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NS仿真AODA协议,同时增加泛洪路由协议。每个节点收到包后,只要不是重复包则再次广播。-NS simulation AODA agreement, while increasing flooding routing protocol. Receive packets after each node, as long as the package is not a repeat broadcast again.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 434kb Publisher : wangyifei

在NS-2环境中实现了移动Ad Hoc的两种广播算法:Flood和Bcast。里面本来有个test目录,包含了很多节点移动模型文件,由于太大了,因此就没上传。-This code implements two broadcast protocols, FLOOD and BCAST. FLOOD is a simple flooding protocol: the first time a node receives a packet, it is re-broadcast. BCAST is more optimized, keeping track of 1-hop and 2-hop neighbors. Only packets that would reach additional neighbors are re-broadcast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 673kb Publisher : phenix
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