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Description: 高次方程求解的c代码实现,用于数值分析课,简单实用,可作为参考-Lagrange interpolating polynomial,Bisection algorithm,Newton’s method and Secant method
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 阿锦 | Hits:


Description: Source Code Archive An Introduction to Numerical Analysis with Applications to the Physical, Natural and Social Sciences-neville.C Neville s algorithm divdiff.C calculate the coefficients of the Newton form of the interpolating polynomial using divided differences nf_eval.C evaluate the Newton form of the interpolating polynomial cubic_nak.C construct the cubic spline interpolant with "not-a-knot" boundary conditions cubic_clamped.C construct the cubic spline interpolant with clamped boundary conditions spline_eval.C evaluate a spline interpolant (works with the output from cubic_nak.C and cubic_clamped.C) hermite.C calculate the coefficients of the Hermite interpolating polynomial cubic_herm.C evaluate the Hermite cubic interpolant
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 范姜 | Hits:


Description: calculate the coefficients of the Newton form of the interpolating polynomial using divided differences
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: katore vishal | Hits:


Description: evaluate the Newton form of the interpolating polynomial
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: katore vishal | Hits:


Description: 各个函数的功能分别为求已知数据点的Lauguage,Akten,Newton,Gauss函数的插值多项式。-The function of each functional is how to caltulate the known numbers Lauguage,Akten,Newton,Gauss interpolation polynomials.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: hhsyla | Hits:


Description: matlab的牛顿插值和样条插值多项式,以及牛顿插值和样条插值的误差。-matlab Newton polynomial interpolation and spline interpolation, and Newton interpolation and spline interpolation errors.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Newton Interpolation Method Values yi of the interpolating polynomial at the points xi. Coordinates of the points of interpolation are stored in vectors x and y. Horner s method is used to evaluate a polynomial. Second output parameter a holds coeeficients of the interpolating polynomial in Newton s form.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wotdaf0ck | Hits:


Description: Newton s interpolating formula.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Cezar_DSP | Hits:


Description: 含有拉格朗日及牛顿插值函数,分别选取切比雪夫和等距分割节点进行插值。-Containing Lagrange and Newton interpolation function, were selected cut Chebyshev interpolating and isometric split node.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: MSY | Hits:

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