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PHPCMS 是一个基于PHP+MYSQL的全站生成html的PHP的网站管理系统,是一个经过完善设计并适用于各种服务器环境(如UNIX、LINUX、WINDOWS等)的高效、全新、快速、优秀的网站解决方案,特别适合政府、学校、企业以及其他各种新闻资讯类网站使用。-PHPCMS is based on PHP and MYSQL one of the station's generating html PHP Web site management system, is a perfection in the design and application of various server environment (such as UNIX, Linux, Windows, etc.) efficient, a new, fast, excellent website solutions, particularly for the government, schools, enterprises and various other categories of news and information sites.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.41mb Publisher : 胡宾

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这个是jsp网站开发里一个新闻发布系统的源代码。有一定的参考价值-This is a jsp web site development in a news release the source code of the system. Some reference value
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.31mb Publisher : sicau

基于WEB页面的新闻发布系统+毕业论文:实现新闻的显示,最近新闻的提示,新闻滚动功能等。管理员可以通过Web浏览器,从后台端程序实现对新闻的发布、管理、实时的进行行为统计和记录。本系统是WEB站点的一个子系统,具有很好的外部接口,能够很好的配合站点的其它子系统服务于网站的新闻发布。-Based on the WEB page press release system+ Thesis: The news shows, the latest news tips, news features, such as rolling. Administrators can Web browser client from the background process to achieve the release of news, management, real-time statistics and records to carry out acts. WEB site of this system is a subsystem, an excellent external interface, can be very good with the site s other Subsystem Service press release on the website.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 192kb Publisher : 季节

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新闻发布系统,可以作为个人网站和企业网站的新闻发布系统模块,界面友好,很具有可用性!-Press Release System, can be used as personal websites and corporate web site press release system modules, user-friendly, it has availability!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : 诗叶

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该系统使用ASP.NET[C#语言]和ADO.NET技术开发, 实现了网站新闻的动态管理,使得对信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。该系统具有一般新闻系统的功能,主要包括前台新闻查看区和后台管理区,可为学校各部门发布新闻,为校园网站提供新闻发布与管理的服务。在设计过程中力求完善系统功能,使界面友好,具有一定的容错能力,在使用过程中不会出现难以纠正的错误和毛病。-The system uses ASP.NET [C# language] and the ADO.NET technology development, implementation of dynamic web site news management, information management allows for more timely, efficient, and improve work efficiency. The system has the general function of information systems, including front and background information see the District Management Area can be for schools and departments issue a press release for the campus site provides press releases and management services. During the design process seeks to improve the system functionality, so user-friendly, with a certain degree of fault-tolerant capability, in the use of the process will not be difficult to correct errors and defects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.86mb Publisher : jiangzhoying

asp+HTML+Dreameveaver+Access 开发动态网站。此为新闻发布系统。完整可以直接用-asp+ HTML+ Dreameveaver+ Access to develop dynamic Web site. This is the press release system. Integrity can be directly used
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 494kb Publisher : 周朵

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基于JSP 的新闻系统的开发可以系统的开始制作网站-JSP-based information system development can be the start of making the system Web site
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 116kb Publisher : 张禹

HTML医院网站系统基于PHP+MYSQL开发,在文章内容网站的基础上,预设了医院概况、新闻动态、环境设备、名医荟萃、专科介绍、就医指南、专家门诊值班表、网上挂号、医疗保健知识、在线咨询等医院网站常用的栏目和测试数据,采用适合医院网站的专用模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。系统具有文章、图文、下载、社区、表单、用户等基本系统模块和一系列网站辅助功能,用户也可根据自身特点任意创建和修改栏目,适合创建各类医院诊所网站。-HTML hospital system is based on PHP+ MYSQL web site development, content sites in the article, based on the pre-hospital profiles, news developments, environmental equipment, renowned Chinese medicine practitioners, specialist presentations, medical treatment guidelines, experts out-patient duty tables, on-line registration, medical and health knowledge , on-line consultation, the hospital Web site commonly used part and test data, using a dedicated web site templates for the hospital to enhance the system' s relevance and ease of use. System with articles, graphics, downloads, community, form, users and other basic system module and a series of Web accessibility, users can create and modify their own characteristics of arbitrary section, ideal for creating various types of hospitals and clinics Web site.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.25mb Publisher : 木同

凡人网络企业自助建站系统网站主菜单DIY:名称、链接、颜色、排列顺序、前台是否显示 [主菜单包括:公司简介、产品展示、合作交流、新闻快讯、诚聘英才、下载中心、作品案例、联系我们、客户反馈] -Mortal network enterprise self-help Station system Web site Main Menu DIY: Names, links, colors, sequencing, front indicate that [the main menu includes: Company profile, product display, cooperation and exchange, news alerts, Webmaster, download center, works Case , Contact us, customer feedback]
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 351kb Publisher : kyoqq

