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Description: Java语言恐怕是稳居网路应用程序语言的首选了,这都要归功于它高度的安全性以及跨平台的特性,几乎在目前所有的电脑平台上您都可以见得到Java的芳踪-Java language is probably one of the major Web application programming language of choice. This is thanks to its high level of security and cross-platform characteristics, In almost all existing computer platform you can see nowhere to be Java
Platform: | Size: 4971509 | Author: 王彬 | Hits:


Description: Java语言恐怕是稳居网路应用程序语言的首选了,这都要归功于它高度的安全性以及跨平台的特性,几乎在目前所有的电脑平台上您都可以见得到Java的芳踪-Java language is probably one of the major Web application programming language of choice. This is thanks to its high level of security and cross-platform characteristics, In almost all existing computer platform you can see nowhere to be Java
Platform: | Size: 4971520 | Author: 王彬 | Hits:


Description: 首先从起始点开始看它的八个方向中有几个方向可以走,假如有5个方向可走,再看这5个位置下一步分别有几步可走,把这个值赋给一个数组s[],再对数组进行从小到大排序,然后从5步中s[]值最小的走,依次递归,每次从s[]值最小的走,如果步骤号step等于棋盘规格m*n,则说明全部走完了;如果遇到无路可走的情况,step--,退回到上一步,当一直退到起始点时候,说明无法全部遍历。-First of all, look at it from the starting point for the beginning of the eight directions in a few directions to go, if the direction has to take five, look at this 5 position, respectively, the next step may have a few steps away, and this value assigned to an array s [], and then carried out on the array from small to large order, and then from step 5 s [] value of the smallest go, followed by recursive, each from the s [] the value of taking the smallest, if steps step No. chessboard specifications equivalent to m* n , then the full journey if the situation encountered nowhere to go, step, back to the previous step, when time has been moved back to the starting point that can not be all ergodic.
Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: 刘磊 | Hits:


Description: 枚举出系统正在运行的程序,隐藏的打开程序也无处遁形-Enumerate what programs the system is running now , Running programs nowhere to hide includeing the Hidden.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: Hephaestus.D | Hits:


Description: 显微图像处理 计算机、数字图像处理、显微图像-The digital revolution has touched most aspects of modern life, including entertainment, communication, and scientific research. Nowhere has the change been more fundamental than in the field of microscopy. Researchers who use the microscope in their investigations have been among the pioneers who applied digital processing techniques to images. Many of the important digital image processing techniques that are now in widespread usage were first implemented for applications in microscopy.
Platform: | Size: 11983872 | Author: HK | Hits:

[GPS developHackingGPS

Description: You ll get lost in this book, but nowhere else Your GPS is a really cool toy, but what if you could make it even cooler? What if you could build and hook up data cables, modify your iPAQ cradle to take a GPS connection, tweak the firmware, hook up to your PC without expensive software, use GPS data in a hundred creative ways, even solar-power your GPS? Suppose you could beef up your "first to find" quotient when geocaching, or use your GPS as a super-accurate clock. Well, you can. Read on your adventure is just beginning! Here s how to soup up your GPS Covers both Garmin and Magellan models Crack the secret codes Build auxiliary battery packs Navigate with your GPS Make power and data cables Sharpen your signal Keep firmware update Hack out a PC connectio Create and load dat Grab screenshots on the move Set up an atomic clock Customize GPS games Discover paper-free geocaching.
Platform: | Size: 8908800 | Author: anna | Hits:


Description: 不少在我的硬件项目,几次,我只好将通过串行端口(RS - 232接口)之间的微控制器(Microchip的PIC)和一个机器上的一些校准数据。该端软件在电脑上写的是维生素B6与MSComm控制。 后者必须与参数配置:端口号,波特率,数据位数,停止位的数目。配置MSComm是一个相当常见的任务(这曾经是过去更常见的)。所以,一开始我以为应该有一个可在网上找到对话框。 不幸的是,这样的对话是再也找不到了,我写了我自己。我们希望,它原来的通用和可重复使用不够。- The software on the PC side is written in VB6 with an MSComm control. The latter has to be configured with parameters: port number, baud rate, number of data bits, number of stop bits. Configuration of an MSComm is a fairly common task (it used to be even more common in the past). So, at first I thought that there should be a dialog for that available on the web.Unfortunately, such a dialog was nowhere to be found, and I wrote one myself. Hopefully, it turned out generic and reusable enough.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: longfa | Hits:

