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这是一个网络学生成绩管理系统用asp.net和c#开发-This is a network management system for student achievement with Asp. Net and c# development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 441kb Publisher : 大使馆

本系统是在asp版《在线文件管理器》的基础上设计制作,取其精华,弃其糟粕,功能更强,效率更高,具有以下特点: 1。采用三层结构开发,程序逻辑和用户界面彻底分离,可轻松换肤。 2。全部代码采用Ultra Edit编写,不使用任何可视化开发工具,精确控制代码流程,确保代码高效率运行。 3。自行开发自定义控件,不产生任何一丁点的HTML代码冗余。 4。尽可能的减少客户与服务器的交互,降低对服务器资源消耗,减少网络传输。 5。真正多用户系统,可分别为每个用户设置可管理的文件类型,目录等,上传的单个文件大小限制等。 6。各用户环境自由配置,风格自选(如果有多个风格的话),可自由设置每页显示的文件及目录数等。 7。文件与目录翻页分开,即使管理同一目录下的数万个文件也不再出现程序超时现象。 8。功能强大,除了asp版具备的全部功能如上传、下载、编辑、批量复制、移动、粘贴外还具备文件快速过滤搜索,智能修改文件属性。 9。效率极高。经测试,在一太普通PC上对一个包含50000个文件的目录进行浏览管理,任意翻页,执行时间均不超过1秒。过滤或者搜索则更是低至仅0.3秒的执行时间。而windows资源管理器打开目录或者asp版翻至最后一页都需要6.5秒甚至更长时间。-the system is the asp edition of "online document management device" on the basis of the design, select the essence and disposable dross, more powerful, more efficient and has the following features : 1. The development of a three-tier structure, procedures and user interface logic completely separated easily Eurocargo. 2. All the code used Ultra Edit preparation, not the use of any visual development tools, precision flow control code, to ensure the efficient operation code. 3. Developed OCX, without generating any one little bit of HTML code redundancy. 4. Minimizing the client and server interaction, reduce consumption of server resources and reduce network transmission. 5. A truly multi-user system can be set up for each user can manage the file type, directory, Upload a sing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 329kb Publisher : 李工

网络新闻管理系统 建库.sql为数据库脚本文件 data目录下为数据库文件 可以选择其中之一生成数据库,最好是选择数据库脚本文件 将web.config文件中appSettings中修改与数据库中一致信息 identity中修改具有操作系统权限管理员账号信息 源代码必须在VS。NET2003环境下打开,如是VS。NET2002则可能无法 打开,请注意!! -news network management system databases. Sql script file to the database data for the directory database files can choose one generation database, it is best to choose the database script file to document appSettings sed modified consistent with the database information identity has modified the operating system governing authority manager account information source code must VS.NET2003 open environment, so VS.NET2002 may not open, please note! !
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 363kb Publisher : 许轶淼

近年来,随着计算机技术的发展和互联网时代的到来,我们已经进入了信息时代,也有人称为数字化时代,在这数字化的时代里,学校的教学管理都受到了极大的挑战。Internet技术持续迅猛的发展,也给传统的办学提出了新的模式。通过设计和建设网络拓扑架构、网络安全系统、数据库基础结构、信息共享与管理、信息的发布与管理,从而方便管理者、老师和学生间信息发布、信息交流和信息共享。以现代计算技术、网络技术为基础的数字化教学主要是朝着信息化、网络化、现代化的目标迈进。作为新型的办学模式,它们具有对于教育、教学过程来说极为宝贵的特性,可以为新型办学模式的建构提供理想的环境。在此开发的大学信息学院管理信息系统,旨在探索一种以互联网为基础的办学模式。通过这种新的模式,为信息学院营造一种新的办学环境,使管理突破时空限制,扩大教学规模,提高工作效率和办学水平,使学校管理者、教师和学生可以在任何时候、任何地点通过网络进行学习与交流。-In recent years, with development of computer technology and the advent of the Internet era, We have entered the information age, it was also known as the digital era, and in this digital era, schools have been teaching management a great challenge. Internet technologies continue rapid development, but also to the traditional school of new models. Through the design and construction of network topology architecture, network security system, database infrastructure, information sharing and management, information publishing and management, thus facilitating administrators, teachers and students between the release of information, exchange of information and sharing of information. With modern technology, network technology based on the Digital Teaching is mainly towards information technolo
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 737kb Publisher : jiafeimao

这是一个学生网络社区的一个综合网站,其中包括,网络相册,图片上传,网络投票,留言板,会员注册与管理等功能;本想在家一个论坛,但是时间所限,谁有兴趣可以伴我接着弄。呵呵,保持蓝色的主色调就好了-This is a community network of students a comprehensive site, including the online photo, upload pictures, network voting, the message board, membership registration and management functions; this home to a forum, but the time constraint, who is interested can get with me then. Oh, and maintain the main blue colors!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.03mb Publisher : wang

