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matlab自适应消噪源代码,已通过编译,可运行.-Matlab Adaptive Noise Cancellation source code, compile, run.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : lyy

自适应语音抵消算法,用于语音增强,和语音降噪。开发环境matlab-Adaptive Speech cancellation algorithm for speech enhancement, noise reduction and voice. Matlab development environment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : lynn

DL : 1
应用自适应的干扰对消法去除高斯白噪声,程序中给出两种相关噪声产生的方法,第一种只有一个噪声是随机产生的,第二种两个噪声都是随机产生的。程序中给出了去噪后信噪比和均方差的增益。-Application of adaptive interference cancellation method to remove Gaussian white noise, the procedure given in the relevant noise generated by the two methods, first there is only one noise is randomly generated, the second two are randomly generated noise. Denoising process is given after the signal to noise ratio and mean square deviation of the gain.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李冰

双通道语音增强算法,消除环境噪声。采用归一化自适应方法,噪声抵消10dB,语音保持较好可懂度。-Dual-channel speech enhancement algorithm, to eliminate environmental noise. The use of normalized adaptive methods, noise cancellation 10dB, to maintain good voice intelligibility.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 182kb Publisher : chenziqiang

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : aishu

自适应噪声对消器,消除语音中的噪声,算是探讨性质的小程序吧-Adaptive noise cancellation, and voice in the elimination of noise
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 辛颖

现代数字喜好处理的MATLAB程序代码,包含随机过程分析,各种功率谱估计(欧拉方程法、协方差算法、burg算法、修正协方差算法、等等),维纳滤波器的设计、自适应滤波器的设计。 note:里面包含一些很实际的算法设计,比如说:没有发送序列的自适应噪声抵消技术,etc .还包含了详细的设计报告!-Preferences of modern digital processing MATLAB code, including the random process analysis, a variety of power spectrum estimation (Euler equation method, covariance method, burg algorithm, modified covariance algorithm, etc.), Wiener filter design, adaptive filter design. note: which contains some very practical algorithm design, such as: no send sequence adaptive noise cancellation technology, etc. also includes a detailed design report!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 564kb Publisher : leexian

自适应噪声对消在微弱电力信号检测中的应用可以检测到很微弱的信号保护电力线进行了MATLAB仿真-Adaptive noise cancellation in the weak electrical signal detection application can detect very weak signals to protect the power lines of the MATLAB simulation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 118kb Publisher : 朱向鹏

分析了相位噪声对正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的影响,发现相位噪声不仅产生 通用相角错误(CPE),而且还会产生载波间干扰(ICI),这都使OFDM系统的性能急剧恶 化,因此必须对CPE和ICI进行校正.文中给出了基于MSE准则的CPE校正方法,考虑到 ICI干扰主要来源于相邻信道,进而提出了基于LMS法则的自适应相邻信道干扰消除方 法.整个算法简单高效.仿真结果表明,所提出的算法大大改善了OFDM系统的性能-Analysis of phase noise on the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, the impact of phase noise was found not only from the general phase angle error (CPE), but also generate inter-carrier interference (ICI), which are so dramatically the performance of OFDM system worse, it is necessary CPE and ICI correction. This paper gives guidelines for CPE-based MSE correction methods, taking into account ICI mainly come from the adjacent channel interference, then presents a rule-based LMS adaptive adjacent channel interference cancellation method. the algorithm is simple and efficient. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm greatly improved the performance of OFDM systems
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : sunkai

1.设计自适应信号分离器,用以从白噪声中提取周期信号。其中选取正弦信号s=sin(2*pi*t/10)为周期信号,宽带噪声信号为高斯白噪声,设置参考通道延迟为50。 2.宽带信号中的窄带干扰抑制实际上是自适应信号分离的一种应用,借助自适应信号分离器可以方便的实现窄带干扰的对消。-1. Design of adaptive signal separator, used to extract from the white noise periodic signal. The extraction of sinusoidal signals s = sin (2* pi* t/10) for periodic signals, broadband noise signal is Gaussian white noise, set the reference channel delay of 50. 2. Wideband signals in the narrow-band interference suppression is actually an application of adaptive signal separation, using adaptive signal separator can be easily achieved narrowband interference cancellation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : wanchun

