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There is an example of how to use the LDPC encode/decode with AWGN channel model in files .\\ldpc_decode.m and .\\GFq\\ldpc_decode.m. There are a few parity check matrices available in the code but you can use other matrices provided you have enough memory to load them. I suggest checking out matrices in Alist format available on David MacKay s web site.You will need to have access to a MEX compiler to be able to use a few functions written in C. LDPC的仿真代码-There is an example of how to use the LDPC enc ode / decode with AWGN channel model in files. \\ l dpc_decode.m and. \\ GFq \\ ldpc_decode.m. There are a few parity check matrices available in the code but you can use other matrices provided you have enough memory to load them. I suggest check ing out matrices in Alist format available on Da vid MacKay's web site.You will need to have acces MEX's to a compiler to be able to use a few function 's written in C. Simulation LDPC code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 579.92kb Publisher : 王文

There is an example of how to use the LDPC encode/decode with AWGN channel model in files .\ldpc_decode.m and .\GFq\ldpc_decode.m. There are a few parity check matrices available in the code but you can use other matrices provided you have enough memory to load them. I suggest checking out matrices in Alist format available on David MacKay s web site.You will need to have access to a MEX compiler to be able to use a few functions written in C. LDPC的仿真代码-There is an example of how to use the LDPC enc ode/decode with AWGN channel model in files. \ l dpc_decode.m and. \ GFq \ ldpc_decode.m. There are a few parity check matrices available in the code but you can use other matrices provided you have enough memory to load them. I suggest check ing out matrices in Alist format available on Da vid MacKay's web site.You will need to have acces MEX's to a compiler to be able to use a few function 's written in C. Simulation LDPC code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 580kb Publisher : 王文

ode physics engine sdk
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.42mb Publisher : qrn

一个简单的骨骼动画控制器程序。很好的,用c++实现,希望大家多学习-This is a simple controller demo.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.86mb Publisher : 乔梁

DL : 0
Lyapunov exponent calcullation for ODE-system. The alogrithm employed in this m-file for determining Lyapunov exponents was proposed in A. Wolf, J. B. Swift, H. L. Swinney, and J. A. Vastano, "Determining Lyapunov Exponents from a Time Series," Physica D, Vol. 16, pp. 285-317, 1985. For integrating ODE system can be used any MATLAB ODE-suite methods. This function is a part of MATDS program - toolbox for dynamical system investigation See:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : b

在 AMES i m环境下建立了立柱用安全阀的仿真模型并进行仿真,得出了立柱在顶板快速下沉时, 安全阀溢流时阀芯的运动曲线和阀口的压力及流量曲线。通过分析仿真结果可知适当增加弹簧的刚度,可减小阀芯的振荡, 实现安全阀的动态特性优化。-Abstrac t : In t he AMESi m env ironment , this arti c le estab lish the si m ulati on m ode l of pressure re lief v alve by the co l um n and si m ula ti on , t he co l um n reached the roo f i n the rapid s i nk i ng , receive the va l ve e l em ents m ove m ent curve and curve o f them outh o f the pres  s ure and flo w curves w hen the pressure re lief va lve is overflo w ed . By ana l y zi ng the results o f t he si mu lati on sho w s the appropr i a te i n crease i n the stiffness o f the spr i ng , can reduce the o sc illation of t he spoo , l to achieve t he opti m iza tion o f pressure re lief va l ve dyna m i c nature .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 469kb Publisher : lgx

DL : 0
查询服务类demo,基本实现手机号,天气预报等查询。-ji ben shi xian l es h o u ji b ao tia nqiy uba ode ngc haxu ngo ngn eng
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.16mb Publisher : 张涛

L. F. Shampine, I. Gladwell, S. Thompson-Solving ODEs with MATLAB-Cambridge University Press (2003)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1018kb Publisher : aylaetan
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