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[Database systemMyBookStore

Description: 系统使用方法: 1.每次新书入库时,都要在信息初始化中进行登记,才可以到进书管理中进行入库操作. 2.刚开始使用系统时,要对销售员和采购员进行添加. 3.当进行入库和销售操作时,只要在DBGrid中,输入书号,回车后,其它相应信息自动从数据库调出.无需输入. 4.其它操作请按相应提示操作. 数据库.用的是SQLServer2000,我把数据库和数据字典都放入,可以的话,可以添加. -System to use: 1. Every time when new storage must be initialized in the registration information before they can go into the book for storage management operation. 2. Just started using the system, to the sales and procurement add members. 3. When to storage and sales operation, as long as the DBGrid, enter the ISBN, carriage return, the other relevant information automatically from the database out. without input. 4. other operations by the corresponding prompts. Database . using SQLServer2000, I put the database and data dictionary are Add, if you can, you can add.
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