[WEB Codeeims_house_3.2_access

Description: 系统测试管理员为:admin 密码:admin ,正式使用时请更改密码。 EIMS基于先进的B/S架构,不需要安装任何客户端,只要有网络的地方就可以使用,利用它您可以很方便的管理分布在全国乃至世界各地的销售团队和经销商,让管理无处不在。同时每个用户的销售管理平台都是一套独立的系统,都安装在用户自己的服务器上,客户资料和销售信息都保存在自己的服务器上,从根本上保证了数据信息的安全。EIMS适用于各行业企业市场销售、客户服务、售后管理、财务管理、日常办公等,用于全面管理企业各类客户档案、客户销售、产品销售、财务情况和售后服务等信息的建立,规范客户、销售、产品、财政、售后资源库,并实现对客户资源、产品销售的动态跟踪管理及客户价值再挖掘,真正发挥客户、销售资源的作用,全面有效利用一切资源,为企业达到“抓住客户、扩大销售、高效管理”的目的。 -System test administrator: admin Password: admin, official use, please change your password. EIMS based on advanced the B/S structure, do not need to install any client, there is Wang Luo Zhi Yao s 地方 can use, allowing you to very easily manage Fen Bu Zai Quan Guo 乃至 世界 around the sales team and distributor to manage nowhere not. While each user s sales management platform is a stand-alone systems are installed in the user s own server, customer information and sales information is stored on your server, from the fundamental guarantee data security. EIMS for industries and enterprises in the sales, marketing, customer service, sale management, financial management, and routine business, the overall management of enterprises for all kinds of customer profiles, customer sales, product sales, financial situation and after-sales service and other information to establish and standardize customer , sales, product, finance, after-sale databases and the client s resources, dynamic trackin
Platform: | Size: 368640 | Author: wyjun | Hits:


Description: 是一个java网络应用的的jar包,很多地方找不到,他分享一下。-Is a Java network application of the jar package, many found nowhere else, his share.
Platform: | Size: 3341312 | Author: 天涯 | Hits:

[WEB Codefkill

Description: 曲阳热线恶意IP封杀系统,彻底杜绝恶意信息发布软件对分类信息网站的大量注入垃圾广告,程序采用ASP+ACESS数据库方便二次使用和修改。 程序使用说明: fengiplist.asp 对垃圾IP进行添加删除 fengip.asp 此程序源码放入需要屏蔽IP的网页中,达到封杀IP的功能或通过加入网页的头部 ip.mdb IP数据库,附送攻击本站的垃圾IP,让垃圾无处藏身。-Quyang hotline the malicious IP blocked system, complete elimination of the malicious information released massive injection of spam software for classified information site, program using ASP+ACESS databases to facilitate the secondary use and modify. Procedures for use: fengiplist.asp spam IP add and delete IP page fengip.asp put into this program source code needs to be shielded, to reach blocked IP functionality, or by adding the head of the page ip.mdb IP database to enclose attack site garbage IP garbage nowhere to hide.
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: DGDG089 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesCMaze

Description: 迷宫游戏。显示图像,可提示无路可走,可提前退出-Maze Game. Display images prompt nowhere to go early exit
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 陈浩 | Hits:


Description: 本实验利用嵌入式开发系统设计一个黑白棋的小游戏。采用32位ARM处理器,屏幕上有显示棋格,触摸屏幕落黑子、白子,棋盘设置成8×8正方形结构。该程序用于实现黑白棋游戏双人对战。 设计思路: 1.画出棋盘 2.摆上初始的四颗棋子 3.实现游戏规则 4.边界条件的判定 5.自动提示哪方下棋,并在屏幕上显示相应落子颜色,若一方无路可走,则交换下棋选手,直到双方都无路可走,游戏结束并给出提示,每次落子后,屏幕在终端显示各方棋子数目。 -In this study, embedded development system design a game of Reversi. 32-bit ARM processor, screen display the Checkerboard, touch screen off the sunspots, albino, board set to 8 × 8 square structure. The procedures used to achieve the Double Battle Reversi game. Design ideas: 1 Draw the chessboard Put the initial four pawns 3. The rules of the game 4 the determination of the boundary condition 5 automatically prompts which side to play chess, and corresponding Lazi color displayed on the screen, if one party is nowhere to go, exchanging chess players, until both sides have nowhere to go, the game ends and gives tips after each Lazi parties, the screen displayed on the terminal number of pieces.
Platform: | Size: 1316864 | Author: 大头 | Hits:


