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[Audio programNetExam

Description: 再线考试系统,是一个比较好的再线考试的asp系统。供大家参考。-OnlineExam,a better online test/exam system, written by asp.Reference for everybody.
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: 李中 | Hits:

[GUI Developwww.51Quiz.com

Description: 一个很好的在线测试系统,试过好几次的,瞒好用.大家参考!-a good online test system, tried several times to conceal handy. Reference!
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 梁智勇 | Hits:


Description: 欢迎使用网页设计 在线学习系统ver1.0 本系统主要特点如下: 1.本系统采用学号加密码登录,可接受外部注册。 2.教学内容模块可由教师后台管理。 3.保存学生学习进度。 4.多种交互方式。 5.提供在线考试模块,同时能够进行补考,成绩查询等功能。 6.网页设计教学内容部分精心挑选,并进行了较好的分类。 -welcomed the use of web design online learning system ver1.0 main features of this system are as follows : 1. The school system uses its password login, external registration acceptable. 2. Teaching modules can be teachers management background. 3. Keep students learning progress. 4. A variety of interactive manner. 5. Provides an online test module, it can be for the make-up exam, the results query. 6. Web design teaching content of carefully selected, and a better classification.
Platform: | Size: 286720 | Author: whgh | Hits:

[Education soft systemweb_kaoshijsp

Description: 一个很简洁的网络考试系统,使用JSP技术开发,包含有详细的程序代码和说明,可以在线出题和在线考试-a very simple network test system, using JSP technology development, contains detailed procedures code and explanation of the topic online and on-line examination
Platform: | Size: 2752512 | Author: 张华 | Hits:

[Education soft systemphpexam

Description: 一个基于PHP的在线考试系统,包含简单的试卷管理和分析功能。-PHP-based online examination system, including a simple test management and analysis functions.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 乔誉 | Hits:


Description: 在线考试能够让用户在线就能考试本软件有20多个页面-Online examination that allows online users will be able to test this software has more than 20 pages
Platform: | Size: 277504 | Author: 赵鑫磊 | Hits:

[WEB CodesimpleExam

Description: Asp.net简单试题库管理系统源码 可以在线创建试卷,包括选择题\问答题\填空题 也可以进行试卷选择并重组,试卷设置包括试卷名字\何时考试\考试时间\考试对象\授课老师等属性-Asp.net simple test library management system source code online to create papers, including multiple-choice questions can also be carried out填空题papers selected and the reorganization of papers, including papers in the name of setting examination examination time when teachers test object attributes such as
Platform: | Size: 455680 | Author: fy | Hits:

[WEB CodeExam

Description: asp.net+sql2000 在线考试系统-asp.net+ sql2000 Online Test System
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: 罗红 | Hits:


Description: ModbusPoll 网上找的测试 Modbus协议,比较经典的版本,包含序列号发生器-ModbusPoll online test to find Modbus protocol to compare the classic version that contains the serial number generator
Platform: | Size: 631808 | Author: 邹娜 | Hits:


Description: 学生网上考试系统(JAVA) 1:管理员登录,设置考试时间,考试人数,并启动服务器; 2: 查询考试动态信息; 3:接收用户呼叫; 4:验证用户登陆; 5:用户开始考试,读取考试时间,读取试题; 6:接收用户答案进行判断,将答案存到数据库,将成绩返回到客户端; 7:结束考试; (未实现) 8:开始下一次考试; 9: 对试题进行维护,对学生信息进行管理:(未实现)-Students online examination system (JAVA) 1: administrator log in, set up the examination time, the number of examinations, and start the server 2: query test dynamic information 3: receiving a user calls 4: authenticate users landing 5: users have begun to test, reading take the examination time, read the questions 6: receiving a user to determine the answer to keep the answer to the database will return results to the client 7: the end of the examination (unrealized) 8: the beginning of the next examination 9: on the test carried out maintenance, management of student information: (unrealized)
Platform: | Size: 381952 | Author: Ann | Hits:

