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本文介绍的是基于粒子滤波和均值偏移算法的目标跟踪.结合创新的算法克服了两种算法各自的缺陷,鲁棒性和实时性得到了很大的提高. -This article is based on the introduction of the particle filter and mean shift tracking algorithm. Combination of innovative algorithms to overcome the shortcomings of their respective two algorithms, robustness and real-time has been greatly improved.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 896kb Publisher : 阳关

学位论文;运动物体跟踪方法主要包括卡尔曼滤波,Mean-shift,Camshifi算法,粒子滤波器,Snake模型等;应用卡尔曼滤波方法设计了一套煤矿矿工出入自动监测系统;提出了一种新的基于高斯混合模型的颜色特征提取方法,该方法克服了现有的Camshift算法Continuousl y Adaptive eanshift中跟踪目标特征提取精确度低和计算复杂度高的缺陷-Dissertation moving object tracking methods include Kalman filtering, Mean-shift, Camshifi algorithm, particle filter, Snake model the application of Kalman filtering method designed a coal miners out of automatic monitoring system a new Gaussian mixture model based on the color feature extraction method to overcome the existing Camshift algorithm Continuousl y Adaptive eanshift track target feature extraction accuracy and low computational complexity and high defects
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.28mb Publisher : 田卉

This distribution contains source code for a simple object tracking program using particle filtering. You need to have the OpenCV Library and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) installed to compile and use the programs. See the below two links:-This distribution contains source code for a simple object tracking program using particle filtering. You need to have the OpenCV Library and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) installed to compile and use the programs. See the below two links:
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9.28mb Publisher : zhou

"REAL TIME MULTI OBJECT TRACKING WITH FEW PARTICLES" This is a paper about tracking by particle filter. This is very useful.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.35mb Publisher : Wolf

This is source code about particle fitler tracking. This is written by c++.-This is source code about particle fitler tracking. This is written by c++.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 92kb Publisher : WangMuLan

object tracking using particle filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : roops

该源码是关于运动对象跟踪的算法,主要实现了高斯背景建模,全局运动补偿(SIFT特征和RANSAC算法),运动对象检测,对象跟踪算法(Mean Shift,Particle Filter等),对象特征提取(轨迹,大小,起止帧等),同时,程序基于VC2008+OpenCV开发,实现了对话框式的程序界面,效率高。-This is a source about motion object tracking, including foreground modeling,object detection,object tracking,feature generation. It developed based on VC2008 and OpenCV library. The friendly interface is very convinient for new learners.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 7.15mb Publisher :

A simple example showing how to track an object with particle filter. Likelihood is based on Bhattacharya distance of color histogram.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 12.64mb Publisher : sofi

Beyesian Filters, Kalman filter and Particle filter for object tracking
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : yahoo

Tracking Object using particle filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : Nguyen Long

Hibrid particle filter for multiple object tracking
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9.32mb Publisher : Hugh

本系统中VIS欠缺的SIFT_VC.lib文件。。。 is lib file, which is used in Video Intelligent System (VIS) based on the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 compiler environment and OpenCV 2.0 library. It includes foreground detection, motion object detection, motion object tracking, trajectories generation and analysis modules. It realizes a friendly interface based on dialog, which provides a convenient example for new learners. keywords: opencv, mixture of gaussian model, sift feature and ransac method, mean shift, particle filter, kalman filter, object detection and tracking, video intelligent system.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 109kb Publisher :

基于OPENCV实现的粒子滤波运动目标跟踪源程序-Particle Filter Moving Object Tracking based on OPENCV
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 10.14mb Publisher : jiang