Description: 垃圾短信过滤器,让垃圾短信无处可躲,无处可藏-Spam filters, so that spam messages have nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide
Platform: | Size: 772096 | Author: 杨洋 | Hits:

[Data structsMaze

Description: 利用栈实现走迷宫的算法,走通的路径,走过但走不通的路径也已标出-Use stacks maze algorithm, the path to go through, and walked the path that leads to nowhere, but has also been marked
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 谢文婷 | Hits:


Description: 科威PHP防火墙集成了DDos拦截、SQL注入拦截、文件上传拦截等功能,对用户请求进行过滤,全方位保护网站安全,系统收集了上百种木马特征,对整站文件进行扫描,准确识别Web木马,让木马无处可藏。 -Kuwait PHP DDos integrated firewall interception, SQL injection interception, interception file upload function, the user request filtering, comprehensive website security protection system to collect hundreds of Trojans feature scans files for the entire station, accurately identify Web Trojans, let the Trojans nowhere to hide.
Platform: | Size: 1182720 | Author: 程亚飞 | Hits:

[WEB Codezmcms_hsjl_v1.46

Description: 追梦企业网站管理系统(zmcms)是 由追梦工作室基于asp+access/mssql 自主研发而成。我们致力于中小企业网站的搭建。根据现有企业的需求。开发适合企业的模块, 让企业可以轻松搭建适合自己企业的网站,后台功能强大,管理便捷。代码简单易懂,适合二次开发。 我们认为“简单就是美”,因此一直以来,追梦工作室在开发过程中无处不充分考虑用户的使用习惯,尽最大可能降低用户的使用门槛,让用户关注于内容维护本身,而不需 要投入过多的时间来学习系统的使用技巧,在细节处下大工夫。-Dream enterprise website management system (zmcms) is composed of a dream studio based on asp+access/mssql independent research and development. We are committed to the construction of small and medium enterprise web site. According to the needs of the existing enterprise. The development of the module for the enterprise, so that enterprises can easily build their own businesses, the site, the background is powerful, convenient management. Code is simple, suitable for the development of the two. We believe that the simple is beautiful , so long, dream studio in the development process of nowhere without taking into account the user s habits, to the maximum extent possible to reduce the threshold for the use of the user, allowing users to focus on content maintenance itself, without the need to invest too much time to learn the skills to use the system. In the details at the time.
Platform: | Size: 4216832 | Author: xxpudn49 | Hits:

[SQL ServerheiyueADODB

Description: 黑月ADODB,最新版本,其他地方没有的噢!-Black month ADODB, the latest version, nowhere else oh!
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: adladl | Hits:

[WEB Codezmcmsmb_lb_v1.45

Description: 追梦企业网站管理系统(zmcms)是 由追梦工作室基于asp+access/mssql 自主研发而成。我们致力于中小企业网站的搭建。根据现有企业的需求。开发适合企业的模块, 让企业可以轻松搭建适合自己企业的网站,后台功能强大,管理便捷。代码简单易懂,适合二次开发。 我们认为“简单就是美”,因此一直以来,追梦工作室在开发过程中无处不充分考虑用户的使用习惯,尽最大可能降低用户的使用门槛,让用户关注于内容维护本身,而不需 要投入过多的时间来学习系统的使用技巧,在细节处下大工夫-Dream enterprise website management system (zmcms) is composed of a dream studio based on asp+access/mssql independent research and development. We are committed to the construction of small and medium enterprise web site. According to the needs of the existing enterprise. The development of the module for the enterprise, so that enterprises can easily build their own businesses, the site, the background is powerful, convenient management. Code is simple, suitable for the development of the two. We believe that the simple is beautiful , so long, dream studio in the development process of nowhere without taking into account the user s habits, to the maximum extent possible to reduce the threshold for the use of the user, allowing users to focus on content maintenance itself, without the need to invest too much time to learn the skills to use the system. In the details at the time
Platform: | Size: 3878912 | Author: xxpudn63 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopGraph

Description: 非常好用的传染病模型,大家可以试试。真的非常有用。实验终于有着落了 -Very easy to use models of infectious diseases, we can try. Really helpful. Experimental finally nowhere to be found
Platform: | Size: 1627136 | Author: 王萜 | Hits:

[matlabScale software

Description: This program enables to compute the scale of reflection from nowhere.
Platform: | Size: 3221 | Author: ndecs2017@gmail.com | Hits:
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