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中文自然语言处理 -- N-Gram及其平滑技術-Chinese natural language processing -- N-Gram and smoothing technology
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 49.69kb Publisher : Siu BB

这是一个基于Java的分词、N-gram统计、分段 、分句等功能的程序,支持多种语言-This is a Java-based segmentation, N-gram statistics, the sub-clause of the function procedures, multilingual support
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 354kb Publisher : 张雨

自然语言处理和语音识别中必须的语言模型工具,这个工具可以生成文本或者二进制格式的N-gram表。配合HTK使用效果会更好。-natural language processing, speech recognition and language model must tools, this tool can generate text or binary format of the N-gram table. With the use of HTK results will be better.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 122kb Publisher : 王天庆

DL : 0
A C++ N-grams Package 2.0 This is a simple C++ n-grams package that includes a header, the corresponding cpp file, and a sample driver program. It is a natural language processing tool for creating n-gram profiles for text documents. The details on usage is documented in the header right above each public function defined. This package is based on Dr. Vlado Keselj s Perl package Text::Ngrams which is available in CPAN.-A C N-Package 2.0 grams This is a simple C n-g rams package that includes a header, the corresponding cpp file, and a sample driver program. It is a natural lang uage processing tool for creating n-gram PROFI les for text documents. The details on usage is d ocumented right in the header above each public function defined. This package is based on Dr.. V lado Keselj s Perl package Text : : Ngrams which is available in CPAN.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : 郑乔鸿

中文自然语言处理 -- N-Gram及其平滑技術-Chinese natural language processing-- N-Gram and smoothing technology
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 49kb Publisher : Siu BB

a N-gram and Fast Pattern Extraction Algorithms~
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 30kb Publisher : srhg

可进行词频计算,自然语言处理或语音识别。N-gram待续-Frequency can be calculated, natural language processing or speech recognition. N-gram adjourned
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher :

DEM的规则格网存储结构是一个二维点阵,由于其高度与宽度已知,因此可以用一个一维数组p[n]进行管理,设原点的平面位置为(0, 0),DEM的长度与宽度分别为s和t,则任意一点(i,j)的高程值为p[i×t+j]。规则格网的这种简明结构,事实上已经对DEM数据进行了很好的组织,因此将格网数据读入内存,而无需使用其它任何结构进行管理,直接对读入的DEM数据块进行处理,生成格网面。 利用bitmap将DEM位图中的数据读入到程序数组中,其中规则网格将区域空间切分为规则的格网单元, 每个格网单元对应一个数值, 在计算机实现中则是一个二维数组, 每个格网单元或数组的一个元素, 对应一个高程值。很自然地, 我们可以把数字位图与规则网格模型联系起来, 把位图的灰度值与高程值对应起来,添加纹理表面。 -err
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 325kb Publisher : 杨冬

In this paper, we propose a method of text retrieval from document images using a similarity measure based on an N-Gram algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 380kb Publisher : soul zhang

We address the problem of predicting a word from previous words in a sample of text. In particular, we discuss n-gram models based on classes of words. We also discuss several statistical algorithms for assigning words to classes based on the frequency of their co-occurrence with other words. We find that we are able to extract classes that have the flavor of either syntactically based groupings or semantically based groupings, depending on the nature of the underlying statistics.-We address the problem of predicting a word from previous words in a sample of text. In particular, we discuss n-gram models based on classes of words. We also discuss several statistical algorithmsfor assigning words to classes based on the frequency of their co- occurrence with other words. Wefind that we are able to extract classes that have the flavor of either syntactically based groupingsor semantically based groupings, depending on the nature of the underlying statistics.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 724kb Publisher : wen6860

state of art language modeling methods: An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling.pdf BLEU, a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.pdf Class-based n-gram models of natural language.pdf Distributed Language Modeling for N-best List Re-ranking.pdf Distributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in.pdf -state of art language modeling methods: An Empirical Study of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modeling.pdfBLEU, a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.pdfClass-based n-gram models of natural language.pdfDistributed Language Modeling for N-best List Re-ranking . pdfDistributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in.pdf
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : wen6860

This program finds the locations of placing n queens in a n*n chessboard so that none attack any other
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : kammy

世界名画陈列室由m*n个排列成矩形阵列的陈列室组成。为了防止名画被盗,需要在陈列室中设置警卫机器人哨位。每个警卫机器人除了监视它所在的陈列室外,还可以监视与它所在的陈列室相邻的上、下、左、右4个陈列室。试设计一个安排警卫机器人哨位的算法,使得名画陈列馆中每一个陈列室都在警卫机器人的监视下,且所有的警卫机器人数最少。-Gallery by the world famous painting of m* n rectangular array arranged in the composition of the showroom. In order to prevent the paintings were stolen, need to set up showroom robot sentry guards. In addition to monitoring the security of each robot in the showroom it also can monitor it in the showroom and the adjacent upper and lower, left and right four showrooms. Try to design a robot sentry security arrangements of the algorithm, making each painting a showroom gallery in the security surveillance robots, and all at least a few of the security robot.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 徐全浩

这是一个100 %纯Java库,您可以使用适用于N元 分析技术的过程分为文本文件。 该计划包括几个不同的分类算法, namelly 支持向量机,贝叶斯Logistic回归,神经网络分类和文本压缩 算法。如支持向量机和贝叶斯Logistic回归,一个 “一对一” 用于多类分类。更详细的说明这些学习算法和可用的选项,请提供的javadocs 。-It is a 100 pure Java library that you can use to apply N-Gram analysis techniques to the process of categorizing text files. The package includes several different categorization algorithms, namelly SVMs, Bayesian Logistic Regression, NN classification and a text compression based algorithm. In the case of SVM and Bayesian Logistic Regression, a "one-against-one" apprach is used for multiclass classification. For a more detailed description of these learning algorithms and the available options please consult the supplied javadocs.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 819kb Publisher : liwen

基于n元语法的分词。先训练后,再通过前后向最大匹配初步分词,在通过2元语法来消岐。-Based on the n-gram sub-word. The first training and then through to the maximum matching before and after the initial word, in through a 2-gram to eliminate qi.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : byrwu

N-gram中文分词系统,通过前后项切分,计算概率,进而获得最佳的切分-N-gram Chinese segment,by FMM and RMM,we can Calculate the probabilities,then,we can get the best segment.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : linganbupt

在分析了传统的分类模型后 ,文中提出了用N元语言模型作为中文文本分类模型。根据该方法 ,设计并实现一个基于词的2元语言模型分类器。-After the review of traditional text classi fication models , a method using N2gram language models to classi fy Chinese text was presented. With the bi2gram model, a text classi fier based on word level was implemented.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 184kb Publisher : 叶眸

analyzes n-gram coverage. it takes a full n-grams list and an extracted n-grams list and reports the coverage
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : atriantafy

DL : 0
用perl语言,通过n-gram算法,实现自然语言处理中的汉语切分问题-Perl language used by the n-gram algorithm, natural language processing problems of Chinese segmentation
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.91mb Publisher : lipeng

DL : 0
N-gram的源码实现,详细介绍了n-gram模型的使用,即在自然语言处理中n元文法的作用-N-gram of source implementation, detailing the use of n-gram model in natural language processing that n-gram role
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 381kb Publisher : 刘俊
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