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Description: 加性高斯白噪声信道下,OFDM系统仿真程序,调制方式为16QAM-additive white Gaussian noise channels, OFDM system simulation program, the modulation method for 16QAM
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张国梅 | Hits:


Description: 有关于OFDM系统的在AWGN信道下(BPSK调制)的信噪比分析.-on OFDM system in AWGN channel (BPSK modulation) signal-to-noise ratio analysis.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: H | Hits:


Description: 这是我们通信建模与仿真书上的程序,是白噪声&瑞利信道下对OFDM的仿真实现。-This is our communication on Modeling and Simulation on the procedures, White Noise & Rayleigh Channel on OFDM Simulation.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: wangping | Hits:

[Software EngineeringOFDM

Description: 一篇介绍OFDM系统受相位噪声和IQ不平衡影响分析不错的文章,被ICC2008录取-An OFDM system introduced by the phase noise and IQ imbalance impact analysis good articles, have been admitted ICC2008
Platform: | Size: 239616 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 模擬OFDM在方差為1,均值為0的AWGN通道下,聲噪對OFDM的影響。-Simulation of OFDM in the variance is 1, the mean is 0 under the AWGN channel, the sound effects of noise on the OFDM.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 林季緯 | Hits:


Description: OFDM程序,这么安排矩阵的目的是为了构造共轭对称矩阵 共轭对称矩阵的特点是 在ifft/fft的矢量上 N点的矢量 在0,N/2点必须是实数 一般选为0 1至N/2点 与 (N/2)+1至N-1点关于N/2共轭对称- BPSK simulation using a carrier cosine wave with ISI clc close all clear all figure(1) n=160 for i=1:n data(i)= 2*round(rand)-1 end create modulated BPSK signal first expand the bit stream exdata=[] for i=1:length(data) for rep=1:5 exdata= [exdata data(i)] end end ts=.1 t=1:ts:80.9 carrier=cos(pi*t) multiply expanded bitstream by cosine wave with carrier frequency this is the BPSK that is to be transmitted over the channel bpsk=carrier.*exdata bpsk=[bpsk(length(bpsk)-1) bpsk(length(bpsk)) bpsk] plot(bpsk) generating the noise p=rand(1,800)*2*pi p=rand*2*pi snr=10 r=sqrt(-1*(1/snr*log(1- rand))) no = 5*(r.* exp(j*p)) no = (r.* exp(j*p)) value of alpha al=rand+j*rand al=1 Spreading channel with the alpha as the variable for k=5:5:795 for l = 1:5 al=round(rand)+j*round(rand) rec(k+l)=bpsk(k+l)+al*bpsk(k-5+l) end end rxdata=rec+ no begin demodulation first multiply recie
Platform: | Size: 6146048 | Author: 卞敏捷 | Hits:


Description: ofdm.m为主程序,可以运行,将得到迭加噪声之后的误码率曲线,并与理论QPSK加高斯白噪声误码率曲线比较,两者将重合-ofdm.m-based program, you can run, will be after the noise superposition error rate curve, and with the theoretical QPSK plus white Gaussian noise bit error rate curves, which will coincide
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 解玉芳 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringOFDM@

Description: OFDM的频偏估计对同步影响尤为重要,改源码对其在不同噪声比下进行了仿真-OFDM Frequency Offset Estimation of the impact of synchronization is particularly important to its source-noise ratio under different simulation
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 杨猛 | Hits:

[Industry researchofdm

Description: 正交频分复用(OFDM,Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)是一种多载波数字调制技术,也可以被当作一种复用技术。具有频谱利用率高、抗多径干扰等特点,OFDM系统能够有效地抵抗无线信道带来的影响,例如信道的频率选择性衰落,脉冲噪声和共信道干扰的影响。本文主要介绍了OFDM原理的相关知识。-The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is more than one kind of carrier digital modulation technology, may also treat as one kind of multiplying technology. Has the frequency spectrum use factor high, characteristics and so on anti-multi-diameter disturbance, the OFDM system can resist the influence which effectively the wireless channel brings, for example channel s frequency selectivity declines, impulse noise/pulse noise/pulsive noise and altogether channel disturbance influence. This article mainly introduced the OFDM principle related knowledge.
Platform: | Size: 333824 | Author: 卡其米奇 | Hits:


Description: 本文在分析移动无线信道衰落特性的基础上,阐述了OFDM系统的基本原理,主要研究了OFDM通信系统中的基于导频符号的信道估计问题,分析了几种经典的信道估计算法以及相关的关键技术环节。 在此基础上介绍了OFDM技术在现实中的一个应用——WLAN IEEE802.11a系统模型,利用Matlab仿真软件完成OFDM系统信号生成、噪声生成、导频插入、循环前缀、调制、解调等部分的设计,最后结合计算机仿真对系统关键技术(导频、循环前缀、估计算法)的有效性和可行性进行了全面的分析与比较。适合matlab研究-Based on the analysis of mobile channel fading characteristics based on the OFDM system on the basic principles of research in the OFDM communication system of the pilot symbols based on channel estimation problem, an analysis of several classical channel estimation algorithm and the associated key technical links. On this basis, introduced OFDM technology in a practical application- WLAN IEEE802.11a system model, using Matlab simulation software to complete OFDM signal generation, noise generation, pilot insertion, cyclic prefix, modulation, demodulation and other parts of the design, the final combination of computer simulation of the system of key technologies (pilots, cyclic prefix, it is estimated that algorithm) the effectiveness and feasibility of a comprehensive analysis and comparison. Suitable for research matlab
Platform: | Size: 1339392 | Author: 赵洪森 | Hits:

[3G developofdmci

Description: Simulation program to realize OFDM transmission system Simulate effect of interfarence noise
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: tahir | Hits:


Description: 6. 在三条径的瑞利信道中,对于OFDM: (1) 请设计一种具体的导引辅助的信道估计方法,用Simulink进行仿真,测量BPSK调制时的误码率性能。画出比特信噪比与信道估计均方误差的关系曲线,画出比特信噪比与误码率的关系曲线。 -6. In the three path Rayleigh channel, for OFDM: (1) Please design a specific guide-assisted channel estimation method, the Simulink simulation, BPSK modulation measuring the bit error rate performance. Draw-bit signal to noise ratio and channel estimation mean square error of the curve, draw-bit signal to noise ratio and bit error rate curve.
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 曾茉 | Hits:


Description: 基于16QAM调制解调的OFDM信道估计,计算了不同信噪比下的误码性能曲线,并画出了图。-Comb based on the OFDM pilot channel estimation, calculation of the BER performance under different signal to noise ratio curve, and draw the map.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tang | Hits:


Description: OFDM下行的仿真1、产生要传输随机数; 2、进行调制; 3、串并转换; 4、进行IFFT操作(代码中有用到共轭对称向量的IFFT为实数进行简化计算); 5、增加循环前缀; 6、并串转换; 7、输出前滤波; 8、增加信道噪声(加性高斯白噪声); 9、接收端串并转换; 10、去除循环前缀; 11、进行FFT变换; 12、信号解调; 13、误比特率计算; -OFDM downlink simulation 1, have to be transmitted random number 2, the modulation 3 series and transforms 4, the IFFT operation (code useful to conjugate symmetric vector of the IFFT of real numbers to simplify calculations) 5, the increase in circulating prefix 6, and string conversion 7, the output before the filter 8, increased channel noise (additive white Gaussian noise) 9, the receiver string and conversion 10, removal of cyclic prefix 11, the FFT transform 12 , the signal demodulation 13, bit error rate
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 刘洋 | Hits:


Description: 基本的ofdm系统实现以及误码率分析(信道为高斯白噪声信道)-The realization of a basic ofdm system.(the channel is white gaussian noise channel)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: learreal | Hits:


Description: 在awagn噪声下实现lms信道估计算法,以及我的算法改进。-Lms in awagn noise to achieve channel estimation algorithm, as well as improving my algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 胡廷星 | Hits:


Description: OFDM的系统仿真,使用TCM编码,维特比译码。可以绘出多径延时状态下的不同信噪比的误码曲线-OFDM system simulation, the use of TCM coding, Viterbi decoding. Multipath delay can be drawn under the error curves of different signal to noise ratio
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: PT | Hits:


Description: 2*2空间复用信道MIMO仿真 其中包含整套通信系统的编码解码,调制解调,噪声信道,并有文件对应说明文档-2* 2 MIMO spatial multiplexing channel communication system simulation package which contains the coding and decoding, modulation and demodulation, channel noise, and the corresponding documentation file
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: Brandon | Hits:

[Program docImpulse-Noise-Mitigation-for-OFDM-Using-Decision-

Description: Impulse Noise Mitigation for OFDM Using Decision Directed Noise Estimation
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: katha | Hits:


Description: 使用matlab实现不同循环长度下的BER仿真,信道分别为瑞利信道和高斯白噪声信道(Using matlab to realize different cycle length, the channel is Rayleigh channel and gaussian white noise channel)
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: zzuu | Hits:
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