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Kohonen 网络模拟大脑神经系统自组织特征映射的功能,它是一种竞争式学习网络,在学习中能无监督地进行自组织学习。-Kohonen network simulation system cerebral self-organizing feature mapping function, It is a competitive learning networks, the study can be carried out without supervision from the organizational learning.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 69kb Publisher : 东方云

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基于ARM的蓝牙实时数据采集系统的设计.pdf 摘要: 本文提出了一种基于ARM 的蓝牙无线数据采集系统。结合嵌入式技术与蓝牙技术的优势,解决了传统工业现场数据 采集系统中无法同时满足低功耗、低价格与高性能,并受到电缆布线限制和使用不便等问题。采用蓝牙无线通信技术来实现 数据的采集,使得数据的采集和远程监测更为简单和方便,并且提高了数据采集的抗干扰性能。 关键词: 蓝牙技术 ARM Windows CE 嵌入式系统 数-Abstract: A Bluetooth data acquisition system based on ARM is proposed in this paper. The traditional industrial data acquisition system could not meet the requirement of simultaneously realizing high performance with low power consumption and cost, meanwhile, the cable placement reduces the convenience of application. Combining with the advantage of the embedded technology and the Bluetooth technology, it realizes data acquisition by adopting wireless communication technology which makes data acquisition and remote supervision simpler, more convenient, and better anti-jamming performance.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 218kb Publisher : 赵刚

This to certify that the sis entitled, “Study Of Wind Turbine Driven Induction Generator Using AC/DC/AC converter” submitted by Ashish Kumar Agrawal, Bhaskar Munshi and Srikant Kayal in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology Degree in Electrical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (Deemed University) is an authentic work carried out by them under my supervision. And to the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to any other University/Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.-This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “Study Of Wind Turbine Driven Induction Generator Using AC/DC/AC converter” submitted by Ashish Kumar Agrawal, Bhaskar Munshi and Srikant Kayal in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology Degree in Electrical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (Deemed University) is an authentic work carried out by them under my supervision. And to the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been submitted to any other University/Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 670kb Publisher : proust

Siemens PPI协议分析 西门子S7-200 PLC之间或者PLC与PC之间通信有很多种方式:自由口,PPI方式,MPI方式,Profibus方式。使用自由口方式进行编程时,在上位机和PLC中都要编写数据通信程序。使用PPI协议进行通信时,PLC可以不用编程,而且可读写所有数据区,快捷方便。但是西门子公司没有公布PPI协议的格式。用户如果想使用PPI协议监控,必须购买其监控产品或第三方厂家的组态软件。这样给用户自主开发带来一定困难,特别是自行开发的现场设备就不能通过PPI协议接入PLC。其它通讯方式编程也存在编程复杂,需要购买软件和授权等局限性。通过数据监视、分析的方法,我们找出了PPI协议的关键报文格式,可用于上位机、现场设备与S7-200 CPU之间通讯。-Siemens PPI negotiates analysis Siemens S7-200 PLCs it occasionally between PC and PLC the correspondence has a lot of methods: free orifice, PPI method, MPI method, Profibus method.Use free when the orifice method progress weave a distance all want to write data correspondence procedure in the place of honor machine and PLC.While using PPI to negotiate progress correspondence PLC can need not plait distance, and can read and write all data zones, fast convenience.But Siemens company didn t release PPI the format of agreement.If the consumer wants to use PPI to negotiate supervision, has to buy the configuration software that it supervises and controls a product or third party plant house.Give the consumer independent tapping fetch must be difficult like this, develop especially and by oneself of site equipment the incapability negotiate connecting through PPI into PLC.Other telecommunication methods
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 18kb Publisher : AAA

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本文研究的是利用奇异性指数实现对设备状态监视和故障预警功能。首先用LabVIEW 采集传感器电信号,然后对采集到的电信 号进行小波变换得到信号包络奇异点的奇异性指数,即设备运行状态的特征值-In this research project, we use LabVIEW to do wavelet-transformation to the signal collected by sensors in order to get singularity index from the singular points of the particular signal’s envelope. Through comparing this eigenvalue to the figures in a standard database, we can know the functional status of the instruments. Not only the diagnoses are continuously displayed, but alarms about signs of dysfunction will also be raised in a proper way. In other words, both the supervision of the instrument and warning of dysfunction can be achieved
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 158kb Publisher : whb

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飞思协同办公管理系统Coffice基于领先的微软.net技术开发而成。除了具有传统OA的邮件、工作流、文档等功能外,还引进了项目管理和知识管理的思想,更加注重工作任务的分解、协同和监督;知识的积累、沉淀和分享,多条件跳转的分支流更为特色,有效为企业构筑协同工作平台。Coffice不仅仅是一套简单的办公自动化系统,其蕴涵的管理理念和协同管理模式是真正值得企业借鉴和系统的价值所在。 -Fly from thinking in collaboration with the office management systems the Coffice based on leading Microsoft net technology development. With traditional OA e-mail, workflow, documentation, and the introduction of the idea of project management and knowledge management, pay more attention to the decomposition of tasks, collaboration and supervision accumulation, precipitation, and sharing of knowledge, multi-conditional jump sub-tributaries of more features, and effectively build a collaborative working platform for the enterprise. The Coffice not just a simple set of office automation systems, the implication of management concepts and collaborative management model is really worth the value of the enterprise reference and systems.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 14.68mb Publisher : 闫桢

