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人工神经网络与matlab ,有很多源程序,对学习神经网络很有帮助 -Artificial neural network with matlab, has a lot of source code, useful for learning neural networks
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张剑飞

(压缩包里一共有5个代码) pca+lda+粗糙集+模糊神经网络 saveORLimage.m将ORL人脸库分为测试集ptest和训练集pstudy存为imagedata.mat 1.savelda.m将人脸库先进行pca降维,再用lda进行特征提取,得到新的测试集ldatest和训练集ldastudy存为imageldadata.mat 2.对ldastudy进行离散化(discretimage.m),得到离散化矩阵disdata,存入到imagedisdata.mat 3.将disdata组成决策表(savers.m),通过对disdata的条件属性进行约简,得到其一个约简,组成新的测试集rstest和训练集rsstudy存为imagersdata.mat 4.对rsstudy进行模糊神经网络训练(savecul.m),对模糊神经网络的参数进行调整学习将其存入culdata.mat 5.用runfnn.m对rstest进行测试得到其识别率 savem.m和cm.m是用最小距离分类器对训练集和测试集进行分类.-pca+ lda+ Rough Set+ fuzzy neural network saveORLimage.m will ORL face database is divided into test set and training set ptest for pstudy keep imagedata.mat Treasury will face 1.savelda.m first dimensionality reduction pca, lda used feature extraction, a new test set and training set ldatest for ldastudy keep imageldadata.mat 2. Ldastudy carried out on the discretization (discretimage.m), to be discrete matrix of disdata, deposited to imagedisdata.mat 3. Disdata the composition of the decision table (savers.m), the conditions on the attributes disdata about Jane, has been one of its reduction to form the new test set and training set rstest for rsstudy keep imagersdata.mat 4. Rsstudy training fuzzy neural network (savecul.m), on the parameters of fuzzy neural network to learn to adjust their deposit culdata.mat 5. Rstest used to test for runfnn.m by its recognition rate cm.m is savem.m and minimum distance classifier on the training set and test set classificati
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : dong

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source code adaptive resonance theory Nural network in matlab for classification
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 65kb Publisher : zahra

Toolbox to implement SOM nural network in matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 436kb Publisher : rossifumi

这个demo是应用matlab开发环境,用Gui用户界面来做神经网络。-this demo using matlab to design a Nural Network,it is also have GUI.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : Andy

RBF nural network estmation procedure
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 183kb Publisher : mohammed12

算法优化,包括粒子群算法,遗传算法以及多种神经网络(optimization algrithm,include PSO algrithm GA and other kind algrithm ,and many kinds of Nural network)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.5mb Publisher : 挖宝额
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