课程设计(电子商务系统) 对于典型的数据库管理系统,尤其是对像电子商务这样的数据流量特别大的网络管理系统,必须要满足使用方便、操作灵活等设计需求。本系统在设计时应该满足以下几个目标:  采用人机对话的操作方式,界面设计美观友好、信息查询灵活、方便、快捷、准确、数据存储安全可靠。  全面展示商城内所有商品,并可展示最新商品及特价商品。  实现网上购物。  商品销售排行,以方便顾客了解本商城内的热销商品及帮助企业领导者做出相应的决策。  查看商城内的公告信息。  对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。  系统最大限度地实现了易维护性和易操作性。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。 -Course Design (e-commerce system) for typical database management system especially for e-commerce such as the flow of data is particularly large network management system must meet the user-friendly, operational flexibility design needs. In the design of the system should meet the following objectives :
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 527kb Publisher : 李磊

自己编写的网络交换机管理工具。锐捷交换机配置备份软件。-I have written network switch management tool. Rui Jie switch configuration backup software.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 876kb Publisher : fred

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列车联网售票系统的服务器票务管理软件.和另外两个是一套的.-Train network server ticketing ticketing system management software. And the other two is a set of.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 87kb Publisher : 吗啡

【 主要功能 】=============== 1、音乐二级分类; 2、在线音乐播放; 3、歌词同步显示; 4、音乐下载 5、点歌系统; 6、音乐联播; 7、用户随机收听音乐; 8、验证码功能; 9、JS首页调用; 10、与Discuz整合; 11、用户评论管理; 12、网站公告管理-[Main Function] =============== 1, Music 2 classification 2, online music player 3, synchronous lyrics display 4, 5 music downloads, VOD system 6, Music Network 7, users were listening to music 8, Verification Code functionality 9, JS Call Home 10, with Discuz integration 11, the user comment management 12, Bulletin management site
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 662kb Publisher : 怎么没

接入网络时的绑定管理系统,在VS2005 SP1上面测试通过。是完整可用的工程哦-Access network management system at the time of binding, in VS2005 SP1 above test. Are complete works available Oh
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : sharpboy

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文件管理-上传与下载系统:该子系统主要是为满足广大.NET开发爱好者而做,在网络发达的今天,资源共享成为了主流趋势,自然而然在实际的网站开发或网络系统实现时少不了文件的上传与下载功能。 该子系统采用ASP.NET(C#)+IIS,主要分为上传页面和下载页面,通过点击上传按钮可以把本地的文件上传到服务器上,同时通过下载按钮可以把服务器上的文件下载到本地电脑。-Document Management- Upload and download system: This subsystem is mainly to meet the broad masses. NET development enthusiasts and so, developed in the network today, the sharing of resources has become the mainstream trend, naturally in the actual web site development or network system, when and ultimately, file upload and download functionality. This subsystem using ASP.NET (C#)+ IIS, The main page is divided into upload and download pages, by clicking the upload button can upload files to the local server through the Download button on the server can file downloaded to the local computer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 167kb Publisher : 付辉平

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本系统采用asp.net技术所做。满足简单的网络信息系统管理。 前台,信息资讯的显示,故障报修,资源下载等。 后台,类别管理、文章管理、用户管理、故障管理、文件管理、评论管理。 网页编辑器采用的是fckeditor DB_51aspx下为Sql数据库文件,附加即可 管理地址:admin/default.aspx,默认帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx-The system made use of technology. Satisfy the simple network management information system. Front desk, information display information, fault repair, and other resources to download. Background, category management, article management, user management, fault management, document management, reviews management. Web page editor is used fckeditorDB_51aspx for Sql database files, additional to the management of the address: admin/default.aspx, the default account/password: 51aspx/51aspx
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : 蔚洁明

3. 启动项目管理 最全自启动项目管理,带详细信息和进程资料 4. 启动顺序管理 延时启动,更具条件启动,比如网络,程序启动后启动相应程序 5. 文件删除改名处理 利用延时删除功能,删除病毒文件.或者将文件的权限全部去掉-3. To start the whole project management since the launch of the project management, with detailed information and process information 4. The boot sequence to start the management of delay, more start conditions, such as network, after the commencement of proceedings to start the corresponding procedures 5. Delete the renamed files to deal with the use of delay delete function to delete the virus file. or removed files
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.45mb Publisher : haibinxx