DL : 0
医院科室诊所门诊部网店系统免费版,医院网站模板下载,医院网上门诊网站源码,科室诊所门诊部医院网站管理系统源码正式版,诊所门诊部医院科室网站系统源码,医院科室诊所门诊部网站模板,医院科室诊所门诊部网站下载,医院诊所门诊部科室网站系统源码,医院科室诊所门诊部网站模板正式版,医院科室诊所门诊部网站管理系统模板,门诊部医院科室诊所网站模板免费版,医院网站程序,医院网站系统源码,网上医院,科室,诊所,门诊部网站系统模板,asp医院科室诊所网站系统简体版,在文章内容网站的基础上,预设了医院概况、新闻动态、环境设备、名医荟萃、专科介绍、就医指南、专家门诊值班表、网上挂号、医疗保健知识、在线咨询等医院网站常用的栏目和测试数据,采用适合医院网站的专用模版,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。系统具有文章、图文、下载、社区、表单、用户等基本系统模块和一系列网站辅助功能,用户也可根据自身特点任意创建和修改栏目,适合创建各类医院诊所网站。-Hospital out-patient department clinics free version online store system, the hospital website template download website source code online hospital out-patient, out-patient department clinics, hospital management system website full source code version of out-patient clinics, hospital departments website system source code, hospital out-patient department clinics Website Templates , hospital out-patient department clinics, download, hospital out-patient clinic department website system source code, web site templates out-patient clinics, hospital department official version, out-patient clinics, hospital department management system website templates, website templates out-patient clinics, hospital departments free version, the hospital website procedures, the hospital source website system, online hospital departments, clinics, clinic site system templates, asp hospital department clinic site system simplified version of the article content sites based on pre-hospital profiles, news,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : zhang

网站采用ASP语言+ACCESS数据库开发 一套专为地方学校建站首选的信息网站管理系统,蓝色风格宽频页面十分大方。 主要功能:新闻发布、删除新闻、修改新闻、管新闻、上传新闻图片。 后台可以增加管理员,可设管理员权限。 全新设计后台美工,全新开发结构,更加灵活,更加人性化。欢迎大家体验。 1、集成意见反馈系统留言本管理系统; 2、集成友情链接管理系统; 3、集成广告图片管理系统, 4、集成文字广告管理系统; 5、集成投票系统; 6、集成新闻内容分二级分类管理,增强了系统更实用性,管理性强。 7、集成网站统计,更新统计,访问统计。 8、后台功能强大,详情请看官方演示站点。 9、后台具有强大的编辑器功能: 10、后台:升级上传宣传图片可以自动生成缩略图片; 11、管理员权限全面升级; 12、集成后台登录日志管理系统; 13、站点适合内网,外网使用。-Website by ASP+ ACCESS database development language A first choice for information about local schools, establishment of the station web site management system, the blue pages of broadband is very generous style. Main functions: press releases, press delete, modify, news, tube news, news photos uploaded. Background can increase the administrator, can set administrator privileges. The new design of the background art, a new development structure, more flexible, more humane. Welcome to the experience. 1, the integrated feedback system message of the management system 2, Integrated Link Management System 3, integrated advertising image management system 4, integrated text ad management system 5, the integrated voting system 6, the integration of two sub-classification of news content management, and enhance the system more practical, management and strong. 7, integrated site statistics, update statistics, access statistics. 8, a powerful back-office functions,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : chaozhigan

DL : 0
新闻系统网站,功能:新闻录入,留言板等,页面风格清新-Information System Web site features: news input, message boards, pages clean style
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.56mb Publisher : TPY

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为了使网站更好的被搜索引擎的收录,对动态网站页面进行URL重写是十分有必要。这个程序以新闻系统(JSP)为例,演示了如何实现URL重写。-In order to make the site better by your search engine for dynamic web pages URL rewriting is very necessary. This program of news system (JSP), for example, demonstrates how to implement URL rewriting.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 124kb Publisher : 王力

新闻发布系统,可以管理小型网站的信息发布等,有良好的界面,不错的选择-Press release, you can manage a small web site and information dissemination, there is a good interface, good choice
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 991kb Publisher : 祝小

