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数字图像在产生过程中经常会受到噪音污染。因此,对于数字图像应该对其进行去噪音处理。在传统的基于傅里叶变换的信号去噪音方法中,可以使得信号和噪音的频带重叠部分尽可能的小,这样就可以在频域通过时,不需改变滤波方法而将信号和噪音分隔开来。但是,如果信号和噪音的频域重合时,用该方法进行噪音处理的效果就比较差。-digital image in the selection process will be subject to regular noise pollution. Therefore, the digital image should be carried out to deal with the noise. Based on the traditional Fourier Transform method of signal to noise, can result in a signal and noise bands overlap small as possible, so it can be adopted in the frequency domain, the need to change methods of filtering the signal and noise to separate. However, if the signal and noise in the frequency domain coincidence, the method for dealing with the effects of noise on the relatively poor.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher :

数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 直方图均匀化 模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 图像的自适应魏纳滤波 运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)低通滤波器对受噪声干扰的图像进行平滑处理 利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)高通滤波器对图像进行锐化处理 -digital image data matrix display and its Fourier transform two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression using gray change The method for enhancing the contrast of the image histogram equalization simulated images by white Gaussian noise and Impulse noise impact 2D Median filter function medfilt2 right by the Salt and Pepper noise interference with the image filtering MATLAB functions fi lter2 right by the noise of image filtering images using adaptive filtering Weiner five different gradient growth Intensity image sharpening images and high-pass filter mask Processing Butterworth (Butterworth) lowpass Filter by the noise of the image smoothing use Butterworth (Butterworth) high-pass filter filter on the image sharpening
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 王晓明

程序代码说明 P0301:数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 P0302:二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 P0303:采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 P0304:直方图均匀化 P0305:模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 P0306:采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 P0307:采用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 P0308:图像的自适应魏纳滤波 P0309:运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 P0310:图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 P0311:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)低通滤波器对受噪声干扰的图像进行平滑处理 P0312:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)高通滤波器对图像进行锐化处理-code P0301 : Digital image data matrix display and Fourier Transform P0302 : Two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression P0303 : Gray used a new method to enhance the contrast of the image P0304 : histogram equalization P0305 : Simulation images by white Gaussian noise and Impulse noise impact P0306 : 2D median filtering function medfilt2 right by the Salt and Pepper image noise filtering P0307 : MATLAB filter2 the function of noise interference by the image filtering P0308 : Image Adaptive Filter Weiner P0309 : use five different gradient Enhancement Act for image sharpening P0310 : Images of the high-pass filtering and mask handling P0311 : use Butterworth (Butterworth) low-pass filter to noise interference by the image smoothing P 0312 : Butterworth (Butterworth) high-pa
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 杨健

基于小波-偏微分方程的图像降噪程序,Matlab7编程实现-based on wavelet- PDE image noise reduction procedures, Matlab7 Programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王大力

研究数学形态学的二值形态学、灰度形态学的腐蚀、膨胀、开启和闭合四种基本运算,利用这4种基本运算消除图像噪声。本文在总结和分析了数学形态学的基本理论及其应用的基础上,用MATLAB编程实现消除图像噪声。仿真结果表明,本文应用二值形态学和灰度形态学去除图像噪声具有较好的效果,并有一定的实用性。-Study on binary mathematical morphology morphology, grayscale morphology of corrosion, expansion of open and closed four basic operations, use of these four kinds of basic computing to eliminate the image noise. In this paper, summarizing and analyzing the basic theory of mathematical morphology and its applications based on programming using MATLAB realize the elimination of image noise. Simulation results show that the application of binary gray-scale morphology and morphological image noise removal with good results, and have a certain degree of practicality.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 154kb Publisher : 方方

这写程序是对加水印之后图像的攻击,包括加噪声,各种滤波,剪切,压缩攻击和旋转等。-This writing process is a plus watermark image after the attacks, including the increase in noise, various filtering, shear, compression and rotation attacks.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 126kb Publisher : 晁文婷

此文件包含有四个基于matlab源程序,可直接运行.其说明如下 P0305:模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 P0306:采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤P0307:采用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值P0308:图像的自适应魏纳滤波 -This file contains four based on the matlab source code can be directly run. Its description is as follows P0305: analog image by Gaussian white noise and salt and pepper noise P0306: A two-dimensional median filtering function medfilt2 by salt and pepper noise to the image filter P0307: the use of MATLAB in filter2 function affected by noise interference images mean P0308: Image Adaptive Weiner Filter
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张海涛

图片去噪:对一幅图像加入不同的噪声(随机点噪声、椒盐噪声等),选取不同的方法去噪,比如说邻域平均、中值滤波、图像迭加等,比较对于不同的噪声,不同的方法哪种更好-Image denoising: for an image by adding different noise (random-dot noise, salt and pepper noise, etc.), select a different method of denoising, for example, the neighborhood average, median filter, image superposition and so on, compared for different noise, different methods which better
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 737kb Publisher : 郑文

fbp算法实现CT重建,包括不同投影个数、探测器个数和噪声对重建后图像的质量的影响。-FBP CT reconstruction algorithm, including the number of different projection, and the number of detector noise on the reconstructed image quality.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26kb Publisher :

