DL : 7
1.1从Hello Qt开始
差不多所有的程序教材都从Hello 开始,下面就是这个程序的qt版本。
1 #include <QApplication>
2 #include <QLabel>
3 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
4 {
5 QApplication app(argc, argv);
6 QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello Qt!");
7 label->show();
8 return app.exec();
9 }
Update : 2009-01-08
Size : 1.33mb
Publisher : liruixin0202
DL : 0
一款由风色自主开发的基于PHP+MYSQL的blog程序,功能齐全,界面美观。-color supplied by the wind of self-development based on PHP+ MYSQL blog procedures, fully functional, beautiful interface.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 395kb
Publisher : 孙晓珺
DL : 0
blog源代码,php4.4,mysql4.23-blog source code, php4.4, mysql4.23
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 274kb
Publisher : 闻波
DL : 0
著作:《JAVA 学习笔记》、《Spring 技术手册》,为SUN官方教材主要编写成员之一
博客: http://blog.csdn.net/caterpillar_here
http://www.china-pub.com/computers/common/info.asp?id=31664-Writer : Lin Hsin-liang (network pseudonym Liang Ge Ge) Education : National Taiwan University Department of Electrical Engineering experience : SUN lecturer in the education and training center works : "JAVA study notes", "Spring Technical Manual" SUN official materials for the preparation of the main member of the blog : http :// blog.csdn.net/caterpillar_here the book details : http :// www.china-pub.com/computers/common/inf o.asp id = 31664
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 8.54mb
Publisher : yi zhuoshi
DL : 0
Template B o-Blog in 2008 Happy News Year
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 97kb
Publisher : mdv100
DL : 0
X-O in parallel computing. Read our expert blog
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 133kb
Publisher : Sajad
DL : 0
B3log-Solo是一个基于GAE(Google App Engine)Java版的博客程序。
B3log-Solo 0.2.6 主要是修复了Bugs、加强稳定性、性能优化。在5.1国际劳动节即将到来之际,B3log开发团队祝所有劳动者节日快乐!
Ping Google Blog Search Engine
博客/标签 Atom Feed 输出
-aidfa asdfj iadf aisd f oisad opewa kjzd a sdkjf asoidjv poaijef ijsdf piaje f oisd faj[p sefj askdjf o iasef asef es asdf asdg dsafg
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 6.59mb
Publisher : bswx
DL : 0
Windows USB How to insta-Windows USB How to install
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 384kb
Publisher : maddoxf
DL : 0
client多线程请求server端,server接收client的名字,并返回Hello! +名字的字符格式给client。当然实际应用并不这么简单,实际可能是访问文件或者数据库获取信息返回给client。-jdk for non-blocking I/O (NIO), an effective solution to the problem of multi-threaded server thread overhead, but too complicated to use minor. To use multiple threads, the main purpose is not to respond to each client request to allocate a separate service thread with multiple CPU processing power and processing wait time, but fully multi-threaded so as to enhance service capabilities in the NIO purpose. This time in the NIO, to write an article blog to remember the things you learned. Or from the most simple Hello World, multi-threaded the client requests the server side, the server receiving the client s name, and return to the Hello!+ The name of the character format to the client. Of course, the practical application is not so simple, the actual access to the file or database to obtain the information returned to the client. The non-blocking NIO What is the mystery?
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 162kb
Publisher : 陈云凤
DL : 1
我将Wanlix和Mindows的开发过程记录下来,就形成了这本“底层工作者手册之嵌入式操作系统内核”一书,本手册不仅仅是从应用的角度介绍操作系统如何使用,更重要的是从原理的角度对操作系统的功能做了分析、设计,从无到有循序渐进一点点的增加操作系统的功能,并且每增加一个功能便配以一个例子加以演示,让读者能立刻看到代码运行的结果。 本手册记录了我从对操作系统内核不了解到写出操作系统内核的过程,这样的一个过程对你来说应该也是一个最好的学习过程。 如果你有一定的C语言基础,并且对硬件也有稍微的了解,那么我相信你一定会看明白本手册!也一定可以随心所欲的修改、扩展你需要的操作系统功能!
请登陆blog.sina.com.cn/ifreecoding获取更多资料-Wanlix is a very small kernel embedded operating system, only a few hundred bytes, but only provide task switching function, very suitable resources, especially less but require task switching project.
The Mindows can provide a variety of operating system functions, real-time preemptive operating systems, mission support multiple priority preemptive scheduling, real-time task can be set to high priority real-time software system, the user can also be based on their own select the desired part of the demand, and on this basis to write code to increase the functionality they need, and can be cut.
I recorded the Wanlix, and Mindows of development process, the underlying workers manual embedded operating system kernel, "a book form, this manual describes how to use the operating system not only from the application point of view, is more important functionality of the operating system from the point of view of the principle of doing the analysis, design, step-by-step a little bit o
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 8.35mb
Publisher : ifreecoding
DL : 0
我将Wanlix和Mindows的开发过程记录下来,就形成了这本“底层工作者手册之嵌入式操作系统内核”一书,本手册不仅仅是从应用的角度介绍操作系统如何使用,更重要的是从原理的角度对操作系统的功能做了分析、设计,从无到有循序渐进一点点的增加操作系统的功能,并且每增加一个功能便配以一个例子加以演示,让读者能立刻看到代码运行的结果。 本手册记录了我从对操作系统内核不了解到写出操作系统内核的过程,这样的一个过程对你来说应该也是一个最好的学习过程。 如果你有一定的C语言基础,并且对硬件也有稍微的了解,那么我相信你一定会看明白本手册!也一定可以随心所欲的修改、扩展你需要的操作系统功能!
