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Description: 本论文围绕蚁群算法的理论及其应用,就如何解决非线性整数规划问题、连续性伏化问题、聚类问题、与其它算法混合以及收敛性进行了较为深入、系统的研究。 -In this paper, the theory surrounding the ant colony algorithm and its application on how to solve the nonlinear integer programming problem, the issue of continuity of V, clustering problems, mixed with other algorithms, as well as convergence in more depth, systematic study.
Platform: | Size: 5346304 | Author: 高阳 | Hits:


Description: 数学中经常用到的一些规划模型包含整数规划、线性规划、非线性规划-Frequently used for mathematical programming model contains a number of integer programming, linear programming, nonlinear programming
Platform: | Size: 614400 | Author: 詹惠崇 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsOptimization

Description: 《实用最优化方法 (第三版)》 该教材介绍了线性规划、非线性规划、多目标规划、整数规划和动态规划的基本理论、计算方法及其应用。书中着重阐述了最优化的基本原理和在实际应用中比较有效的计算方法及其在计算机上的实现等内容。- Practical Optimization Methods (third edition) The materials introduced linear programming, nonlinear programming, multi-objective programming, integer programming and dynamic programming of the basic theory, calculation methods and their applications. The book focuses on the optimization of the most basic principle and in practical applications more effective method of calculation and its realization on the computer and so on.
Platform: | Size: 12047360 | Author: nc21lym | Hits:


Description: 非线性整数规划问题,基于遗传算法的matlab程序-Nonlinear integer programming problems, based on genetic algorithm matlab program
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: shilei | Hits:


Description: 这个程序是基于matlab平台环境下编成的,数学计算方面的算法,包括动态规划算法,拉格朗日插值法,解非线性整数规划法,解线性规划,以及解常微分算法-This procedure is based on matlab platform into the environment, mathematics calculation algorithms, including dynamic programming algorithm, Lagrange interpolation, solution of nonlinear integer programming method, solution of linear programming, as well as the solution of ordinary differential algorithm
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 肖可 | Hits:


Description: matlab 7.0 以上版本提供了强大的优化工具箱,但在整数规划方面,只提供了bintprog()这个m文件以求解0-1整数规划,而对于一般的整数规划模型没有具体的算法提供。我们一般情况只是用最简单的分值定界思想编写matlab程序求解整数规划问题,但效率低下,如何利用求解整数规划的先进算法编写matlab程序提上日程,香港大学的李端和复旦大学编写的《Nonlinear Integer Programming》(非线性整数规划)为编写解决整数规划问题提供强大有效的算法,其中算法针对具体问题包括: lagrangian 对偶问题 代理对偶问题 非线性lagrangian 和强对偶问题 非线性背包问题 可分解的整数规划问题 二次目标函数的整数规划问题 非约束的0-1多项式规划问题 约束的 0-1多项式规划问题 混合整数非线性规划问题 -In spite of shortcoming of matlab 7.0 that it can t provide the toolbox in order to dealing with general integer programming problem, therefore, we need goog algorithm to write matlab code to solve general integer programming, in 2006, Li duan from Hongkong university and Sun xiaoling from Fudan university proposed a book named Nonlinear Integer programming, and it include the problems as follows: lagrangian duality problem surrogate duality problem nonlinear lagrangian problem nonlinear knapsack problem nonlinear integer programming with a quadratic objective functions nonconstrained polynomial 0-1 optimization constrained polynomial 0-1 programming mixed-integer nonlinear programming
Platform: | Size: 13763584 | Author: feimaxiao | Hits:


Description: 非线性整数规划算法,求解非线性整数规划活混合规划问题,常用的算法是分枝定界算法。基于该算法编成的现成函数bnb20()-Nonlinear integer programming algorithm for solving nonlinear mixed integer programming live planning problem, commonly used algorithms are branch-and-bound algorithm. Based on the algorithm into off-the-shelf function bnb20 ()
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: wangjunxia | Hits:


Description: Lingo是最优化问题的一种建模语言,包括许多常用的函数可供使用者建立优化模型时调用,并提供与其他数据文件(如文本文件、Excel电子表格文件、数据库文件等)的接口,易于方便地输入、求解和分析大规模最优化问题。   由于这些特点,Lindo系统公司的线性、非线性和整数规划求解程序已经被全世界数千万的公司用来做最大化利润和最小化成本的分析。应用的范围包含生产线规划、运输、财务金融、投资分配、资本预算、混合排程、库存管理、资源配置等等... -Lingo is a kind of optimization problem modeling language, including many commonly used functions available for users to create optimized model call, and provide other data files (such as a text file, Excel spreadsheet files, database files, etc.) interface, easy easy to enter, solving and analyzing large-scale optimization problem. As a result of these characteristics, Lindo Systems, Inc. linear, nonlinear and integer programming solver has been the company tens of millions around the world used to maximize profit and minimize the cost of analysis. The scope of application include production line planning, transport, finance finance, investment allocation, capital budgeting, mixed scheduling, inventory management, resource allocation and so on ...
Platform: | Size: 317440 | Author: huierqing | Hits:


Description: 1stOpt 是七维高科有限公司(7D-Soft High Technology Inc.)独立开发, 拥有完全自主知识产权的一套数学优化分析综合工具软件包。在非线性回归,曲线拟合,非线性复杂模型参数估算求解,线性/非线性规划等领域首屈一指; 1stOpt 应用范围 1) 模型自动优化率定 2) 参数估算 3) 任意模型公式线性,非线性拟合,回归 4) 非线性连立方程组求解 5) 任意维函数,隐函数极值求解 6) 隐函数根求解,作图,求极值 7) 线性,非线性及整数规划 8) 组合优化问题 9) 高级计算器 附带指导文件-1stOpt Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. is one of the seven-dimensional (7D-Soft High Technology Inc.) Independently developed, have complete independent intellectual property rights of a set of integrated tools for analysis of mathematical optimization software package. In the non-linear regression, curve fitting, non-linear model parameters to estimate the complexity of solving linear/nonlinear programming in areas such as second to none 1stOpt scope of application 1) model to automatically optimize rate 2) parameter estimation 3) any model of the formula line sexual, non-linear fitting, regression 4) non-linear simultaneous equations to solve even 5) arbitrary-dimensional function, implicit function solving extremum 6) implicit function solving the root, mapping, and extreme value 7) of linear, non-linear and integer programming 8) combinatorial optimization problem 9) high-level guidance document attached calculator
Platform: | Size: 7420928 | Author: zhangqi | Hits:


Description: 蒙特卡罗随机算法求解非线性整数规划的MATLAB程序-a MATLAB program using Monte Carlo algorithm to deal with a nonlinear integer programming model
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liujian | Hits:


Description: 非线性整数规划Matlab源程序m文件,调用后解决非线性整数规划问题。-M non-linear integer programming Matlab source file, called upon to solve nonlinear integer programming problem.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: jiajt | Hits:


Description: 非线性整数规划的遗传算法Matlab程序-Genetic Algorithm for Nonlinear Integer Programming Matlab program
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: 松哥 | Hits:


Description: 在实际应用着经常需要求解非线性整数规划或混合规划问题,该领域中的一种常用的算法是分支定界(branch and bound)算法,但是matlab工具箱中没有相关的函数。荷兰Groningen大学的Koert Kuipers编写的的BNB20工具箱可以用来求解一般非线性整数规划问题-In practice, frequent need to solve nonlinear integer programming or mixed programming problem, the area a popular algorithm is the branch and bound (branch and bound) algorithm, but the matlab toolbox functions are not related. Netherlands, Groningen University, prepared the BNB20 Koert Kuipers toolbox can be used to solve general nonlinear integer programming problem
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: leilei | Hits:

[source in ebookmastering_matlab

Description: 精通MATLAB最优化计算 配套光盘 本书的主要内容是应用MATLAB来解决最优化问题,通过将“最优化问题”、“MATLAB优化工具箱”和“MATLAB编程”这三方面有机结合进行讲述,即一方面是使用工具箱来快速解决最优化问题,另一方面是通过算法编程深入解决最优化问题。主要包括MATLAB优化工具箱、无约束多维极值问题、约束优化问题、非线性最小二乘优化问题、线性规划、整数规划、二次规划、粒子群优化算法、遗传算法。 -The main contents of the book is the application of MATLAB to solve the optimization problem, by " optimization problem" , " MATLAB Optimization Toolbox" and " MATLAB Programming" combination of these three were about, that one is using the kit to quickly solve the optimization problem, on the other hand, through in-depth programming algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Including MATLAB optimization toolbox, unconstrained multi-dimensional extremum problems, constrained optimization, nonlinear least squares optimization problem, linear programming, integer programming, quadratic programming, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 153600 | Author: 李可 | Hits:


Description: matlab数学建模工具箱,非线性整数规划模型求解分支定界迭代算法-matlab toolbox of mathematical modeling, nonlinear integer programming model of iterative algorithm branch and bound
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: feeling | Hits:


Description: matlab数学建模工具箱,非线性整数规划图形工具-matlab toolbox of mathematical modeling, graphical tools for nonlinear integer programming
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: feeling | Hits:


Description: 本书收录了众多的matlab的数学建模的算法,例如线性规划、整数规划、非线性规划、动态规划和图与网络模型及方法等有关的众多matlab数学模型。-This book contains a large number of matlab mathematical modeling algorithms, such as linear programming, integer programming, nonlinear programming, dynamic programming and graph and network models and methods for many matlab mathematical model.
Platform: | Size: 4214784 | Author: 周利伟 | Hits:


Description: 介绍了matlab中非线性整数规划箱,介绍了非线性整数规划的编程-Matlab introduced nonlinear integer programming box , introduces nonlinear integer programming programming
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李炫富 | Hits:


Description: 非线性整数规划的遗传算法Matlab程序 通常,非线性整数规划是一个具有指数复杂度的NP问题,如果约束较为复杂,Matlab优化工具箱和一些优化软件比如lingo等,常常无法应用,即使能应用也不能给出一个较为令人满意的解。这时就需要针对问题设计专门的优化算法。下面举一个遗传算法应用于非线性整数规划的编程实例,供大家参考!-Matlab genetic algorithm of nonlinear integer programming Usually, the nonlinear integer programming is a NP problem, having the index complexity if the constraint is relatively complex, the Matlab optimization toolbox and some optimization software lingo, etc, for example, are often unable to apply, even if that can be also cannot give a more satisfactory solution.This is where the problem for design optimization algorithm.Here for a genetic algorithm is applied to nonlinear integer programming programming examples, for your reference!
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: 樊奕 | Hits:


Description: 第一章 线性规划 第二章 整数规划 第三章 非线性规划 第四章 动态规划 第五章 图与网络 第六章 排队论 第七章 对策论 第八章 层次分析法 第九章 插值与拟合 第十章 数据的统计描述和分析 第十一章 方差分析 第十二章 回归分析(Chapter I linear programming Chapter II integer programming Chapter III nonlinear programming Chapter IV dynamic planning Chapter V diagram and network Chapter VI queuing theory Chapter seven game theory Chapter VIII analytic hierarchy process Chapter 9 interpolation and fitting Chapter X statistical description and analysis of data Chapter 11 analysis of variance Chapter 12 regression analysis)
Platform: | Size: 7712768 | Author: 凉茶与烫酒 | Hits:
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