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用matlab写的一个关于高斯图像加噪声算法的实现-Using matlab to write an image plus noise on the Gaussian Algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 韩栋

关于matlab图象处理的直方图均衡化,理想平滑滤波器和中值滤波去除椒盐噪声的源代码,比较简洁,不妨-Matlab image processing on the histogram equalization, an ideal smoothing filter and median filter to remove salt and pepper noise of the source code, comparing simple, may wish to
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : hbch

DL : 0
MATLAB下通过多种小波实验了解小波变换的原理教程及示例代码 包括的多个示例源代码有:一维线性非线性近似、二维线性非线性近似、使用线性滤波过滤噪声、使用小波门限消除噪声、使用小波变换压缩一维信号、二维小波图像压缩等等。 -Under MATLAB wavelet through a variety of experiments to understand the principle of wavelet transform tutorial and sample code included in the source code has a number of examples: a linear one-dimensional non-linear approximation, nonlinear two-dimensional linear approximation, the use of linear filtering filter noise, the use of wavelet thresholding to eliminate noise, the use of one-dimensional wavelet transform compressed signal, two-dimensional wavelet image compression and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.18mb Publisher : aaa

用维纳滤波实现的图像复原matlab代码。对有噪声的水平运动模糊图像效果很好!-With Wiener filtering of Image Restoration realize matlab code. Has the level of noise on the motion-blurred image effect very well!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : dragon

Image Compression A collection of simple routines for image compression using different techniques. BTCODE: Image compression Using Block Truncation Coding. PYRAMID: Image compression based on Gaussian Pyramids. DCTCOMPR: Image compression based on Discrete Cosine Transform. IMCOMPR: Image compression based on Singular Value Decomposition. The given codes can be also used in 2D noise suppression.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 林明

MATLAB给图像添加高斯、椒盐、加性及乘性噪声(噪声生成)源代码Free Source Code for Adds diferent types of noise to an image-MATLAB add to the image Gaussian, salt and pepper, additive and multiplicative noise (noise generated) source code Free Source Code for Adds diferent types of noise to an image
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 余永松

MATLAB 给图像添加各种噪声:如椒盐噪声,高斯噪声、乘性噪声等等。-MATLAB add all kinds of noise to the image: If salt and pepper noise, Gaussian noise, multiplicative noise and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张娜

基于Matlab的典型图像增强算法的源码 程序代码说明 P0301:数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 P0302:二维离散余弦变换的图像压缩 P0303:采用灰度变换的方法增强图像的对比度 P0304:直方图均匀化 P0305:模拟图像受高斯白噪声和椒盐噪声的影响 P0306:采用二维中值滤波函数medfilt2对受椒盐噪声干扰的图像滤波 P0307:采用MATLAB中的函数filter2对受噪声干扰的图像进行均值滤波 P0308:图像的自适应魏纳滤波 P0309:运用5种不同的梯度增强法进行图像锐化 P0310:图像的高通滤波和掩模处理 P0311:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)低通滤波器对受噪声干扰的图像进行平滑处理 P0312:利用巴特沃斯(Butterworth)高通滤波器对图像进行锐化处理-They are typical Matlab-based image enhancement algorithm. Procedure Code Description P0301: digital image data display matrix and its Fourier transform P0302: Two-dimensional discrete cosine transform image compression P0303: the use of gray-scale transformation method of contrast-enhanced images P0304: Histogram of homogenization P0305: analog image by Gaussian white noise and salt and pepper noise P0306: A two-dimensional median filter function by medfilt2 of salt and pepper noise image filtering P0307: the use of MATLAB s function affected by noise interference filter2 images mean filter P0308: Image Adaptive Weiner Filter P0309: the use of five kinds of different gradient enhanced image sharpening method P0310: Image of high-pass filtering and mask treatment P0311: the use of Butterworth (Butterworth) low pass filter on the image noise by smoothing treatment P0312: the use of Butterworth (Butterworth) high-pass filter for sharpening
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21kb Publisher : panghuanzhi

包括的多个示例源代码有:一维线性非线性近似、二维线性非线性近似、使用线性滤波过滤噪声、使用小波门限消除噪声、使用小波变换压缩一维信号、二维小波图像压缩等等。-Including the source code of a number of examples are: a linear one-dimensional non-linear approximation, nonlinear two-dimensional linear approximation, the use of linear filtering noise filtering, the use of wavelet thresholding to eliminate noise, the use of one-dimensional wavelet compression signal, two-dimensional wavelet image compression and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.13mb Publisher : royma

matlab code for to reduce noise on image - median filter, mean filter, maximum filterm, hybrid median filter, etc
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : Jiyoung Park

使用这个matlab程序,你可以对图像实现加高斯白噪声或者椒盐噪声-whth this matlab code,You can add Gaussian white noise or salt and pepper noise on the purpose image
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 327kb Publisher : 浅夏
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