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语音信号的频域处理,语音虽然是一个时变、非平稳的随机过程。但在短时间内可近似看作是平稳的。因此如果能从带噪语音的短时谱中估计出“纯净”语音的短时谱,即可达到语音增强的目的。由于噪声也是随机过程,因此这种估计只能建立在统计模型基础上。利用人耳感知对语音频谱分量的相位不敏感的特性,这类语音增强算法主要针对短时谱的幅度估计。 -voice signals in the frequency domain processing, voice is a time-varying, nonstationary random process. But in a short period of time can be approximated as smooth. So if Noisy Speech from the short-term spectrum estimate "pure" voice of the short-term spectrum, and reached speech enhancement purposes. As the noise is random process, which can only be estimated based on statistical models based on. Use ear perception of voice spectrum component of the phase sensitive to the characteristics of such speech enhancement algorithms targeted at the rate of short-term spectral estimation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 罗飞

基于多窗谱法功率谱估计的谱减法语音增强程序,多窗谱功率谱估计比传统的周期图法方差效果更好,抑制音乐噪声效果更佳。 该程序对语音增强入门的研究者有参考意义。-Spectrum method based on multi-window power spectral estimate of spectral subtraction speech enhancement procedures, multi-window spectral power spectrum estimation than the traditional periodogram variance better suppress noise better music. The procedure entry on speech enhancement researchers have reference value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 武月

利用I.Cohen提出的短时先验信噪比(priori SNR)估算的语音增强法,附有相应程序和文献。-I. Cohen raised by the use of short-term a priori signal to noise ratio (priori SNR) estimation of the speech enhancement method, with the corresponding procedures and documentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 123kb Publisher : 宋知用

SPEECH ENHANCEMENT BASED ON WAVELET DENOISING Abstract: - Noise is an unwanted and inevitable interference in any form of communication. It is non-informative and plays the role of sucking the intelligence of the original signal. Any kind of processing of the signal contributes to the noise addition. A signal traveling through the channel also gathers lots of noise. It degrades the quality of the information signal. The effect of noise could be reduced only at the cost of the bandwidth of the channel which is again undesired as bandwidth is a precious resource. Hence to regenerate original signal, it is tried to reduce the power of the noise signal or in the other way, raise the power level of the informative signal, at the receiver end this leads to improvement in the signal to noise ratio (SNR). There are several ways in doing it and here the focus is on adaptive Signal processing new technique (Grazing Estimation method) to improving the signal to noise ratio.-SPEECH ENHANCEMENT BASED ON WAVELET DENOISING Abstract:- Noise is an unwanted and inevitable interference in any form of communication. It is non-informative and plays the role of sucking the intelligence of the original signal. Any kind of processing of the signal contributes to the noise addition. A signal traveling through the channel also gathers lots of noise. It degrades the quality of the information signal. The effect of noise could be reduced only at the cost of the bandwidth of the channel which is again undesired as bandwidth is a precious resource. Hence to regenerate original signal, it is tried to reduce the power of the noise signal or in the other way, raise the power level of the informative signal, at the receiver end this leads to improvement in the signal to noise ratio (SNR). There are several ways in doing it and here the focus is on adaptive Signal processing new technique (Grazing Estimation method) to improving the signal to noise ratio.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 188kb Publisher : majid

经典噪声估计,用于speech enhancement-noise estimation algorithm in speech enhancement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : yao wang

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Rainer martin的早期文章,用于语音增强的噪声估计算法,对于最小统计量的提出有参考意义-Rainer martin early articles, speech enhancement for noise estimation algorithm, for the smallest of the proposed statistics are useful
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 320kb Publisher : 张小雨

Speech Signal Noise Estimation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Mohammad

提出一种有效的语音增强算法,该算法使用重叠相加FF-r滤波器进行谱幅度估计,给出噪声估计的两个均值参数,此参数适用于任何噪声.而且进行噪声估计无需检测语音间隙,无需VAD的运算过程,克服了单信道噪声 压缩算法的缺点.-An effective speech enhancement algorithm using the overlap-add FF-r filter in spectral amplitude estimation, given the noise mean estimate two parameters, this parameter applies to any noise. And no detection of speech to noise estimation space, without VAD computing process, overcome the single-channel noise suppression algorithm shortcomings.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 189kb Publisher : Decheng Yu

DL : 0
最小均方误差估计(MMSE)语音增强算法,算法简单有效,无残余音乐噪声-Minimum mean square error estimation (MMSE) speech enhancement algorithm is simple and effective, non-residual musical noise
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : lixiaofei

duction techniques proposed in the art are expressed as a spectral gain depending on the a priori SNR. In the well-known decision- directed approach, the a priori SNR depends on the speech spec- trum estimation in the previous frame. As a consequence the gain function matches the previous frame rather than the current one which degrades the noise reduction performance. We propose a new method called Two-Step Noise Reduction (TSNR) technique which solves this problem while maintaining the benefi ts of the decision-directed approach. This method is analyzed and results in voice communication and speech recognition context are given.-noise estimate
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 190kb Publisher : leon

Noise Estimation by Minima Controlled Recursive Averaging for Robust Speech Enhancement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 325kb Publisher : madin

根据” J.S. Erkelens and R. Heusdens, "Tracking of nonstationary noise based on data-driven recursive noise power estimation”所开发的源码-noisetracker based on data-driven recursive noise power estimation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 118kb Publisher : jack

用于speech enhancement的经典噪声估计源代码完整,可直接使用。-Classical speech enhancement for noise estimation complete source code can be used directly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 迷信

Noise estimation for speech enhancement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : baddetisyam

实验结果表明该算法对非冲击噪声效果良好。 lx_main为主程序,NS_lxwz为噪声估计模块,lxG_wz为增益估计模块,noise_sound为测试用含噪语音。 算法原理参见本人的文章《一种引入延迟的语音增强算法》。-Experimental results show that the algorithm for non-impulsive noise effect is good. lx_main the main program, NS_lxwz for the noise estimation module, lxG_wz for the gain estimation module, noise_sound to test the noisy speech. Algorithm theory see my article " delay the introduction of a speech enhancement algorithm."
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 156kb Publisher : 刘翔

音频处理算法:语音增强技术是语音信号处理技术中的一门关键技术,本例是一种较为经典的用来估计噪声的算法程序,其实现较为简单,便于初学者学习,改程序已经通过仿真实验,并且实验结果用在方便哦的论文中。-Speech Enhancement technology is voice signal processing technology in a key technology, in this case is a more classical algorithm used to estimate the noise, its implementation is simple, easy for beginners to learn, to change the program has been through simulation experiments, and experiments results of paper in a convenient oh
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher :

Noise Estimation of speech signals in Matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Manind

经典噪声估计,用于speech enhancement可直接使用。 -Classical noise estimation for speech enhancement can be used directly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : despise

一种低复杂度的噪声谱跟踪算法,用于语音增强和语音识别中,文件夹内有参考文献。-A low noise spectral tracking algorithm complexity, for speech enhancement and speech recognition, there are references folder.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 317kb Publisher : 尹海明

detection and estimation of noise in speech process
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 180kb Publisher : meekz
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