1、本程序需要在dos下启动,否则程序默认打开E盘下一个叫做soccer.avi的视频文件,你可以将一个视频文件修改名称后,放在E盘下; dos下启动的方式是:进入本程序的目录下,输入"objecttracking E:\\……\\……\\***.avi"。本命令有两部分组成objecttracking 是我们的应用程序名, E:\\……\\……\\***.avi是你要打开的视频的全路径,注意是两个“\\”。 2、应用程序目录下,已经有所有的动态库,可直接运行程序。但是想编译源文件工程,需将里面的库复制到工程目录下。 3、希望对你的学习有所帮助, 祝好。-1, the program needs to start in dos, or the default program to open the next panel called soccer.avi E video file, you can modify the name of a video file, on the E-under dos way to start: Go This program directory, enter " objecttracking E: \ \ ... ... \ \ ... ... \ \***. avi" . This command has two parts objecttracking is our application name, E: \ \ ... ... \ \ ... ... \ \***. avi video you want to open the full path, note the two " \ \." 2, the application directory has all the dynamic library can be directly run the program. But would like to compile the source file project, to be inside the library will be copied to the project directory. 3, want to help you learn, I wish well.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 24.36mb Publisher : lew gate

Fast Multiple Object Tracking via a Hierarchical Particle Filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 481kb Publisher : baiafeu

该代码用于实现粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(PF)、卡尔曼粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(KPF)、无迹粒子滤波视觉目标跟踪(UPF)。它们是本人这两年来编写的核心代码,用于实现鲁棒的视觉目标跟踪,其鲁棒性远远超越MeanShift(均值转移)和Camshift之类。用于实现视觉目标跟踪的KPF和UPF都是本人花费精力完成,大家在网上是找不到相关代码的。这些代码虽然只做了部分代码优化,但其优化版本已经成功应用于我们研究组研发的主动视觉目标跟踪打击平台中。现在把它们奉献给大家!-These codes are used to realize particle filter based visual object tracking (PF), kalman particle filter based visual object tracking, unscented particle filter based visual object tracking. Their robustness is far beyond the classical visual object tracking algorithms such as Mean-Shift (MeanShift) and CamShift。The codes of KPF and UPF for visual object tracking cost a great of my energy, and you can not find any relating algorithm codes on internet! Our research group have optimized these codes and applied them to develop a platform for active visual object tracking. Now, I dedicate them to you and wish you love them!
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 387kb Publisher : 朱亮亮

基于 Kalman Filter和 Particle Filter的 目标跟踪 脸部跟踪 object tracking c++程序 源码。 -C++ face tracking program code base on Kalman Filter and Particle Filter
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : quanxi

基于分块颜色直方图和粒子滤波的物体跟踪_陶立超.zip-Based on block color histogram and particle filter object tracking _ Tao Li Chao. Zip
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : Can

This paper introduces a new object tracking method which combines two algorithms working in parallel, and based on low-level observations (colour and gradient orientation): the Generalised Hough Transform, using a pixel-based description, and the Particle Filter, using a global description. The object model is updated by combining information a back-projection map computed the Generalised Hough Transform, providing for every pixel the degree to which it may belong to the object, and the Particle Filter, providing a probability density on the global object position. The proposed tracker makes the most of the two algorithms, in terms of robustness to appearance variation like scaling, rotation, non-rigid deformation or illumination changes.-This paper introduces a new object tracking method which combines two algorithms working in parallel, and based on low-level observations (colour and gradient orientation): the Generalised Hough Transform, using a pixel-based description, and the Particle Filter, using a global description. The object model is updated by combining information a back-projection map computed the Generalised Hough Transform, providing for every pixel the degree to which it may belong to the object, and the Particle Filter, providing a probability density on the global object position. The proposed tracker makes the most of the two algorithms, in terms of robustness to appearance variation like scaling, rotation, non-rigid deformation or illumination changes.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : SALEH

In this article we present a unified approach for multi-robot cooperative simultaneous localization and object tracking based on particle filters. Our approach is scalable with respect to the number of robots in the team. We introduce a method that reduces, from an exponential to a linear growth, the space and computation time requirements with respect to the number of robots in order to maintain a given level of accuracy in the full state estimation.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3.14mb Publisher : devil1979
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