深度WAP企业网站程序 1.0采用DeepWAP XML开发,包含有资讯、产品、新闻、搜索、留言、工具等,新闻文章可以发表评论,通过后台WEB审核显示。新闻资讯和下载栏目支持二级深度,同时支持一二级深度栏目混合使用。站内搜索,包含资讯和产品搜索。除了新闻资讯和产品外,该系统还有网址导航、邮编查询、农历查询、图铃下载、访问统计、星期查询、在线发送WEB邮件等功能。同时还支持友情链接申请。发送邮件,需要服务器支持JMAIL组件。 后台管理登陆目录:admin 用户名/密码:admin/admin-Depth the WAP corporate website 1.0 DeepWAP XML development, information, products, news, search, message, and tools, news articles can comment, background WEB audit show. News and download part to support secondary depth, while supporting the depth in twelve mix. Search Site contains information and product search. In addition to news and products, the system Web site navigation, zip code query, Lunar query, ringtone downloads, access statistics week query sent online WEB mail and other functions. Links also supports application. Send a message, you need to the server support JMAIL components. Admin Log directory: admin username/password: admin/admin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1018kb Publisher : dsagadwo

 XYCMS企业商城系统是一套简单的适合ASP爱好者学习的开源程序,虽然小但基本可以满足一个小型商城系统网站的需求,XYCMS企业商城系统功能包括:商城公告管理、新闻动态管理、商城商品管理、订单管理、广告系统管理、系统设置、LOGO/形象图片管理、安全管理、首页菜单管理、管理员管理等功能,企业商城系统可作为企业网站的一个在线产品销售模块,与淘宝、京东的购物平台还是有很大区别的。-Shopping Mall system of XYCMS enterprises is a set of simple suitable for ASP enthusiasts to learn of the open-source programs, although small, but the basic to meet a a of small the the needs of of the Shopping Mall system Web site, XYCMS enterprises Shopping Mall system features include: Mall bulletin management, news dynamic management, Shopping Center commercial management , order management, the management of advertising system, system settings, LOGO/the image of picture management, safety management, the Home menu management, administrators to manage and other functions, Shopping Mall system for Business Enterprises can be used as the Enterprises website an online product and sales of module, with the on the Taobao, Jingdong shopping the platform there are still a big difference between.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.39mb Publisher : hpudn35

智睿学校网站系统定位教育网行开发的系统,网站首页 学校概况 校园新闻 德育教学 校园风彩 资源下载 求贤纳士 成绩查询 网上报名 联系我们 会员中心 校园信箱,教师档案系统等学校网站常用的栏目,采用当前学校网站的适用性,智睿学校网站管理系统永久使用。针增强了对性和易用性,适合创建中、小学校,大中院校,技校使用。-Chi Rui school website system positioning Education Network line development system, Home School Profile campus news Moral teaching campus charm resources Download Jobs query results online registration contact our Member Center campus mail, school teachers file system Web site commonly used sectionsthe applicability of the current school site, Zhi Rui school website management system for permanent use. Needle enhancement of sexual and ease of use for the creation of primary and secondary schools, schools and universities, technical schools.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.36mb Publisher : notime

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有了数据库的支持,可以扩展网页的功能,可以方便地设计出交互式页面,可以构造功能强大的后台管理系统,可以为网站的更新、维护提供极大的方便-With database support, you can extend functionality of the site, you can easily design interactive pages, you can construct a powerful backend management system for web site updates and maintenance to provide great convenience
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 188kb Publisher : 李海

后台管理地址 /mkswpt/Login.asp 用户admin 密码:admin888 用户yfhzxx 密码admin 系统管理 管理员管理 网站公告 网站配置 数据库备份 上传文件管理 班级博客链接 首页视频设置 添加首页视频 校园信息 新增企业信息 管理企业信息 图片管理 图片类别 图片管理 添加图片 审核图片 评论管理 询价管理 下载中心 添加下载 管理下载 下载类别 新闻管理 添加新闻内容 管理全部新闻 管理新闻类别 留言管理 留言管理 荣誉管理 学校荣誉管理 添加荣誉 人才管理 招聘管理 发布招聘 应聘管理 人才策略 菜单管理 中文菜单管理 -Manage Address/mkswpt/Login.asp user admin password: admin888 user yfhzxx admin password management system administrators to manage the Web site announcement site configuration management database backup file upload class blog Links Home Video Home Video campus information set add new Enterprise Information Management Enterprise Information Picture Picture category Pictures Add a picture Audit Management Inquiry picture comment Add Download Manager Download Center Download Management Add news News All News Management News Content Management Message Management Message Management Category Management School Honor Honor Honor Management Talent Management Recruitment Management Add release recruiting candidates and management talent management strategy Menu Manager Chinese menu
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : qiqi

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页面简单实用,漂亮蓝色天空风格,主要功能有: 1,新闻动态 2,网址导航(含有60个著名设计网址) 3,图片展示 4,会员注册管理 5,全站搜索 6,下载系统-The page is simple and practical, beautiful blue sky style, the main features are: 1, News 2, Web site navigation (including 60 well-known design Web site) 3, picture display 4, member registration management 5, the whole station search 6, download system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 600kb Publisher : uqq
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