请登陆blog.sina.com.cn/ifreecoding获取更多资料-Wanlix is a very small kernel embedded operating system, only a few hundred bytes, but only provide task switching function, very suitable resources, especially less but require task switching project.
The Mindows can provide a variety of operating system functions, real-time preemptive operating systems, mission support multiple priority preemptive scheduling, real-time task can be set to high priority real-time software system, the user can also be based on their own select the desired part of the demand, and on this basis to write code to increase the functionality they need, and can be cut.
I recorded the Wanlix, and Mindows of development process, the underlying workers manual embedded operating system kernel, "a book form, this manual describes how to use the operating system not only from the application point of view, is more important functionality of the operating system from the point of view of the principle of doing the analysis, design, step-by-step a little bit o
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 8.14mb
Publisher : ifreecoding
DL : 0
利用php实现,不错参考的例子代码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的博客系统,O-BLOG v3.0 beta,特点高效,简洁支持生成静态页面非常亲和用户的评论表单AJAX调用动态数据,使静态与动态完美结合主要新增功能全部使用UTF-8编码优化后台运行速度新增数据缓存功能新增html编辑器新增防垃圾留言功能新增静态页ajax调,参考的例子程序供学习参看。
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 1.22mb
Publisher : vcmgexd
DL : 0
你也想拥有一个这样的博客吗?现在,Seelta博客 3.9 个人版能够注册啦,只要点击下面的“注册”按钮就可以注册了,已注册的朋友可以点击“登陆”按钮进行登陆管理!(⊙o⊙) 注意啦,本博客系统已更新到最新版本,敬请使用!
Seelta博客 3.9 个人版 说明:
5.请支持国内的软件-You also want to have such a blog? Now, the Seelta blog 3.9 personal edition can register, just click the " register" button can be registered, the registered friends can click " login " button on the login management! (* o*) note, the blog system has been updated to the latest version, please use!
The Seelta blog 3.9 Personal Edition description:
( Note: the operating need to call Jpeg, Fso module)
1 this program is permanently open source, free of charge, but can not be used for commercial purposes!
2 when you modify, please give the author a modified file, thank you!
3 some content reference and the Internet, if infringement, please contact me, immediately delete!
4 please comply with laws and regulations!
5 please support domestic software
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 250kb
Publisher : DDFGDG088
DL : 0
5767 Ajudem a divulgar o eletrфnica em casa, seja um seguidor do blog e curtem nossa pagina no
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 1kb
Publisher : rew
DL : 0
O-blog 是基于 PHP + MYSQL 的单用户博客系统,具有功能强大、开源、生成静态页面等特点。
1.生成 HTML 静态页面
2.全新采用 XHTML 界面,通过W3C验证
5.模板引擎采用 smarttemplate
9.日志置顶功能-O-blog is based on PHP+ MYSQL single user blog system, with a powerful, open source, generating static pages, etc..
1 generate HTML static page
2 new XHTML interface, through the W3C validation
3 more powerful background management
4 new background interface
5 perfect review audit mechanism
5 using smarttemplate template engine
6 time to show more detail
The automatically set up 7 setup
9 top of the log function
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 610kb
Publisher : hmpudn21
DL : 0
14.修正了表格被撑大的问题-4 integration of the file structure, the message, comments, etc. are integrated into the bolg.php
5 increased the search function
6 to add a message to the page
7 fixed errors when installing
8 to leave a message to increase the administrator reply
9 replaced the XML small icon
10 change version number
11 fixes the BUG without removing the cache after changing the template.
12 fixed sort order not by ordinal
13 remove the file upload
14 fixed the form being big problem
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 338kb
Publisher : 周虎成
DL : 0
DoubleY自动生成HTML全站静态程序,喜欢pj,喜欢wp,喜欢o-blog,喜欢cms等优秀程序的您,不妨花点点时间体验下这款傻瓜式全站静态体验型程序!专为“中小企业”、“设计师”、“个人博客”、“SEO推广”打造的轻量级傻瓜型静态操作体验系统。-DoubleY automatically generate static HTML entire station program, like pj, like wp, like o-blog, cms like your other excellent programs, it may take little time to experience this fool all stations static experiential program! Designed for SME , designer , personal blog , SEO promotion to create lightweight fool-static system operating experience.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 8.18mb
Publisher : 青子杰
DL : 0
O-blog 是基于 PHP + MYSQL 的单用户博客系统,具有功能强大、开源、生成静态页面等特点。-O-blog is based on PHP+ MYSQL single-user blog system, with a powerful, open source, generating static pages and so on.
Update : 2025-03-14
Size : 958kb
Publisher : qyqoe
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