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在sourceforge的一个关于RSS的开源项目。 RSS是现在一个很流行的东西,在Blog还有很多地方都得到广泛使用。下面是它的英文介绍。 (RSS Feed aggregator & Blog Tool - Newspaper view, Outlook style 3 pane view, Store feeds in Outlook folder. No Outlook overhead, hang or delay. Blog to Wordpress/.Text/Movabletype/B2. Newsgator import. Auto Update. Post to weblog from Outlook folders.)-in sourceforge RSS on the one open-source project. RSS is now a very popular things in the blog there are many areas are widely used. Below is the English introduced. (RSS Feed aggregator Blog Tool-Newspaper view, Outlook style three pane view, Store feeds in Outlook folder. No Outlook overhead, hang or delay. Blog to Wordpress/.Text/Movabletype/B2. Newsgator import. Auto Update. Post to weblog from Outlook folders.)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.45mb Publisher : 李川

求解约瑟夫问题。设有n个人围成一个圆圈坐下,对所有围从的人从某个位置开始编号为1,2,3,……,n,从编号为1的人开始报数1,报数依交进行,报数n的人即出列,下一个人从1开始报数,再报数m的人便是第二个出列的人如此重复下去,直到最后一个人出列为止,于是便得到一个出列的顺序,这称之为约瑟夫(Josephu)问题。-solving problems. N individuals have formed a circle to sit down, all right Wai from the start from a position of No. 1, 2, 3, ..., n, for a number of people reported a few, according to several newspaper pay, the newspaper n ie the out, the next person was from the beginning a few , and reported m is the second out of this series continue to repeat until the final out in a series, then get a series out of order, which called Joseph (Josephu) problem.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.84kb Publisher : 葛林

DL : 0
描述:设编号为1,2,…,n(n>0)个人按顺时针方向围坐一圈,每人持有一个正整数密码。开始时任意给出一个报数上限值m,从第一个人开始顺时针方向自1起顺序报数,报到m时停止报数,抱m的人出列,从他在顺时针方向上的下一个人起重新自1起顺序报数;如此下去,直到所有人全部出列为止。要求设计一个程序模拟此过程,并给出出列人的编号序列。 .算法思想: Jeseph函数是实现问题要求的主要函数,其算法思想是:从1至m对带头结点的单循环链表循环计数,到m时,输出该结点的编号值,,再从该结点的下一个结点起重新自1起循环计数;如此下去,直到单循环链表空时循环过程结束。 -Description : Let numbered 1, 2, ..., n (NGT; 0) clockwise direction by individuals sitting around a circle, each holding a positive integer code. At the beginning of a given arbitrary reported few limits on m, started from the first clockwise direction from the starting sequence reported a few, when they report back m reported few, hold out the m out from the clockwise direction in the next personal re-order starting from a newspaper; This situation continues until all people so far shown up. Asked to design a simulation of this process, and give out the number of people out sequence. . Algorithm thinking : Jeseph function is to seek to achieve the main function of the algorithm is thinking : m from a right to take the lead in the 19th nodes Listless cycle count, m, the output node number
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.54kb Publisher : 王俊

调用java类打印的列子,程序首先搜索默认打印机,如果没有就报错,这里就是打印文件自身。- Transfers a java kind of printing Liezi, the procedure first searches tacitly approves the printer, if has not been wrong on the newspaper, here prints document oneself.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.83kb Publisher : 张强

DL : 0
简单的IP封包截获工具(IPPack)以及(IPPackLib)相关的库文件。用于截获IP数据报- The simple IP wrapped gift interception tool (IPPack) as well as (IPPackLib) is connected storehouse document. Uses in to intercept the IP data newspaper
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 30.77kb Publisher : 陈志文

对数据库内容的添加,使用JSP技术实现,报刊订阅系统-content of the database to add, the use of JSP technology, newspaper subscription system
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.77kb Publisher : cyz

DL : 0
这是中国民间的一个游戏。两人从1开始轮流报数,每人每次 可报一个数或两个连续的数,谁先报到30,谁就为胜方。 *问题分析与算法设计 本题与上题类似,算法也类似,所不同的是,本谁先走第一 步是可选的。若计算机走第一步,那么计算机一定是赢家。若人 先走一步,那么计算机只好等待人犯错误,如果人先走第一步且 不犯错误,那么人就会取胜;否则计算机会抓住人的一次错误使 自己成为胜利者。-This a popular Chinese game. They started from a few newspaper rotation, each person may take a few or several consecutive two, the first to report back in 30, for whoever wins. * Analysis and design of the algorithm with that title on similar algorithms are also similar, the difference is that the first step ahead Who is optional. If computers take the first step, then the computer must be a winner. If one step ahead, then the computer had to wait for others to make mistakes, and if a person does not make mistakes ahead of the first step, then the people will win; Otherwise, the computer will seize the error once made himself a winner.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.24kb Publisher : 姚紫欣

这是一个用php和mysql开发的报刊订阅管理系统,采用apache服务器的技术,而且是跨平台的,可以适合于一般的中下型企业-use php mysql development and subscriptions management system, apache server using the technology, and is cross-platform, suitable for general lower-oriented enterprises
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 571.42kb Publisher : 王樟

报纸接运程序,对报纸分捆,打印,查询等,适用于各种报社-newspapers pick up the procedures, the newspaper sub-bundles, print, queries, etc., applicable to various newspaper
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 519.83kb Publisher : 陈老大

DL : 0
一个报业集团的广告系统(jsp+sql server),欢迎大家提意见-a Newspaper Group advertising system (jsp + sql server), we welcome comments
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 229.42kb Publisher : 吴成好