操作控制是从银行基层岗位人员在会计工作中存在的各个高风险操作点入手,通过从ABIS系统、ARMS系统及其它可用系统中提取数据,分析员工在工作岗位上遵守会计规章制度的情况,记录在会计内控管理系统中,并根据执行会计制度与否对相关责任人进行评分,系统为每一名员工做一个长期的记录,从而反映出该员工在会计方面的工作能力。督促业务操作岗位人员合规操作、会计管理岗位人员按制度管理到位。-Operating control is the operating point of grassroots staff positions from the bank in the accounting work of various high-risk start to extract data from the ABIS system, the ARMS system and other systems available, the analysis of the employees in the workplace to comply with the accounting rules and regulations, records accounting internal control management system, and in accordance with the implementation of the accounting system, whether or not the responsible person to rate a long-term record for each employee, and thus reflect the ability of the employees in the accounting work. Supervision and compliance operation of the operational staff positions, accounting management positions according to the system management in place.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 18.4mb Publisher : xie

当今时代是飞速发展的信息时代。在各行各业中离不开信息处理,这正是计算机被广泛应用于信息管理系统的环境。计算机的最大好处在于利用它能够进行信息管理。使用计算机进行信息控制,不仅提高了工作效率,而且大大的提高了其安全性。由于信息技术的发展,许多行业在经营管理过程中对计算机技术的依赖程度也不断增强。 在对JSP语言,SQL Server2005数据库技术以及当今社会的出租车行业的需求进行了较深入的学习和调查的基础上,设计出了该出租车管理系统,该系统主要实现了图书管理,用户信息及管理信息的管理同时在书籍信息管理中还包括车辆的更新,书籍的过户和监督卡管理等功能。 本论文主要阐述了书籍管理系统的需求分析,功能模块划分,数据库模式分析,并具此设计了基于c/S模式的数据库结构和JSP程序. 关键词:JSP, SQL Server2000, ODBC, JavaBean -The present era is the rapid development of the information age. Information processing can not be separated from all walks of life, this is the computer is widely used in the information management system environment. The greatest advantage of the computer is to use it to information management. Computer information control, not only improves the work efficiency, but also greatly improve its security. Many industries due to the development of information technology in the management process in dependence on computer technology is also constantly enhanced. Language JSP, SQL Server2005 database technology, and in today s society the taxi industry demand a more in-depth study and investigation on the basis of the design of the taxi management system, the main achievement of the library management system, user information and management information management book information management also includes updates of the vehicle, the books of the transfer and supervision card management functi
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 435kb Publisher : 牛小

驾驶日志只是一个简单的窗口应用程序编写(开始时间、开始位置,开始,结束时间,结束公里的位置,最后公里]csv文件。通常人们只是通过实际驾驶测试,他们需要记录他们的驾驶体验到书,要求他们要开车在监管条件20小时。希望这个应用程序帮助那些人,所以他们不需要计算多少小时了,什么是最大小时或最大公里,-Driving log is written in a simple window application (start time, start location, start and end time, the end of kilometers position, the last km] csv file. Usually people only through the actual driving test, they need to record their driving experience to book , asking them to drive in the conditions of supervision 20 hours. hope this application will help those people, so they do not need to calculate how many hours, what is the maximum hours or maximum km,
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 85kb Publisher : 酸酸甜甜就是我

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一、流动性压力测试的背景 1 、流动性 风险及其特性 流动性 流动性是银行用于资产增长或债务到期的能力,是银行得以持续经营的关键。 流动性风险 巴塞尔银行监管委员会(BCBS):流动性风险可以分为资金流动性风险和市 场流动性风险,往往更受关注的是资金流动性风险。资金流动性风险是指不能有 效应对预期及非预期的现金流,进而影响日常运营或财务状况的风险。它与市场 流动性风险有较大差异,市场流动性风险是指由于市场深度不足或市场大幅震 荡,商业银行无法以市场价格变现资产的风险。 中国银行业监督管理委员会(CBRC ):流动性风险是指商业银行虽然有清偿 能力,但无法获得充足资金或无法以合理成本获得充足资金以应对资产增长或到 期债务支付的风险-First, the liquidity stress testing background one, liquidity, liquidity risk and liquidity characteristics of bank liquidity for asset growth or maturity of the debt capacity of the banks to sustain their business critical. Liquidity risk Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS): Liquidity risk can be divided into liquidity risk and market liquidity risk, tend to be more concern is liquidity risk. Liquidity risk is the risk that can not effectively deal with expected and unexpected cash flow, thereby affecting the daily operations or financial condition of the risks. It is with the market liquidity risk are quite different, market liquidity risk is due to inadequate market depth or market swings, commercial banks are unable to realize the asset' s market price risk. China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC): Liquidity risk refers to the commercial banks, despite its solvency, but unable to obtain sufficient funds at a reasonable cost or inability to obtain sufficient funds to
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 699kb Publisher : galen

教务管理是整个高校管理工作的基础和核心部分, 是学校教学活 动得以正常运行的总调度,是学校各教学单位相互联系和沟通的枢 纽, 是推进教学改革保证人才培养质量的重要工作。 教务管理是个动 态的多层次、多因素的过程,具有相当高的整体性,具有有序、权威 的特征,具有多种职能(服务、管理、决策、督导和研究等) 。建立 科学合理的教务管理系统不仅提高了高校信息管理和利用数据的能 力,也提高了高校的综合竞争力。 -Educational administration management is the foundation and core of the management work of colleges and universities, Is the school teaching work Move to normal operation of the total scheduling, is the school teaching units pivot of mutual contact and communication New York, Promote the reform of teaching to ensure the quality of personnel training is important to work. Educational administration management is a dynamic State of multi-level and multi-factor process, has the quite high integrity, orderly and authority Characteristics, with a variety of functions (services, management, decision-making, supervision and research, etc.) . To establish Scientific and reasonable educational administration management system management system not only improves the university information management and use of data Force, and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of colleges and universities.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : 周小琪
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