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JAVA控制,生成EXCEL的视频和源码,可以用于办公自动化项目中-JAVA control, the generation of Excel and video source that can be used in office automation projects
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.72mb Publisher : 小丑鱼

本系统的使用可以将工作的部分流程使用计算机的办公自动化处理,能够极大的提高办公的效率和准确程度。另外,可以便捷的统计和分析各种所需资料,方便相应政策的调整等。 该系统作为网上信息管理系统,实现网络处理功能。系统采用先进的应用系统体系结构和开发模式,提高系统的可扩展性、可维护性和交互性。该系统相对独立,接口实现简单、安全,可操作性强-the use of the system can be part of the process of using computers for office automation, the ability to greatly improve office efficiency and accuracy. In addition, the user can analyze statistics and information required to facilitate the corresponding policy adjustments. The system as a web-based information management system, network processing functions. The system uses advanced application system architecture and development model to improve the scalability, maintainability and interactive. The system relatively independent interface is simple, safe and operable
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.71mb Publisher : 贺朋

IP服务的特点如下:数据应用包括办公自动化系统、WWW、FTP、电子邮件等。其传输特点是猝发式传送,即数据流的出现不定时,而一旦出现数据流,则流量非常大,经常在短时间内占用整个主干网带宽。-IP services to the following features : data applications including office automation systems, WWW, FTP and e-mail. Its transmission is characterized by the sudden-transmitted data stream that is the emergence of irregular, and once the data flow, the flow is very large, often in a short period of time using the entire backbone network bandwidth.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 298kb Publisher : app

JAVA控制,生成EXCEL的视频和源码,可以用于办公自动化项目中-JAVA control, the generation of Excel and video source that can be used in office automation projects
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.72mb Publisher : 小丑鱼

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在OA办公自动化中工作流集成shark工作流说明,-in OA Office Automation Workflow Integration shark work flow statement,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 190kb Publisher : 李成晚

基于INTERNET人事管理系统 本文阐述了网上办公自动化系统的设计与实现,该系统在JSP环境下编译成功,而且该系统成功的实现网上办公自动化。同时还详细分析了数据库的建立和系统各项功能的开发以及在开发过程中的一些主要技术。 -Internet-based personnel management system this paper online office automation system design and implementation The system environment in JSP compiler successful and the system to achieve successful online office automation. Also detailed analysis of the database system and the establishment of various functions in the development and the process of developing some of the main technology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 349kb Publisher : Ninstein

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OA系统中工作流引擎的设计 在办公自动化中引入工作流的概念 -OA system workflow engine design in the introduction of office automation workflow concept
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : 王涵

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办公自动化管理系统 主要分为员工登录界面和管理员登录界面两部分,员工登录界面主要是各种办公信息的浏览及发布界面,管理员登录界面主要是各种办公信息的管理界面。-Office Automation Management System staff log into the main interface and the administrator login screen in two parts, employees log on the main interface is a variety of office and dissemination of information browser interface, the administrator login screen is all kinds of office information management interface.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.13mb Publisher : 1231

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办公自动化管理系统主要分为员工登录界面和管理员登录界面两部分,员工登录界面主要是各种办公信息的浏览及发布界面,管理员登录界面主要是各种办公信息的管理界面。-Office Automation Management System staff log into the main interface and the administrator login screen in two parts, employees log on the main interface is a variety of office and dissemination of information browser interface, the administrator login screen is all kinds of office information management interface.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.69mb Publisher : 丽红

办公自动化系统的毕业设计论文,写的比较详细了,欢迎下载-Office Automation System Design graduation thesis, written in more detail, and welcome to download
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 344kb Publisher : wf

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本书介绍办公自动化系统基础知识,目前在java开发系统中用的最多的jbuilder和Oracle 9数据库管理系统。重点介绍当今流行的用java开发的信息管理系统-This book introduce basic knowledge of office automation system, the current development system in java using jbuilder the largest and Oracle 9 database management system. Introduce the focus of today
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22.29mb Publisher : suiyirensheng

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办公自动化管理系统主要分为员工登录界面和管理员登录界面两部分,员工登录界面主要是各种办公信息的浏览及发布界面,管理员登录界面主要是各种办公信息的管理界面。-Office Automation Management System staff log into the main interface and the administrator login screen in two parts, employees log on the main interface is a variety of office and dissemination of information browser interface, the administrator login screen is all kinds of office information management interface.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.13mb Publisher : 廖鹏

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培训中心办公自动化系统之财务管理模块 包括缴纳报名费、学费,查询账款、转账、学费收入查询等方面。-Training center for office automation systems in the financial management modules, including payment of registration fees, tuition fees, account inquiries, transfers, inquiries and other aspects of tuition fees.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 811kb Publisher : luxueling