表演者把水倒进一个用报纸卷成的漏斗里,这已够令人惊讶了,报纸怎能包住水呢?但他还是一本正经地把报纸漏斗的下而折起来,不至于让水流出来;而观众们却在等着看,水是否从报纸下面流出来,出乎意料,表演者突然把报往空中一扔,按住后将它展开,滴水不见,报纸完全是干的。然后再将这张报纸卷起来,从报纸里往玻璃杯里倒水。 -performers into the water with a newspaper rolled into the funnel, which has enough surprising, newspapers can encase water? But he still felt that way, making the newspaper the next funnel pack up and that will not flow out; And in the audience were waiting to see it, Newspapers from the water flow out below, surprisingly, the performers suddenly reported to discard them on the air, it will start to press. without water, the newspaper is completely dry. Then we can roll up this newspaper, from newspapers to glass Lane Lane drinks.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 407.98kb Publisher : wxc

VTS(VisuaI Test Shelf) V3.4.7的源代码。VTS是美国国家联邦实验室N.I.S.T.所开发的BACnet协议下的报文的测试工具。BACnet(A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Network)是由美国采暖、制冷和空调工程师协会制定的开放楼宇自动控制网络数据通信协议。-VTS (Visual Test Shelf) V3.4.7 source. VTS of the United States federal laboratories N.I.S.T. BACnet developed by the newspaper under the agreement text test tools. BACnet (A Data Communication Protocol for Buil ding Automation and Control Network) by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers developed the opening of Building Automation and Control network data communication protocol.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.03mb Publisher : Frank Hsu

一个订户订阅报刊的应用系统。涉及订单、订户、报刊目录及投递卡信息-a subscriber to the newspaper and magazine subscription applications. Involve hand, the subscriber, the press card catalog and information delivery
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 193.11kb Publisher : 张智伟

这是一个用php和mysql开发的报刊订阅管理系统,采用apache服务器的技术,而且是跨平台的,可以适合于一般的中下型企业-use php mysql development and subscriptions management system, apache server using the technology, and is cross-platform, suitable for general lower-oriented enterprises
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 571kb Publisher : 王樟

报刊订阅管理系统 功能: ①录入功能:录入订阅人员信息、报刊基本信息; ②订阅功能:订阅人员订阅报刊(并计算出其金额); ③查询功能:按人员查询、按报刊查询、按部门查询有关订阅信息,对查询结果能进行预览和打印; ④统计功能:按报刊统计、按人员统计、按部门统计,对统计结果能进行预览和打印; ⑤系统维护:如数据安全管理(含备份与恢复)、操作员管理、权限设置等; -Newspaper subscription management system functions: ① entry functions: entry Subscribe to personnel information, basic information of newspapers and periodicals ② subscription: Subscribe staff subscriptions to newspapers and magazines (and to calculate its amount) ③ the inquiry: According to staff inquiries, according to press inquiries, inquiries by sector the relevant subscription information, query results can preview and print ④ statistics: According to the press statistics, according to statistics, according to statistics, on the statistical results can preview and print ⑤ system maintenance: such as data security management (including backup and recovery), operator management, permissions settings, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.11mb Publisher : 翁岚斌

NewsPaper 随我国报刊行业的迅速发展,以及报刊的方便性,信息传递的快速性,报刊已经离不开人们的生活,而企业的目的就是为了管理这些。所以报刊订阅管理系统会是一个可发展性的管理系统。可以进行深一步的研究-NewsPaper with China s rapid development of the industry press, as well as the convenience of the press, the rapid transmission of information, the press has been inseparable from people' s lives, and the purpose of business is to manage these. So the press is a subscription management system will be able to develop a management system. Step can be carried out deep research
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 571kb Publisher : 冯大颖

自己做的一个电子报纸编辑系统,可以在图片上划分区域,双击编辑。浏览时被编辑区域会用红框框出来,双击显示具体信息-An electronic newspaper to do their own editing system, you can picture the area, double-click editing. Browsing the region will be edited out with a red frame, double-click the display specific information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : 打酱油

报刊订阅管理系统.能够实现报刊订阅的基本功能,包括新报刊信息的录入、订阅、查询等操作以及后台数据库的备份和恢复。用户合法注册后必须输入有效密码才能成功进入此系统,可以进行订阅报刊,查询信息,统计信息等操作。对于非法操作,系统有识别和防护措施。 3)元件库存管理:库存的出、入库功能; 4)元件销售统计:统计日、月、季和年的销售量 5)元件查询功能:可对库存、销售进行查询。 -Newspaper subscription management system. To achieve the basic functions of subscriptions, including new press information input, subscription information, operation, and back-end database backup and recovery. After registration the user must enter a valid legal order to successfully enter the system password, you can subscribe to newspapers, query information, statistics, and other operations. For the illegal operation, system identification and protection measures. 3) component inventory management: out of stock, storage functions 4) components sales statistics: Statistics Day, monthly, quarterly and annual sales of 5) element query function: to inventory and sales inquiries.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 432kb Publisher : wangnan

报纸的版面分析,也可用在普通文档图像的版面分割上。-Newspaper layout analysis, document images can also be used in the general layout of partition.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 424kb Publisher : 王耳

这是一个报刊订阅系统,是用JAVA实现的,里面有详细的使用说明,喜欢可以下载-This is a newspaper subscription system, implemented by JAVA, there are detailed instructions for use, if you like you can download
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 483kb Publisher : 刘成龙
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