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Description: 一套轻量级的网站模板,对搜索引擎的极度优化,全部页面通过XHTML v1.0 Strict验证,CSS通过CSS v2.1验证,结构与表现的彻底分离,对非IE浏览器(FireFox, Opera等)的完美兼容,与XHTML v1.0 Strict兼容的UBB代码实现,强大的导航菜单管理系统,自带新闻发布系统,自带留言本系统,自带友情链接系统,附带用户自建页面的模板,能极为方便地将已有页面加入导航。-a lightweight web site templates, search engine optimization extreme, All pages through XHTML Strict certification v1.0, v2.1 CSS CSS through certification, Structure and performance of the complete separation of the non-IE browsers (Firefox, Opera, etc.) the perfect compatibility with v1.0 Strict XHTML compatible UBB code to achieve, powerful navigation menu management system, own news release system and carrying messages of the system and carrying Links system, fringe pages of user-created templates can very easy to have joined the navigation pages.
Platform: | Size: 372736 | Author: 张亮 | Hits:

[WEB Codejkshopping_beta

Description: 天风网上商店系统 1、站点风格,基于div+css以及asp.net2.0的 主题(Theme)设计,方便扩充、修改网站风格; 2、系统设置,对站点名称、描述等进行自定义管理; 3、自定义站点底部显示内容; 4、支持1-2级目录分类,后台维护; 5、商品图形上传后,自动生成缩略图; 6、前台商品组图显示,美观高效; 7、 公告内容管理; 8、 自定义的“联系”模块 9、 自定义的“友情链接”模块 10、 自定义“导航条” 11、 采用缓存管理,提高访问速度; 12、 后台用户管理,密码采用MD5加密;-Tianfeng 1 online store system, the site style, based on div+ Css and asp.net2.0 theme (Theme) design, easy to expand, modify web site style 2, system settings, on the site name, description customize management 3, since the definition of the content of sites displayed at the bottom 4, support for directory-level classification of 1-2, the background maintenance 5, commodity graphics upload, automatic generation of thumbnails 6, future commodity Photo shows, aesthetics and efficient 7, notice the contents of management 8, since the definition of contact module 9, since the definition of Links module 10, since the definition of navigation bar 11, the use of cache management, and improve access speed 12, the background user management, password using MD5 encryption
Platform: | Size: 1713152 | Author: 张靓 | Hits:

[WEB Code23div+css

Description: 通过对23种分页导航的设计、其中使用到div、css方面的技术-23 kinds of paging through the design of navigation, including the use of the div, css technical
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: zhangqin | Hits:

[Menu controlCSSmenus2

Description: 导航条(多款) Free CSS Navigation Menu Designs 2-Navigation bar (number of) Free CSS Navigation Menu Designs 2
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 王家 | Hits:


Description: 114la 网址导航静态页面打包 下载 11.04更新-114la site navigation package static pages to download updates 11.04
Platform: | Size: 2373632 | Author: hsvs | Hits:


Description: CSS+JS实现苹果机(MAC)OS系统导航条(眩目+逼真)-CSS+ JS achieve Macintosh (MAC) OS system navigation bar (stunning+ Realistic)
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: nino | Hits:

[WEB Codehide_menu

Description: 隐藏式二级导航条 css+JavaScript源代码-Secondary navigation bar hidden css+ JavaScript source code
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: testim | Hits:


Description: 一些经典的JS效果,如:CSS实用鼠标经过变色的box,不带图片的圆角CSS box,带滚动条的缩略图排列,滑动图片效果,局部放大,流畅动感的css导航条,实用可拖动的日历js+css代码-Some classic JS effects, such as: CSS and practical mouse over color of the box, rounded corners without images CSS box, with scroll bars thumbnails arranged slide image effects, partial zoom, fluid dynamic css navigation bar, utility may be delayed Dynamic calendar js+ css code, etc.
Platform: | Size: 5285888 | Author: lixiaobo | Hits:


Description: 多种用css做的网页样例,很实用。包括万年历、水平导航菜单、可拖动的层、下拉菜单等26个样例。-A variety of sample pages using css to do, very practical. Including the calendar, horizontal navigation menu, drag the layer, the drop-down menus and other 26 samples.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: chengyuan | Hits:


Description: 包含400多个典型实例和应用特效实例。包含窗口/框架与导航条设计、表单及表单元素、实用JavaScript函数、日期和时间、文字特效、超级链接特效、操作表格、图形图像与多媒体、页面特效、状态栏特效、报表与打印、网站安全、HTML/CSS样式、JavaScript与XMLJavaScript与ASP结合、JavaScript与JSP结合、JavaScript与ASP.NET结合、JavaScript与PHP结合、综合应用。-Contains more than 400 examples of typical examples and application of special effects. Contains the window/frame with the navigation bar design, form and form elements, practical and JavaScript functions, date and time, text effects, hyperlinks effects, operating tables, graphics, images and multimedia, page effects, the status bar effects, reporting and printing, site security, HTML/CSS styles, JavaScript and ASP with XMLJavaScript combination, JavaScript and JSP integration, JavaScript and ASP.NET integration, JavaScript and PHP combination of integrated application.
Platform: | Size: 45173760 | Author: Alice | Hits:

[WEB Codecss

Description: 很实用的div+css水平一级导航菜单源码-css level 1 navigation menu
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: greatwat | Hits:


Description: 是css设计的界面,风格很不错。适合出初者学习和借鉴。-Is designed to interface css style is pretty good. For the first person to learn.
Platform: | Size: 892928 | Author: 吴琼 | Hits:

[Menu controlmenu

Description: js+css+div做的菜单特效。很不一样哦。可用作个人主页左侧导航。-js+ css+ div do menu effects. Oh, very different. Be used as a personal home page on the left navigation.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: LX | Hits:

[WEB Codenavigation

Description: 1:整站全部生成html,易于搜索引擎收录 2:全后台化管理,操作简单 3:新站登陆功能 4:密码md5加密 5:后台登陆验证码识别 6:后台美化 7:新站登陆验证码识别 8:网站信息设置:网站名称,网站地址,站长邮箱等 9:无需修改任何网页,安装更为简单 10:网站信息后台设置 11:优化后台管理 12:网站推荐 13:模板后台管理 14:网站维护时可设置关闭“新站登陆”功能 15:可修改后台管理目录 16:分类目录、分类页文件名后台修改 17:网站安装目录调用标签 18:网址分类集合调用标签 19:服务器信息或组件查询 20:将网址分类从页面式修改为目录式,更适宜搜索引擎收录 21:所有删除增加2次确认,防止误操作 22:采用新的网站审核机制 23:类别合并功能 24:重复域名禁止登陆功能 25:“实用酷站”管理 26:重新写了模版界面使界面更清新 27:DIV+CSS编辑访问速度更快 28:全新的网址数据采用了跟主站一样的网址数据-1: The whole point all generated html, easy-to-search engines 2: All the background of the management, operation is simple 3: The new station features login 4: md5 encrypted password 5: Manage Code Recognition 6: Background landscaping 7: Code identifying new station landing 8: Web site information settings: Site name, site address, email and other owners 9: no need to modify any web page, the installation more simple 10: Website background set 11: Optimization Manage 12: Recommended Site 13: Admin Templates 14: Web site maintenance can be set off "a new station log" function 15: Admin can modify the directory 16: Categories, Category page changes the file name back 17: Web installation directory called label 18: URL Category Label collection calls 19: server information or component query 20: Classification of the URL changes from the page as a directory-style-type, more suitable for search engines 21: All to delete an increase of 2 times confirmation, to prevent m
Platform: | Size: 933888 | Author: 轩雪 | Hits:


Description: 多款个性美观导航代码 丰富JS代码 CSS布局 -Rich variety of individual artistic JS code navigation CSS layout code
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 苏雪寒 | Hits:

[WEB Codephoto

Description: 电子相册,由HTML+CSS+XML+Spry+jQuery技术实现的。不需要复杂的后台技术,能实现动态换肤,图片导航浏览功能。很实用,适合初学者。-Electronic album, from HTML+ CSS+ XML+ Spry+ jQuery technology to achieve. Background does not require complex techniques to achieve dynamic skin, picture navigation browsing. Very useful for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 22030336 | Author: 骆传雄 | Hits:

[WEB CodeCSS.Rar

Description: 纯CSS版的大型滑出导航菜单,也有种下拉菜单的感觉,这种大型菜单在联想、Dell、佳能等官方网站看到过,可以对某一产品进行详细的分类导航,让用户在网站首就可轻易找到某个产品的型号,进而了解详情。-Pure CSS version of large slip out of navigation menu
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: 李明 | Hits:

[WEB CodeNav

Description: 近50种伸缩滑动折叠菜单(js、css、div实现),有滑动导航、工具条,下拉菜单等,是目前web设计中导航效果最全面的打包文件-Telescopic sliding nearly 50 fold menu (js, css, div implementation), there are sliding navigation, toolbars, pull-down menus, web design, navigation is the most comprehensive package file effect
Platform: | Size: 808960 | Author: 闫志杰 | Hits:


Description: css写的地图导航代码,采用div+css编写,适合用作企业网站,商业网站里做导航-map navigation css write code, written using div+ css, suitable for corporate websites, business website where do the navigation
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: sxbjdx | Hits:

[WEB CodeCSS.combat.dynamic.menu.navigation.module.

Description: CSS实战动感菜单导航模块代码CSS combat dynamic menu navigation module code -CSS combat dynamic menu navigation module code
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: w | Hits:
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