DL : 0
本文针对并行干扰抵消检测器的不足之处,提出了改进的并行干扰抵消检测算法——基于多项式展开的并行干扰抵消多用户检测算法。该算法将多项式展开检测器作为并行干扰抵消检测器第一级的数据估计值,以提高检测可靠性。通过仿真实验,首先验证了多项式展开检测器的性能。然后比较改进算法与传统检测器的性能,验证改进算法的系统性能得到明显改善;并与并行干扰抵消检测器、解相关检测器和MMSE检测器相比较,验 证得到该改进算法的性能也有不同程度的改善。 -this paper discusses the principle and performance of the conventional detector and the parallel interference cancellation(PIC)detector separately.Since the conventional detector take MAI only as the background noise without considering the existence of the other users,the existence of MAI has a significant impact on the performance of CDMA systems.Each stage of PIC detector utilizes the data estimates of the initial or previous stage,produces a new set of MAI estimates,and then subtracts out all of the MAI for each user in parallel.Through Monte Carlo simulation in different scenarios,the results illustrate the influence of MAI in conventional CDMA ystems.Theexperimental results show PIC detector can effectively eliminate MAI andimprove the system BER.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 558kb Publisher : bluels123

TD-SCDMA系统联合检测中的信道估计、信道估计后处理、信道估计串行干扰消除后处理算法的源代码。其中,信道估计采用频域快速FFT法以减少运算量;后处理采用激活窗检测法,只保留激活用户的多径信息,其余置0,以达到降低干扰及噪声的目的;串行干扰消除可以消除多小区信道估计的干扰,以得到本小区的纯净信道估计结果。-TD-SCDMA system, joint detection of channel estimation, channel estimation and post-processing, channel estimation and post-processing the serial interference cancellation algorithm source code. Among them, frequency-domain channel estimation using fast FFT method to reduce computational complexity post-processing detection method used to activate windows, leaving only the active user' s multi-path information, the remaining set 0, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing interference and noise serial interference cancellation can be Multi-cell channel estimation to eliminate the interference in order to get the purity of the cell channel estimation result.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher :

用于实现语音中的对消噪声,本程序用matlab实现-For the voice in noise cancellation, the program achieved with matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : david

阐述了自适应噪声抵消(ANC)技术的基本原理,基于自适应滤波器的原理,设计了自适应噪声抵消器 在对自适应滤波器相关理论研究的基础上,重点研究了自适应噪声抵消器的核心———LMS自适应滤波算法。在MATLAB中的Simulink下,建立了自适应噪声抵消器的模型,并通过设置不同的参数进行仿真,结果表明系统能够有效地从噪声中恢复出原始信号。最后对系统进行了性能分析,给出了自适应噪声抵消系统在实际应用中选取参考信号的要求 -This paper elaborated the basic theory of Adaptive noise cancellation technology (ANC),designed Adaptive noise canceller based on adaptive filter After studying the related theory of adaptive filter,the core of adaptive noise canceller-LMS adaptive filtering algorithm is researched emphatically.Under the Simulink of MATLAB,built the model of adaptive noise canceller and simulated through installing different parameters.The results declared the system can recover original signal from noise effectively.Finally,analyzed the function of system,and given the system requirements of selected reference signals in the practical application.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 394kb Publisher : furuiling

DL : 0
一种改进的LMS算法及其在噪声对消中的应用。在分析传统定步长LMS算法和变步长LMS算法的基础上,提出了一种改进的变步长LMS算法。新算法利用瞬时误差绝对值三次方的指数形式和遗忘因子同时调整步长,更好的解决了收敛速度和稳态误差的矛盾-An improved LMS algorithm and its application in noise cancellation. In the analysis of the traditional fixed step and variable step size LMS algorithm based on LMS algorithm, a modified variable step size LMS algorithm. Absolute value of the new algorithm uses the instantaneous error and the form of cubic exponential forgetting factor while adjusting step, a better solution to the convergence speed and steady-state error of the contradictions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : dapeng

