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[Ftp Servercommons-net-1.4.1-src

Description: 最牛的多种网络应用原代码 包括telnet ping ftp 等 功能强大-most cattle multiple network application source code, including telnet ping ftp and other powerful
Platform: | Size: 412305 | Author: 123 | Hits:

[OS programPing

Description: C#.NET平台下写的一个Ping程序,实现简单的Ping功能和Ping某一网段。
Platform: | Size: 11988 | Author: 黄松 | Hits:

[Windows Developping

Description: c#开发 的 ping-development ping
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 宋大春 | Hits:


Description: 本例介绍怎样建立简单的程序,实现类似于系统ping的功能。通过这个例子,您不仅能够学会如何建立一个类似系统"ping"的程序,更主要的是对.NET环境下进行socket级网络编程有初步的认识。-the cases presented on how to establish a simple procedure, similar to the system to achieve ping function. Through this example, you can learn not only how to establish a similar system "ping" of the procedure, the main yes right.NET environment for socket-level network programming a preliminary understanding.
Platform: | Size: 735232 | Author: 和平鸽 | Hits:

[Hook apissjpacket

Description: (这个是在网上搜集的别人的程序,只是用于学习) 这个程序是我的几个研究生去年没事时写的,用的是我写的一些类和函数。ssj这个游戏现在倒闭了,所以我将源代码公布出来。   这些源程序代码全部在VC++ 6.0 + Windows XP下调试通过。因为当时游戏总是更新(防止外挂),这个外挂程序也不得不跟着更新,以便发给注册的用户,所以源代码显得有点乱。不过这几天我将里面重要的函数和模块都做了注释,相信大家如果认真研究,还是能够看得懂的。此外挂程序有下面几个功能: 1。复制装备 2。强行PK 3。免费登陆 4。对高级用户来说,还提供了分析游戏数据的功能 实现原理   程序运行便定时查找目标程序(ssj游戏),如果发现便向其进程空间注入一个DLL,以便截获所有与服务器交互的封包。下面就是分析这些封包,对特定封包进行修改了。程序的核心就在修改封包上。 王艳平程序设计小站(www.yanping.net)-(this is the online collection of other people's procedure is only for learning) of this procedure is my last several graduate students write nothing at all, it was I wrote some classes and functions. Ssj closure of the game now, so I will be publishing the source code. All of these source code in VC 6.0 under Windows XP through debugging. Because the game is always updated (to prevent external), the plug had to follow the update to registered users to, the source code is somewhat arbitrary. But these days I will be important function inside and modules have done a footnote, I believe that if we seriously study, or to see to understand. This plug is below several functions : 1. Two reproduction equipment. PK forced three. Four free landing. For advanced users, also provides the data an
Platform: | Size: 4252672 | Author: 邹同 | Hits:


Description: ping软件,利用ICMP协议实现类似于windows的ping的功能-ping software, the use of ICMP protocol similar to the windows of the function ping
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: Gary | Hits:

[Windows CEExamplePing

Description: WINCE.net下的PING源代码,EVC4.0开发环境-WINCE.net the PING source code, development environment EVC4.0
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 程序员 | Hits:

[Ftp Servercommons-net-1.4.1-src

Description: 最牛的多种网络应用原代码 包括telnet ping ftp 等 功能强大-most cattle multiple network application source code, including telnet ping ftp and other powerful
Platform: | Size: 411648 | Author: 123 | Hits:


Description: 本压缩文件为东方天华主编的Visual C++.Net范例入门与提高中第5章光盘代码。光盘中包含如下的程序的代码。 5.1 创建商店订货信息管理数据库 5.2 创建商店订货信息管理系统 5.3 多视图技术的实现 5.4 多表操作的实现 5.5 用ADO访问数据库 5.6 一个简单的客户/服务器程序 5.7 HTTP应用程序 5.8 FTP浏览器 5.9 Ping程序的实现 5.10 ATL Server编程实例 5.11 Web Service服务器端程序 5.12 Web Service客户端程序-The compressed file for the editor-in-chief of the East Tianhua Visual C++. Net and improve sample entry in Chapter 5 CD-ROM code. CD-ROM contains the following code. 5.1 Create store ordering information management database created 5.2 ordering information management system stores more than 5.3 view technology realize the operation of more than 5.4 Table 5.5 realize 5.6 with ADO to access the database a simple client/server application procedures 5.7 HTTP Browser 5.8 FTP program 5.9 Ping realize the 5.10 ATL Server Programming Example 5.11 Web Service server-side procedures 5.12 Web Service client program
Platform: | Size: 628736 | Author: 陈小冬 | Hits:

[Sniffer Package capturePing

Description: C#.NET平台下写的一个Ping程序,实现简单的Ping功能和Ping某一网段。-C#. NET platform to write a Ping procedures, Ping realize simple functions and Ping a network segment.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 黄松 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stack3PingIP

Description: 案例3 在窗口中PING一个IP地址(用VC++.NET描述)-Case 3 in the window PING an IP address (using VC++. NET description)
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: ccc | Hits:


Description: c#.net开发环境,简单ping功能,调用会送请求和会送回复, ping功能
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: namename | Hits:


Description: NET环境下,实现网络PING命令,可用于网络测试-NET environment, the realization of network PING command can be used for network testing
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: mqy1972 | Hits:

[WEB Codeperl-networktest

Description: perl代码 net::ping模块编写网络速度测试程序-perl code net:: ping module test procedures for the preparation of network speed
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: kankan | Hits:


Description: 用C++实现的一个简单的ping程序 程序已经调试好-a simple ping net program
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: Martin | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackping.c

Description: ping 程序源码,用于网络的连接和测试-ping is used to test and connect the net .
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: zlgbg | Hits:


Description: linux命令行中網絡命令的源碼,如ping、netstat等。請去掉.rar後綴-source code of linux command line tools, such as ping, netstat, etc. you must get rid of .rar subfix
Platform: | Size: 198656 | Author: McArthor | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackPingCsharp

Description: PING程序是我们使用的比较多的用于测试网络连通性的程序。PING程序基于ICMP,使用ICMP的回送请求和回送应答来工作。由计算机网络课程知道,ICMP是基于IP的一个协议,ICMP包通过IP的封装之后传递。有两个程序,一个是利用.NET原有的PING类实现PING命令,另外一个是用自己定义的ICMP报头,设计算法,求得ICMP的回送应答信息。-Use Csharp to build up the project of ping
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Developping

Description: Ping 网络系统,用于PING 地址,速度快,不占用内存,有网友提供-Ping network system for PING address, speed, do not take up memory, there are friends on the Net
Platform: | Size: 1664000 | Author: 王熙凤 | Hits:


Description: 实现linux内部的ping程序 计算机网络课程作业 并且内附抓包程序sniffer(Implement the ping program within Linux Computer network course homework And enclose the grab program sniffer)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: stephenlaw | Hits:
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