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 ? 本书第一章的部分内容 第 一 章 Java语 言 的 产 生 及 其 特 点 1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史 与 现 状 1.1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史   Java来 自 于Sun公 司 的 一 个 叫Green的 项 目, 其 原 先 的 目 的 是 为 家 用 消 费 电 子 产 品 开 发 一 个 分 布 式 代 码 系 统, 这 样 我 们 可 以 把E-mail发 给 电 冰 箱、 电 视 机 等 家 用 电 器, 对 它 们 进 行 控 制, 和 它 们 进 行 信 息 交 流。 开 始, 准 备 采 用C++,但C++太 复 杂, 安 全 性 差, 最 后 基 于C++开 发 一 种 新 的 语 言Oak(Java的 前 身),Oak是 一 种 用 于 网 络 的 精 巧 而 安 全 的 语 言,Sun公 司 曾 依 此 投 标 一 个 交 互 式 电 视 项 目, 但 结 果 是 被SGI打 败 -the first chapter of this book part of the contents of the first chapter of the Java language and its characteristics have 1.1 SUNW a history and the status of 1.1.1 Java Java history from the one Sun Green called the project, the original purpose of the domestic consumer electronics products distributed a code system, We can E-mail to refrigerators, televisions and other household appliances, and to control them. and their information exchange. , Prepared using C, C is too complicated, poor security, Based on the C development of a new language Oak (Java's predecessor), Oak is used in network security and the sophistication of language, Sun has accordingly tender an interactive television project, but the result was defeated SGI
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 123.43kb Publisher : 11

Java 2 Development Kit 1.3.0 beta2 如果您是Java的程序开发者,您绝对不可以错过Java 2Development Kit这个程序开发套件!!Java在短短的数年之间已经成为开发网络应用程序不可或缺的一员,虽然Microsoft一直想要用ActiveX来取代Java的地位,但是因为Java卓越的效能以及高度的安全防护性,让Java一直稳居网络应用程序的王座。-if you are a program developer,you will absolutely never miss the Java 2Development Kit,Java has grown to a never missed member in the development of network programming in so short years,Microsoft always wants to use ActiveX to take place with Java,but Java still lead the way of network programming because of the excellent functions and high security.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16.36mb Publisher : 张轮

jxta提供了你需要的技术来编写网络化的,互操作的P2P应用程序,可以容易地跨防火墙来动态发现网络上其它的对等成员,容易地跨网络和任何人共享文件,在你喜爱的站点发现每分钟更新的内容,创建一个对等成员组,成员可以容易地发现对方(在任何跨防火墙的设备上),远程监视成员的活动,在网络上和其它成员安全地通信。-jxta you need to provide the technology to prepare the network, peer-to-peer interoperability of applications, can easily cross-firewall to dynamically discover other network members such as the right, easily inter-network and any shared document, in your favorite site updates every minute found the content, the creation of a reciprocal membership, Members can easily find each other (in any cross-firewall equipment), the members of the long-range surveillance activities, on the Internet and other communications to the security of the members.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.29mb Publisher :

Java 2 Development Kit 1.3.0 beta2 如果您是Java的程序开发者,您绝对不可以错过Java 2Development Kit这个程序开发套件!!Java在短短的数年之间已经成为开发网络应用程序不可或缺的一员,虽然Microsoft一直想要用ActiveX来取代Java的地位,但是因为Java卓越的效能以及高度的安全防护性,让Java一直稳居网络应用程序的王座。-if you are a program developer,you will absolutely never miss the Java 2Development Kit,Java has grown to a never missed member in the development of network programming in so short years,Microsoft always wants to use ActiveX to take place with Java,but Java still lead the way of network programming because of the excellent functions and high security.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 16.36mb Publisher : 张轮

这是一个基于java,snmp的网络安全日志审计系统,提供方便的用户交互界面,以及实用的日志分析功能-This is a java-based, snmp network security audit log system to provide easy user interface, as well as the practical function of the log analysis
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.25mb Publisher : 高岩宇

des算法简单实现。它以64位的明文和56位的密钥作为输入,通过DES加密运算产生64位密文输出。其解密过程利用同以密钥和算法将密文还原成明文。因为java语言的安全性&网络处理能力强,所以就利用了java语言编写-des simple algorithm to achieve. It's expressly 64 and 56 as the key input, through DES encryption algorithms have 64 ciphertext output. Its use decryption process with a key and cipher algorithm reduced explicitly. Java language because of the security & network processing capability, on the use of the Java language
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7kb Publisher : leae

