selection deeds vote. Chile Core Network voted Management System 6.8 update: 1 selection list correction
Platform: | Size: 1642496 | Author: adsgdsg508 | Hits:


Description: 1.支持以下5种题目模式 A单项选择题目 B多项选择题目 C带文字输入框的单项选择题目 D带文字输入框的多项选择题目 E文字输入问答题 2.支持图片式题目 3.支持题目跳转,回答题目时选中设置了跳转的选项,下一道题目将显示跳转指定的题目 4.支持二种题目显示模式 A 全部题目一次显示,回答 B 每次显示一个题目回答 5.支持为问卷设置密码,输入正确的密码后才能回答问卷 6.支持设置需要输入用户资料才能回答问卷 7.支持防重复提交问卷功能 8.自动统计 所有有效问卷的总体情况, 自动记录每一个IP,每一个用户提交的问卷详细情况 -Support A single select topics of the following five topics mode B multiple-choice subject individually select topics of C with the text input box D with text input boxes, multiple-choice the topic E text input quiz 2. Supports picture-ended questions. Support the topics jump, answer questions, select the option to set the jump, under a topic will display jumps to the specified topic. supports two kinds of topics display mode A display all questions, answer B every time a topic to answer 5 support for the questionnaire set a password, enter the correct password before respondents support the settings you need to enter the user information in order to answer the questionnaire 7. to support anti repeated submit the survey 8 automatic statistics overall situation of all valid questionnaires, automatically records every IP , each users submit detailed questionnaire
Platform: | Size: 465920 | Author: 郁濑 | Hits:

[WEB CodeSsBm-1-free

Description: 后台目录/admin/ 帐号:admin 密码:admin 只要支持ASP环境,不需任何修改即可运行 报名表单,支持多达8种自由设置的组合方式 1.单选框 radio 2.复选框(多选) checkbox 3.带文字输入框的单选框 radio+text 4.带文字输入框的复选框(多选) checkbox+text 5.下拉框选择框 select 6.文本框 text 7.文本区域 textarea 8.日期选择题 text_date 具体设置效果 可以到嵩嵩系统官网查看最新演示 -Background catalog/admin/accounts: admin Password: admin support ASP environment, without any modifications to run the registration form, support up to 8 free set combinations radio button radio. Checkbox (multi- selected) checkbox of a single box with a text input box radio+text 4. checkbox (multiple choice) checkbox+text 5 drop-down box selection box the select 6. text box with a text input box text 7. the text area textarea 8. date the effect of multiple-choice questions text_date specific set to Song Song System official website to view the latest demo
Platform: | Size: 882688 | Author: fsdgsagoiw | Hits:


Description: 功能特点: 1、自定义上传文件类型、浏览资源管理器窗口标题; 2、根据登陆的用户session不同,自动上传至该用户名的目录下,如果没有该用户,则自动建立该用户目录; 3、支持多选,多项文件上传; 4、极速上传、几个G的文件列表上传速度极快; 5、文件大小不受限制; 6、可以自定义单文件大小、累计文件大小; 7、界面相当美观; 8、可扩展性、灵活性极高。 9、你自己发现吧-Function characteristics: 1, upload a custom file type, browse Explorer window title 2, according to the user logged on to session, automatically upload to the user name of the directory, if not the user, the user directory is created automatically 3, support multiple choice, multiple file upload 4, fast upload, several G files upload speed 5, the file size is not restricted 6, you can customize the file size, total file size 7, very beautiful interface 8, scalability, flexibility is high. 9, you find yourself.
Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: sdfawio | Hits:

[Multimedia programauthorware-multimedia-exam-system

Description: 这是一个考试系统,主要实现的题目有单项选择题,多项选择题和判断题。 1.对于每个题都是每次运行本软件的时候自动从题库中随机抽取。 2.在data文件夹下有一个配制文件: a.它可以修改每个类型的题目的数量。 b.它可以修改第个题目的分值。 c.它可以修改考试的限定时间。 3.在交卷后就可以查看,本次考试的得分。并根据本次考试满分的60 做为标准,来判断你是否通过这次考试。 4.后台是一个Access数据库,就可以加入新的题目。并不需要修改原程序。 判断题的表是judge,单选是single,多选是moresingle表, 5.在Access中可以添加新的考试人员。只要添加student表中的信息就可以了。 6.在每次交卷后的成绩,会重新保存到数据库中。 7.每次交卷后,都可以把这次所做的题目导出,包括答案和学生所做的答案,以及这次考试的得分。 8.在没有交卷前,做完的题目可以再次进行修改。 9.显示现在时间-This is an examination system, the main achievement of the subject of a single multiple-choice questions, multiple-choice and True or False. 1 for each question are each time you run the software automatically randomly selected from the questions. Under the data folder has a configuration file: a it can modify the quantity of each type of subject. it can modify the score of the first topic. c it can modify the time limit of the exam. 3 after an assignment you can view the exam score. And according to 60 of the exam out as a standard, to determine whether you pass the exam. 4. Background is an Access database, you can add a new title. You do not need to modify the original program. True or False table judge, radio is the single, and the or multiple choice moresingle table In Access, you can add a new examination staff. As long as you can add the information in the student table. Results after each assignment will be re-saved to the database. 7 after eac
Platform: | Size: 2184192 | Author: Cliff | Hits:


Description: 实现下拉类表框的多选,这个是pb中没有的,是用uo实现的,类似网页控件。-Class drop-down list box to achieve multiple choice, this is not in pb, is uo to achieve, similar pages controls.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: dongjunbieshang | Hits:
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