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[Graph RecognizeNN

Description: 主要用于神经网络识别上的。此代码可以用于只能驾驶上-Neural network is mainly used on the. This code can be used only to drive up
Platform: | Size: 292864 | Author: 高小勇 | Hits:


Description: 基于神经网络的文字识别系统,大家互相学习,不足之处多多包涵,先将硬盘内部放置已久的代码拿出来供大家分享-Neural network based text recognition system, we learn from each other, inadequate excuse me, first hard drive to place the code has been out for a long time to share
Platform: | Size: 3598336 | Author: 王华 | Hits:

[Windows Developsjwl

Description: 为了验证我的智能理论,2000年左右我开始编写神经网络程序,先后编写了数个版本,现在给出的这个版本是我所用电脑上能找到的最后一个版本,也是精简到能在奔2上小规模应用,并可以正常运行的一个版本,将无关的东西删除后粘出来,供大家参考吧。 记得当初第一个版本在奔腾133上跑的时候,整个电脑如同死机,硬盘狂闪了数个小时,神经网络才只长了一点点,我的第一块硬盘的报废,估计就是这样累死的,那一次真的是损失惨重啊,软盘备份的程序很旧,后来的程序几乎等于是重写。2003年申请完专利后,这些东西就再没有碰过,倒腾过几次电脑之后也懒得去找最原始的版本了,因为以现在的眼光看,那些东西找到还不如重新编写更有意义。 原理及更多的内容请访问我的博客http://huidong.blog.163.com/-In order to validate my intelligence theory, around 2000, I began to write neural network program, has prepared a number of versions, and now I have given this version is used by computers to find the last version is streamlined to be able to 2 on the Ben small-scale applications, and can be running a version will be removed unrelated things stick out, for your reference it. Remember when the first version of the Pentium 133 on the run, the entire computer as crash, crazy flash drive several hours, neural network was only a little bit longer, my first piece of scrap hard disk, it is estimated that this exhausted, and That one is really heavy losses ah, floppy disk backup process is very old, the procedure was almost tantamount to rewriting. Complete patent application in 2003, these things have not touched on again, and shift the computer several times do not bother to go after the most primitive version, because in order to present perspective, those who do not like to write som
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 冰笛 | Hits:

[Other systemsnn

Description: this matlab program uses GRNN neural network tocontrol the speed of Linear induction Motor Drive, both m-file and simulink file are inclu-this is matlab program uses GRNN neural network tocontrol the speed of Linear induction Motor Drive, both m-file and simulink file are includd
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: tarek | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: q | Hits:


Description: This paper describes a Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS) based scheme using a multilayer Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for online speed estimation of sensorless vector controlled inductmon motor drive.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: chinni | Hits:

[Special EffectsGPU-CUDA001

Description: 文章介绍如何使用CUDA实现神经网络,并把他应用在GPU图像处理单元上。 -An Artificial Neural Network is an information processing method that was inspired by the way biological nervous systems function, such as the brain, to process information. It is composed of a large number of highly interconnected processing elements (neurons) working in unison to solve specific problems. Neural Networks have been widely used in "analogous" signal classifications, including handwriting, voice and image recognitions. Neural network can also be used in computer games. It enables games with the ability to adaptively learn from player behaviors. This technique has been used in racing games, such that opponent cars controlled by computers can learn how to drive by human players. Since a Neural Network requires a considerable number of vector and matrix operations to get results, it is very suitable to be implemented in a parallel programming model and run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Our goal is to utilize and unleash the power of GPUs to boost the performance o
Platform: | Size: 1392640 | Author: 尘封 | Hits:


Description: 人工神经网络算法,用于故障诊断,可以判断故障类型。-Artificial neural network algorithm for fault diagnosis, fault type can be judged.
Platform: | Size: 9504768 | Author: 魏晓宾 | Hits:


Description: AN ADAPTIVE CONTROLLER BASED ON NEURAL NETWORKS FOR MOTOR-DRIVE LOAD SIMULATOR Shen Dongkai Wang Zhanlin College of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing 100083, P.R.China ridixklh@public3.bta.net.cn
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: sdfgdsfhdsf | Hits:


Description: deep learning一般是学习的层次结构,它也是有一定理论依据的,即模拟人脑的大脑皮层工作,因为大脑皮层的视觉区域也是分层次工作的,越底层的视觉皮层对那些底层特征就越敏感。综上所述,feature learning有这么多应用需求的驱动和生物神经理论上的支持,注定它能够在AI领域中发挥一定的作用。一些实验表明,有些feature learning学习到的特征几乎比所有其它的特征效果要好,比如本文中的ISA模型就是其中一个。-deep learning hierarchy of learning, it is also a certain theoretical basis that simulate the human brain' s cerebral cortex, visual areas of the cerebral cortex is hierarchical work, the more the bottom of the visual cortex is more sensitive to those underlying characteristics . In summary, feature learning so many application needs the support of the drive and biological neural theoretically doomed it to be able to play a certain role in the field of AI. Some experiments show that some feature learning learning to feature almost better than all the other features of the effect of the ISA model such as this is one.
Platform: | Size: 51764224 | Author: wuwei | Hits:


Description: 交流传动神经网络逆控制 戴先中 刘国海 张兴华 机械工业出版社-Ac drive neural network inverse control
Platform: | Size: 11243520 | Author: zsq | Hits:


Description: 该代码为带动量项的PID神经网络的系统控制算法-The code to drive the amount of items PID neural network system control algorithm
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 诸侯 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringexample-of-speech-recognition

Description: 一个基于带动量项的BP神经网络语音识别的例子-A drive the amount of the BP neural network based speech recognition as an example
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李扬 | Hits:


Description: 神经网络pid双轴同步驱动,控制量为转速,可实现速度同步-Neural network pid double motor drive
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 赵崇良 | Hits:

[Software Engineering04582574

Description: Neural Network Vector Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive
Platform: | Size: 516096 | Author: guesmi | Hits:

[Software Engineering04666251

Description: Vector Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Based on Neural Network and Multi Fuzzy Controllers
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: guesmi | Hits:

[Energy industryNouveau-WinRAR-archive

Description: Detection of Rotor Eccentricity Faults in a Closed-Loop Drive-Connected Induction Motor Using an Artifi cial Neural Network
Platform: | Size: 774144 | Author: marwan_2 | Hits:


Description: Artificial Intelligence impacts human life in many ways nowadays. An example is in the auto industry many companies are trying to make their cars smarter. The cars can self-drive, avoid obstacles, find destinations … without controls human. This paper is about a car simulation program in which the car itself will move without any controls outside. The approach uses a Neural Network and a Genetic Algorithm to train the car by making the car learn after each time it fails to finish the track.-Artificial Intelligence impacts human life in many ways nowadays. An example is in the auto industry many companies are trying to make their cars smarter. The cars can self-drive, avoid obstacles, find destinations … without controls human. This paper is about a car simulation program in which the car itself will move without any controls outside. The approach uses a Neural Network and a Genetic Algorithm to train the car by making the car learn after each time it fails to finish the track.
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: sara niktabe | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsPID_NN

Description: The controller is built by MATLAB/Simulink. PID人工神经网络控制算法(Neural Network with PID controller is built by MATLAB/Simulink. This controller can be used in motor drive and other actuators in industry.)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: yuzou | Hits:

[matlabcode of MNNs

Description: 构建了简单的忆阻神经网络的MATLAB模型,并设计了自适应控制器,来实现驱动-响应同步。(Construct the MATLAB model simple memristive neural network, and the adaptive controller is designed to achieve drive-response synchronization.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 杨湛宇 | Hits:

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