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网络办公自动化系统 追求高效率的办公方式。 为了提高现代社会人们的办公效率,满足人们自动化办公的需要,我们开发了这套稳定可靠、操作方便、 安全有效的MyOffice系统,它主要包括:人事管理、日程管理、文档管理、消息传递、系统管理、 考勤管理等几大模块。 修改密码、机构管理、部门管理、员工管理、个人日程、部门日程、我的便签、文档管理、回收站管理、文档搜索、消息管理、个人信箱、员工签到签退、考勤历史查询、考勤统计等; 开发环境:Window Server XP JDK1.6 Tomcat6.0 MySql-The pursuit of office automation system network efficient way office. In order to improve the modern society, people' s working efficiency, to meet the needs of people to office automation, we developed a set of stable and reliable, easy to operate, safe and effective MyOffice system, which mainly include: personnel management, schedule management, document management, messaging, system management, attendance management, and other major modules. Change Password, institutional management, departmental management, staff management, personal calendar, departments, calendar, my notes, document management, and recycling management, document search, information management, personal mailbox, sign the attendance of staff retreat, attendance history, inquiries, attendance statistics etc. Development Environment: Window Server XP JDK1.6 Tomcat6.0 MySql
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16.55mb Publisher : ceshi

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结合当今市场的需求,为了满足用户的需要。办公自动化系统应实现的功能如下。  企业的日常管理,应包括企业的会议管理和公告管理。用户可以通过这一模块查看企业发布的会议、公告,并设置了添加新公告和会议的功能。  考勤管理,应包括外出登记、请假登记、出差登记、上下班登记。员工可利用网络进行登记,简单方便。  计划制定,应包括企业计划、部门计划、个人计划等。对企业的计划进行了分类存储。大大的节省了统计的时间。  审核管理,通过这一模块用户可以发布申请,以及对审核批示的管理。  员工管理,应包括员工的添加与维护。  通讯管理,这一模块应包括增加通信详细信息,和按通讯组存储员工的通讯信息。 -Light of the current market demand, in order to meet user s needs. Office automation system functionality to be achieved as follows.  the daily management of enterprises should include corporate management, and notice of meetings management. Through this module user can view the company released the meetings, public notices, and set to add a new announcement and conference functions.  Attendance management, and should include out registration, leave registration, travel registration, the registration to work. Employees can use the Internet to register, easy and convenient.  plans to enact should include business plans, departmental plans, individual plans. Plans of enterprises classified storage. Statistical significant savings of time.  audit management module through which users can publish applications, as well as the management audit instructions.  staff management, should include staff additions and maintenance.  communic
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 672kb Publisher :

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尚学堂 OA 利用技术的手段提高办公的效率,进而实现办公的自动化处理。采用Internet/Intranet技术,基于工作流的概念,使企业内部人员方便快捷地共享信息,高效地协同工作;改变过去复杂、低效的手工办公方式,实现迅速、全方位的信息采集、信息处理,为企业的管理和决策提供科学的依据。一个企业实现办公自动化的程度也是衡量其实现现代化管理的标准。OA从最初的以大规模采用复印机等办公设备为标志的初级阶段,发展到今天的以运用网络和计算机为标志的现阶段,对企业办公方式的改变和效率的提高起到了积极的促进作用。-Jean Hall, OA A means of using technology to improve office efficiency, so as to realize office automation. Use of Internet/Intranet technology, based on the concept of workflow, so that internal staff to quickly and easily share information, work together effectively change the past complex, inefficient manual office practices, and achieve rapid, comprehensive information collection, information processing, for enterprise management and decision-making to provide a scientific basis. An enterprise to achieve office automation is also a measure of the extent of its implementation of modern management standards. OA from the initial large-scale use of copiers and other office equipment, marked the initial stages of development in order to apply to today s networks and computer-marked at this stage, changes in the way of corporate office and efficiency has played a positive role in promoting.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 21.45mb Publisher : 黄赳

企业级java ee开发办公自动化,详细讲解该系统的开发过程-Enterprise-class java ee development of office automation, explain in detail the development process of the system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 772kb Publisher : 李七

this office automation system source code written in java-this is office automation system source code written in java
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 410kb Publisher : mks

一个用jsp编写的办公自动化系统源代码,适合较初级的入门者学习(An office automation system written in JSP source code, suitable for primary grasp learning)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : YJANgteqo+938073

数据库是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库。在信息化社会,充分有效的管理和利用各类资源,是进行科学研究和决策管理的前提条件。数据库技术是管理信息系统、办公自动化系统、决策支持系统等各类信息系统的核心部分,是进行科学研究和决策管理的重要技术手段。(A database is a warehouse that organizes, stores, and manages data according to the structure of the data. In the information society, the full and effective management and use of all kinds of resources is the prerequisite for scientific research and decision-making management. Database technology is the core part of all kinds of information systems such as management information system, office automation system, decision support system and so on. It is an important technical means for scientific research and decision-making management.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25.3mb Publisher : 杜昊
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