J2ME核心类及MIDlet类 MIDP用户界面对象 图形处理及低级事件处理 多线程编程 I/O及网络编程 数据库RMS编程 浮点数编程 多媒体及GAME API编程 安全、加密及代码优化 扩展类库及供应商提供的API 与服务端联合搭建移动应用 XML 及Web Service编程 短信编程 各种移动平台的应用开发-J2ME MIDlet core categories and category MIDP graphical user interface object handling and processing low-level incidents multithreaded programming I/O and network programming RMS database programming and multimedia programming float API programming Security GAME CHAIRMAN, encrypted code optimization and expansion of library and the suppliers to provide API and joint-service structure for mobile applications and XML Web Programming Programming Service SMS mobile application development platform
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.78mb Publisher : 殷丞

 ? 本书第一章的部分内容 第 一 章 Java语 言 的 产 生 及 其 特 点 1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史 与 现 状 1.1.1 Java产 生 的 历 史   Java来 自 于Sun公 司 的 一 个 叫Green的 项 目, 其 原 先 的 目 的 是 为 家 用 消 费 电 子 产 品 开 发 一 个 分 布 式 代 码 系 统, 这 样 我 们 可 以 把E-mail发 给 电 冰 箱、 电 视 机 等 家 用 电 器, 对 它 们 进 行 控 制, 和 它 们 进 行 信 息 交 流。 开 始, 准 备 采 用C++,但C++太 复 杂, 安 全 性 差, 最 后 基 于C++开 发 一 种 新 的 语 言Oak(Java的 前 身),Oak是 一 种 用 于 网 络 的 精 巧 而 安 全 的 语 言,Sun公 司 曾 依 此 投 标 一 个 交 互 式 电 视 项 目, 但 结 果 是 被SGI打 败 -the first chapter of this book part of the contents of the first chapter of the Java language and its characteristics have 1.1 SUNW a history and the status of 1.1.1 Java Java history from the one Sun Green called the project, the original purpose of the domestic consumer electronics products distributed a code system, We can E-mail to refrigerators, televisions and other household appliances, and to control them. and their information exchange. , Prepared using C, C is too complicated, poor security, Based on the C development of a new language Oak (Java's predecessor), Oak is used in network security and the sophistication of language, Sun has accordingly tender an interactive television project, but the result was defeated SGI
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 123kb Publisher : 11

本程序是用java程序包实现RSA安全认证算法的实现程序,可用于网络安全传输和数字签名-this procedure is used java package to achieve RSA Security Authentication Algorithm procedures, can be used for transmission of network security and digital signature
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 许可

本论坛开发环境:jdk1.5+Tomcat5.5.17+sql server2000+Windows 2000 1、支持HTML内容编辑,支持网络贴图与附件上传等,支持多种版面风格. 2、论坛是树型框架结构支持二级类别,类别自已可以添加修改。 3、安全稳定,系统采用密码加密二次验证。 4、本论坛设以简洁高效为目标,所以不适合要求功能花俏、插件多样的使用者; 5、本论坛完全是用dw作为开发工具,没有任何封装文件,易于二次开发。 6、演示地址: forum development environment : jdk1.5 Tomcat5.5.17 sql SERVER2000 Windows 20 00 1, support HTML editing, support network map with Annex uploads, and support for a variety of layout styles. 2. Forum tree framework to support two categories, Category own amendments can be added. 3, the security and stability of systems using encrypted passwords second test. 4, the Forum set up a simple and efficient as the goal, there is no requirement for functional fancy, plug-in a variety of users; 5. The Forum was totally dw as a development tool, no Packaging paper, easy to secondary development. 6, presentations address :
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.01mb Publisher : 尚志强

DL : 0
网络安全体制中的RSA算法的一些相关文章-Network security system of the RSA algorithm in a number of related articles
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.6mb Publisher :

酒店管理系统(单机版),根据酒店的日常业务运作而设计,能够更好地管理客房类型、客房的认订、退房等业务,系统操作流程与酒店业务流程大概一致,界面友好、操作容易、维护简单;系统数据库稳定、安全,有酒店业务操作知识的人皆能方便操作,转自塞迪网。-Hotel Management System (single version), in accordance with hotel s day-to-day business operations designed to better manage room type, room set identification, check-out services, system processes and hotel business processes in line, user-friendly operation easy, maintenance simple system database stability, security, some hotels have operational knowledge of people able to facilitate the operation, carried Ernesto network.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.2mb Publisher : rongrong

本书明确而详尽地阐述了Java平台安全性,探究了Java安全结构的内幕。本书首先概述了计算机和网络安全概念并解释了Java安全模型,并在此基础上,详细描述了Java 2平台中新增加的许多安全结构方面的措施,同时对Java安全性的实施提出了使用指导,描绘了如何定制、扩展和精化安全结构以及成功实现的技术细节。本书为建立安全、有效、强大和可移植的Java应用程序和applet提供了重要的信息,对于致力于研究Java平台的专业人员是一本必不可少的参考书。 -Clear and this book gives a comprehensive description of the Java platform security, Java security architecture explores the insider. The book begins with an overview of computer and network security concepts and explain the Java security model, and on this basis, a detailed description of the Java 2 platform in the new structure of a number of security measures, while the implementation of Java security proposed the use of guide, describing how to customize, expansion and refinement of the security structures, as well as the successful implementation of the technical details. The book for the establishment of safe, effective, powerful and portable Java applications and applet provides important information for the Java platform dedicated to the research professionals is an indispensable reference book.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.35mb Publisher : 武文斌