DL : 0
REMOVAL OF NOISE FROM ECG (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) BY USING MATLAB. EEG (Electroencephalograph) recording from the scalp has biological artifacts and external artifacts. Biological artifacts, which are generated, can be EMG (Electromyography) signal, EOG (Electrooculograph) signal or ECG (Electrocardiograph) signal. These artifacts appear as noise in the recorded EEG signal individually or in a combined manner. Usually physicians are misled by these noisy signals and the EEG analysis can go wrong. This paper presents noise cancellation i.e. removal of noise signal which can be either EMG, ECG or a combination of these two artifacts from the corrupted EEG signal and also signal enhancement both using recurrent learning technique. For this purpose, we have implemented the RTRL (Real Time Recurrent Learning) algorithm, -REMOVAL OF NOISE FROM ECG (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) BY USING MATLAB. EEG (Electroencephalograph) recording from the scalp has biological artifacts and external artifacts. Biological artifacts, which are generated, can be EMG (Electromyography) signal, EOG (Electrooculograph) signal or ECG (Electrocardiograph) signal. These artifacts appear as noise in the recorded EEG signal individually or in a combined manner. Usually physicians are misled by these noisy signals and the EEG analysis can go wrong. This paper presents noise cancellation i.e. removal of noise signal which can be either EMG, ECG or a combination of these two artifacts from the corrupted EEG signal and also signal enhancement both using recurrent learning technique. For this purpose, we have implemented the RTRL (Real Time Recurrent Learning) algorithm,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : azharuddin

Noise cancellation with Minimum Mean Square Error via LMS algorthim in Matlab simulation software
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : sparaton

DL : 0
this genaral techniques involves in noise cancellation and this matlab version-this is genaral techniques involves in noise cancellation and this matlab version
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : dedfdr

已实现了MATLAB下的音频AGC,效果还可以,做起来才发觉比较简单,关键是要有高效的算法。如果能在实现AGC的同时做到噪音消除和回音消除,则效果更佳。-MATLAB has been achieved under the audio AGC, the effect can be done only to find relatively simple, the key is to have efficient algorithms. If you can do while in the realization of the AGC noise cancellation and echo cancellation, the better.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : 李洪胜

传统的宽带信号中抑制正弦干扰的方法是采用陷波器(notch filter),为此需要精确知道干扰正弦的频率.然而当干扰正弦频率是缓慢变化时,且选频率特性要求十分尖锐时,则最好采用自适应噪声抵消的方法.下图是用一个二阶FIR的LMS自适应滤波器消除正弦干扰的一个方案。该代码实现了以下功能: 1) 借助MATLAB画出了滤波器的误差性能曲面和误差性能曲面的等值曲线; 2) 给出了最陡下降法以及LMS算法的计算公式; 3) 用MATLAB产生了方差为0.05, 均值为0白噪音S(n),并画出某次采样得到的波形; 4) 根据 2)中的公式,并利用 3)中产生的S(n),在 1)中的误差性能曲面的等值曲线上叠加画出了采用最陡下降法以及LMS法时H(n)的在叠代过程中的轨迹曲线; 5)用MATLAB计算并画出了LMS法时误差随时间n的变化曲线(对应S(n)的某一次的一次实现)和e(n)波形; 6)在 1)中的误差性能曲面的等值曲线上,叠加画出采用LMS法得到的100次实验中的H(n)的平均值的轨迹曲线; 7)最终对结果进行了分析,具体见压缩包的word文档。 -Wideband signal in the conventional sinusoidal interference suppression method is the use notch filter (notch filter), this requires precise knowledge of the frequency of a sinusoidal interference . However, when the interference frequency sinusoidal changes slowly , and the selected frequency characteristic requirements are very sharp , then best use of adaptive noise cancellation method . following figure is a second-order FIR LMS adaptive filter to eliminate a program sinusoidal interference . The code implements the following functions:   A ) draw with MATLAB error performance of the filter surface and the surface contour error performance curve 2 ) gives the steepest descent method and the LMS algorithm formula 3 ) generated using MATLAB variance of 0.05 with a mean of 0 white noise S (n), and draw a particular sampling waveform 4 ) based on 2 ) of the formula , and use 3 ) generated in S (n), in a ) the error performance curves superimposed on the surface contour pl
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 306kb Publisher : 邵曈
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