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Update : 2012-03-16 Size : 8.31kb Publisher :

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.21kb Publisher :

快速排序和冒泡排序-rapid sequencing and Bubble Sort
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.47kb Publisher : 吕程

快速和排序算法的例子-rapid algorithm and an example
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.62kb Publisher : Bruce

几种排序算法:冒泡、直接插入、选择、She-several Sorting Algorithm : Bubble, direct insert, select, She
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 21.25kb Publisher : 王慧

快速排序和冒泡排序-rapid sequencing and Bubble Sort
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 吕程

快速和排序算法的例子-rapid algorithm and an example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : Bruce

几种排序算法:冒泡、直接插入、选择、She-several Sorting Algorithm : Bubble, direct insert, select, She
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : 王慧

设计一个由自动测试排序算法性能(比较次数compare_count、交换次数exchange_count、探测次数probe_count)的测试类和排序类构成的类体系。 注:用一个类来描述一个排序算法,类中的sort方法通过调用比较、交换方法来实现数组排序。排序类放入一个特定的包MySort中。-Design a sorting algorithm by automatic test performance (compare the number of compare_count, the exchange of the number of exchange_count, to detect the number of probe_count) test category and constitute a sort of category system category. Note: The use of a class to describe a sorting algorithm, class by calling the sort method of comparison, the exchange of methods to achieve the sort array. Sorted into a specific category MySort in the package.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : jay

DL : 0
sorting algorithm: selection sort & insertion sort
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : Pooja

编写的排序包,在主程序中实现调用,功能简单。-Simple data output
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 龙武

实现排序的可视化,动态排序。但是一次不能输入太多数字- Achieve a visual sorting, dynamic sorting. But one can not enter too many numbers
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : chenqi

DL : 0
虽然只有一个文件,但里面包含了较为全面的排序算法,包括:选择排序、插入排序、冒泡排序、堆排序、快速排序、归并排序、基排序、桶排序等,并包含了各个排序算法的对比。采用java的泛型结构实现的,具有很高的学习价值。-Although only one file, which contains a more comprehensive ranking algorithm include: selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort, heap sort, quick sort, merge sort, based sort, bucket sort, and includes various sorting algorithms contrast. Using java generic structure, has a high learning value.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 汤捷

6种内部排序算法的比较,并输出比较和交换次数结果-6 Comparison of the internal sorting algorithm, and the number of output compare and exchange results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 543kb Publisher : 包钧圳

DL : 0
字节流输入输出,并对数据进行三种排序,并且有泛型-Byte stream input and output, and data for three sort
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : feipeng

DL : 0
集合框架排序,调用java里的collection工具-Collection framework Sort, call java collection tools
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 苏婷

this a MFC sort program in VC++ 6.0 based on a dialog.-this is a MFC sort program in VC++ 6.0 based on a dialog.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.48mb Publisher : dan

MySort algorithm in java to sort any given data with mysort.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Kal

  1.基础部分   (1)编写程序实现两个字符串比较的自定义版(教材8.5)。   (2)编写程序实现字符串数组的排序。用指针数组作为函数mySort形参,实现字符串数组的排序。函数mySort还有一个形参n,用来指定字符串数组的大小。   (3)教材8.4   (4)编写程序实现数据交换。分别用指针和引用作为函数mySwap的形参,并通过重载分别实现int、double型变量值的交换。   (5)字符串交换   编写程序,交换两个不同长度的字符串,分别打印之。   要求:用函数调用的方式来实现。主函数中定义两个字符串,然后调用交换函数。教材9.3   2.进阶部分   (1)编写程序实现下述功能:由17人围成一个圈,编号1~17,从第1号开始报数,报到3的倍数的人离开,一直数下去,直到最后只剩下1个人,求此人的编号。(要求用new和delete来分配、释放所需内存空间)。   (2)设计一个函数,形参是引用类型,要求输入三个整数,按从小到大排序后输出。编程完整的程序并测试。 -1 Fundamentals (A) preparation program compare two strings custom version (textbook 8.5). (2) procedures for the preparation of a string array sort. With pointer array parameter as a function mySort achieve the sort an array of strings. There is also a function mySort parameter n, is used to specify the size of an array of strings. (3) Materials 8.4 (4) Write a program for data exchange. Respectively, as a function pointers and references mySwap formals and were achieved by overloading int, double variable value exchange. (5) string exchange Write a program to exchange two strings of different lengths, respectively, print it. Requirements: The way to achieve the function call. The main function define two strings, then call switching function. Materials 9.3 (2) Advanced section (1) Write a program to achieve the following functions: from 17 people in a circle, numbered 1 to 17, from the No. 1 reported the number of people who report left multiples of 3, has been the number dow
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 徐兵

MFC实现多种排序方法,界面良好,适合初学者学习啊-very good!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.43mb Publisher : 赵丹凤
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