企业进销存管理系统,本系统主要实现了支持多条件查询、批量填写进货单及销售单、与代理商和供应商往来账本明细,绝不存在假账、漏账、差账等情况、图表分析月销售状况、当外界环境(停电、网络病毒)干扰本系统时,系统可以自动保护原始数据的安全、强大的报表打印等功能。-Invoicing enterprise management system, this system is mainly to support the realization of multi-criteria query, fill in quantities and sales of single-进货单with agents and suppliers, details of contacts book, does not even exist accounting, missed payments, bad debts, etc., charts analysis on sales, when the external environment (power, network virus) interfere with the system, the system can automatically protect the safety of the raw data, a strong statement of printing.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : 梦徘徊

某公司网络后台管理系统管理框架,此在线系统几乎都是使用此框架进行后台系统的开发 -Network management system for a background management framework
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : mrmr

这是一个交换机面板配置工具,在网络管理软件中,通过软件产生的交换机面板图往往与实际交换机面板存在差距,通过此工具可以手动配置交换机面板,支持多模块交换机配置,通过拖曳实现端口分组,操作简单-This is a configuration tool panel switches in the network management software, through software switch panel plans often switch panel and the actual gap, through this tool to manually configure the switch panel switches support multi-module configuration, through Drag to achieve sub-port, simple
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.74mb Publisher : palmone

本网站采用了先进的.netMVC技术,url地址为html,便于搜索引擎的抓取,布局为div+css,后台是extjs框架,采用了高级搜索,jquery+ajax无刷新全文索引.便于大家学习. 此电子网管理系统,有宣传、介绍、展示、推广、销售与服务,开展网上电子商务业务。 网站后台功能: 用户帐号管理 订单管理 产品信息管理 新闻管理 用户发表管理 功能信息管理-This site uses advanced. NetMVC technologies, url address is html, easy search engine crawling, the layout for the div+ css, the background is the extjs framework, adopted the advanced search, jquery+ ajax no refresh the full-text index. To facilitate them to learn. This electronic network management system, there is publicity, presentations, display, promotion, sales and services, conduct e-commerce business. Web site back-office functions: User Account Management Order Management Product Information Management Information Management Information Management User management functions on
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.18mb Publisher : 田恒

C# snmp编程开发的网管软件部分功能。-C# snmp network management software program developed by some features.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 214kb Publisher : Jerry Lao

visual csharp网络编程技术与实践随书代码,介绍了多个网络协议并对应的实例,有很好的参考价值。具体内容:第1章 C#.NET网络编程概述 第2章 C#.NET高级网络编程技术概述 第3章 开发基于TCP协议的应用程序 第4章 开发基于UDP的应用程序 第5章 开发基于SNMP协议的应用程序 第6章 使用.NET发送邮件 第7章 FTP下载与文件传输 第8章 基于C#.NET的网络管理模块 第9章 编写基于.NET的Web Service 第10章 基于.NET的远程技术 第11章 流媒体在线播放 第12章 在线五子棋系统模块 第13章 基于HTTP协议的下载工具 -visual c# network programming techniques and practice with the book code, introduced a number of network protocols and the corresponding instance, have a good reference value. Content: Chapter 1 C#. NET network programming outlined in Chapter 2 C#. NET Advanced Network Programming Overview Chapter 3 developed based on TCP protocol applications Chapter 4 Develop the UDP application Chapter 5 developed based on SNMP protocol application in Chapter 6 use. NET send mail Chapter 7 FTP downloads and file transfers in Chapter 8 on C#. NET network management module Chapter 9 written on. NET' s Web Service Chapter 10 on. NET remote technology 11 Chapter streaming online play online backgammon Chapter 12 Chapter 13 modules download tools based on HTTP protocol
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : 刘明

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由于C#原始的库函数中没有专门实现SNMP的库,因此对于SNMP开发者而言,用C#开发出SNMP的应用程序具有相当的难度,要求开发者对C#和SNMP都有很深的认识和理解。SnmpSharpNet是用C#构建的,处理简单网络管理协议(SNMP)的API,它提供了非常丰富的成员函数供SNMP开发者调用,开发者只需要对SNMP的基本原理和实现SNMP的基本过程有所了解,便可以轻松入手。-Since C# is not the original library functions to achieve specific SNMP library, so developers for SNMP, the SNMP with C# to develop applications that are quite difficult, requiring the developers of the C# and SNMP have a deep knowledge and understanding . SnmpSharpNet is built using C# to deal with simple network management protocol (SNMP) of the API, it provides a wealth of members of the function call for SNMP developers, developers need only SNMP SNMP basic principles and basic process of achieving an understanding they can easily start.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.53mb Publisher : 张政
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