[Education soft systemonline_ks

Description: php做的一个在线考试系统,随着计算机技术的发展和网络技术的日益成熟,通过网络进行信息交流已成为一种快捷的交互方式。在这种网络环境下,学校或考试机构希望通过建立网络在线考试网站来扩大知名度、降低管理成本和减少人力物力的投资,从而为考生提供更全面、更灵活的服务,并全面、准确地对考试进行跟踪和评价。与此同时,考生希望根据自己的学习情况进行测试,并能够得到客观、科学的评价;教务人员希望能够有效地改进现有的考试模式,提高考试的效率。-php do an online examination system, with the development of computer technology and network technology has become more sophisticated, the exchange of information via the web has become a fast and interactive way. In such a network environment, schools or examination bodies hope that through networking online exam site to expand visibility, reducing management costs and reduce investment in human and material resources, so as to candidates to provide more comprehensive, more flexible services, and comprehensive, accurately follow-up examination and evaluation. At the same time, the candidates hope to learn according to their own circumstances test, and can be objective, scientific evaluation academic staff hope to be able to effectively improve the existing mode of examination to improve the efficiency of examination.
Platform: | Size: 419840 | Author: 钟然旭 | Hits:


Description: 本在线考试系统采用了面向对象的分析和设计,整体上采用了三层架构的设计方式,并结合了Ajax技术在客户端实现部分逻辑,使用了NHibernate作为数据访问层,大大改善了代码的重用性和可读性并改善了用户体验和系统性能,而且简化了系统的开发。本系统实现了试题管理、根据知识点制定出题策略、根据出题策略随机抽题、考试计时、自动交卷、客观题自动阅卷、在线阅卷、查看分数等功能。开发工具主要是Visual Studio 2005。-The online examination system using object-oriented analysis and design, the overall use of the three-tier design approach and a combination of Ajax technology on the client to achieve part of logic, the use of NHibernate as a data access layer, has greatly improved the code reusability and readability and improve the user experience and system performance, and simplified the system. The system achieved a test management, based on knowledge-point strategy to develop a title, according to a random title strategy title, the examination time, automatically carry out an assignment, objective automatic scoring, online scoring, view scores and other functions. Development tools is Visual Studio 2005.
Platform: | Size: 3470336 | Author: 陈剑锋 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringaccessOnlineTest

Description: 在线考试系统 实现在线考试的试卷生成,打分 在线考试系统 实现在线考试的试卷生成,打分 在线考试系统 实现在线考试的试卷生成,打分 -Online examination system to generate online exam papers, online test scoring system to generate online exam papers, online test scoring system online exam papers generation, scoring
Platform: | Size: 415744 | Author: 郭晨光 | Hits:


Description: 可在线考试JSP等课程,JSP课程设计的作业。简单明了~-JSP online test courses, JSP course design work. Simple ~
Platform: | Size: 6637568 | Author: zhanghengke | Hits:


Description: 这是一个JSP在线测试系统,后台数据库为MySQL。这是一个JSP在线考试系统,后台数据库为MySQL。-. This is a JSP online test system, the background database MySQL.
Platform: | Size: 5278720 | Author: yibanbushang | Hits:


Description: 开发工具:myeclipse,开发技术:jsp,数据库:sql server 2000,很不错的,代码齐全,欢迎大家使用-Tools: myeclipse, technology: jsp, database: sql server 2000, very good, code complete, welcome to the use of
Platform: | Size: 3230720 | Author: 陈慧琳 | Hits:


Description: online test system online test system
Platform: | Size: 1922048 | Author: sasa | Hits:

[WEB Codeonline-test

Description: 可在线管理科目,管理题库,试卷批改,综合管理,考试新闻等。 适合学校、教育部门、培训机构使用。 管理员:admin 密码:admin-online test
Platform: | Size: 700416 | Author: xrj | Hits:


Description: 为了保障整个系统的安全性,在线考试系统实现了分类验证的登录模块,通过此模块,可以对不同身份的登录用户进行验证,确保了不同身份的用户操作系统。在抽取试题上,系统使用随机抽取试题的方式,体现了考试的客观与公正。当考生答题完毕之后,提交试卷即可得知本次考试的得分,体现系统的高效性。在后台管理上,分后台管理员管理模块和试题管理模块。分别适应不同的用户,前者只有系统的高级管理员才能进入,对整个系统进行管理。而后者只允许教师登录,教师可以对自己任教的科目试题进行修改,并且可以查看所有参加过自己任教科目的学生成绩。-Online TEST
Platform: | Size: 534528 | Author: JACK | Hits:


Description: 在线测试,实现简单的答题工能,一小段程序仅参考,有不好的请更改!-Online test
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: liqin | Hits:
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