DL : 0
本人在学习了网络安全加密以后,按照老师要求独自写的JAVA语言的加密程序-I study at a network security encryption, the Teacher in accordance with the requirements of the JAVA language to write their own encryption procedures
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 乔志伟

本书是Java 2技术权威指南,全面覆盖Java 2技术的高级主题,包括:多线程、集合框架、网络API、数据库编程、分布式对象等,深入探究了Swing、Java 2D API、JavaBean、Java安全模式、XML、注释、元数据等主题,同时涉及本地方法、国际化以及JDK 5.0的内容。本书适合软件开发人员、高等院校学生和教师参考-This book is authoritative guide to Java 2 technology, comprehensive coverage of advanced Java 2 technology topic, including: multi-threaded, set the framework, the network API, database programming, distributed object, etc., go into details about the Swing, Java 2D API, JavaBean, Java security model, XML, notes, metadata such as subject, and methods involved in local and international content as well as JDK 5.0. This book suitable software developers, students and teachers to refer to institutions of higher learning
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.56mb Publisher : 小罗

It is a simple Encryption Algorithm for network security main class exists in
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : Ahsan Khan

DL : 0
java编程经典,2010新版教程。 第1章 Java环境及配置 第2章 Java基本语法 第3章 类和接口 第4章 Java Applet 第5章 Java图形处理 第6章 Java用户界面技术 第7章 异常、事件和多线程机制 第8章 输入输出技术 第9章 Java数据库技术 第10章 Java安全技术 第11章 Java网络技术(一) 第12章 Java网络技术(二) 第13章 Servlet技术 第14章 Java读写XML技术-java programming classic, 2010, new tutorials. Chapter 1 Java environment and configuration in Chapter 2 the basic syntax of Java classes and interfaces Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Java Applet Java Java graphics Chapter 6 Chapter 7 User Interface Technology anomalies, events, and multi-threading mechanism of Chapter 8 input and output technologies Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Java Database Java security technology Chapter 11 Java Network Technology (1) Chapter 12 Java Network Technology (2) Chapter 13 Chapter 14 of Java Servlet technology to read and write XML technology
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.22mb Publisher : 兰凯

Java2平台安全技术结构API设计。本书明确而详尽地阐述了Java平台安全性,探究了Java安全结构的内幕。 本书首先概述了计算机和网络安全概念并解释了Java安全模型,并在此基础上,详细描述了Java 2平台中新增加的许多安全结构方面的措施,同时对Java安全性的实施提出了使用指导,描绘了如何定制、扩展和精化安全结构以及成功实现的技术细节。 本书为建立安全、有效、强大和可移植的Java应用程序和applet提供了重要的信息,对于致力于研究Java平台的专业人员是一本必不可少的参考书。-Inside.Java.2.Platform.Security.This book describes clearly and in detail Java platform security, Java security architecture to explore the insider. Book begins with an overview of the computer and network security concepts and explains the Java security model, and on this basis, a detailed description of the Java 2 platform to increase the number of new safety measures for structural aspects, while Java security Shi Shi proposed the use of guide describes how to customize, extend and refine security structures and the technical details of the successful. This book is a safe, effective, powerful and portable Java applications and applet provides important information for the professionals working on Java platform is an essential reference.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.61mb Publisher : york

本书精选80个来自实战中的Java案例,每个案例配有详细的实现步骤和完整的源代码解释,通过精确分析Java在页面特效、文件处理、游戏、动画处理、数据库、网络、安全、web服务器部署等方面的案例开发过程,在描述Java应用技术知识的同时,展现Java的强大编程功能。   本书结构合理、内容丰富,可以作为Java编程爱好者提高编程水平的参考书,也可作为大中专院校计算机专业学生学习的辅助教材。-The book consists of 80 from the real case of Java, each case is equipped with the detailed implementation steps and integrity of the source code, through the precise analysis of Java in page effects, document processing, games, animation processing, database, network, security, web server deployment and other aspects of the case development process, in the description of the application technology of Java knowledge at the same time, show the powerful Java programming function. The book is reasonable in structure, rich in content, can be used as Java programming enthusiasts and raise the level of programming reference books, can also be used as a teaching aid computer college majors.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 12.41mb Publisher : 月冷风清

The simple coding of network security in application development by using java.This coding use in NETBEAN as java platform to execute and show the output.Its show every class with own layer.This coding did not combine together to show a result.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 354kb Publisher : wer
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