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Description: 提出了一种自动构造特定领域本体的方法,该方法应用术语抽取和多重聚类技术。在术语抽取阶段,通过术语在专业语料与背景语料中出现概率的对比,采用LLR公式对术语进行评分,取得了更好的抽取效果。在层级关系发现过程中,采用上下文共现信息结合HowNet中词语的语义相似度,进行术语间相似度度量,力求获得术语间最合理的相关状况。同时改进了k-medoids聚类算法,更准确地发现术语的层级关系,进而构造出特定领域的本体。-This paper presents an approach to mining domain-dependent ontologies using term extraction and relationship discovery technology.There are two main innovations in the approach. One is extracting terms using log-likelihood ratio, which is based on the contrastive probabilityofterm occurrence in domain corpus and background corpus. The other is fusing together information from multiple knowledge sources as evidencesfor discovering particular semantic relationships among terms. In the experiment, traditional k-mediods algorithm is improved for multi-levelclustering. The approach to produce an ontology for the domain of computer science is applied and promising results are obtained.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: xiaobai | Hits:


Description: PROMI is a Platform for the Reuse of Ontologies through Merging and Integration. It imports ontologies represented as OWL, RDF(S), DDL, DTD and XML schemas and incrementally merges their contents using various matching algorithms.
Platform: | Size: 13389824 | Author: James | Hits:


Description: DODDLE-OWL is a domain ontology development tool for the Semantic Web. DODDLE-OWL makes reuse of existing ontologies and supports the semi-automatic construction of taxonomic and other relationships in domain ontologies from documents.
Platform: | Size: 21532672 | Author: James | Hits:


Description: Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) are well known and efficient modeling solutions for ontologies. This public catalog offers a collection of well documented and tested ODPs, including examples from the biological knowledge domain, implemented in OWL.
Platform: | Size: 4064256 | Author: James | Hits:


Description: 这是一个构建本题的开发工具,在信息检索方面很有用,详细用法可以参见《语义网信息组织技术与方法》一书。-this is a Development Tools which can build ontologies ,using in the field of Information Retrieval 。
Platform: | Size: 1208320 | Author: 张可可 | Hits:


Description: Diagramming data can help you understand this data, look at it from a different perspective and gain insight. Think of Microsoft’s BizTalk, Query Analyzer, Data Transformation Services Designer and so on. Diagrams are being used in many ways and for many things, from flow-charting to programming, from network charting to real-time non-linear programming in animations, from GSM technology to GPRS positioning, from simple hierarchies to highly complex academic problems, graphs and diagrams are everywhere. Over the past years topics like mind-mapping ([9]), small-world phenomena (six degrees of freedom [10]) or ontologies (the semantic web [8]) have become popular and are related to diagramming and presenting data in effective, clear ways. On another level graphs are being used to program and track bugs, either to clip away technicalities, to maintain complexity to a certain level or because it simply allows a bigger audience to develop things (cfr. The DTS designer in SQL Server, for example). -Diagramming data can help you understand this data, look at it from a different perspective and gain insight. Think of Microsoft’s BizTalk, Query Analyzer, Data Transformation Services Designer and so on. Diagrams are being used in many ways and for many things, from flow-charting to programming, from network charting to real-time non-linear programming in animations, from GSM technology to GPRS positioning, from simple hierarchies to highly complex academic problems, graphs and diagrams are everywhere. Over the past years topics like mind-mapping ([9]), small-world phenomena (six degrees of freedom [10]) or ontologies (the semantic web [8]) have become popular and are related to diagramming and presenting data in effective, clear ways. On another level graphs are being used to program and track bugs, either to clip away technicalities, to maintain complexity to a certain level or because it simply allows a bigger audience to develop things (cfr. The DTS designer in SQL Server, for ex
Platform: | Size: 1063936 | Author: chenli | Hits:

[Special EffectsOntologies

Description: 中文本体的自动获取与评估算法分析-Chinese Ontology Algorithm Analysis and evaluation of automatic acquisition of
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 程涛 | Hits:


Description: Search engines for large collections of data preceded the World Wide Web by decades. There were those massive library catalogs, hand-typed with painstaking precision on index cards and eventually, to varying degrees, automated. There were the large data collections of professional information companies such as Dialog and LexisNexis. Then there are the extant private, expensive medical, real estate, and legal search services. Those data collections were not always easy to search, but with a little finesse and a lot of patience, it was always possible to search them thoroughly. Information was grouped according to established ontologies, the data preformatted according to particular guidelines.-Why Google Hacks? Hacks are generally considered to be "quick-and-dirty" solutions to programming problems or interesting techniques for getting a task done. But what does this kind of hacking have to do with Google? Considering the size of the Google index, there are many times when you might want to do a particular kind of search but you get too many results for the search to be useful. Or you may want to do a search that the current Google interface does not support. The idea of Google Hacks is not to give you some exhaustive manual of how every command in the Google syntax works (although we do give this more than a fair shake), but rather to show you some tricks for making the best use of a search, show off just what s possible when you automate your queries with a little programming know-how, and shine a light into some of the overlooked corners of Google s offerings. In other words, hacks.
Platform: | Size: 5471232 | Author: fleming | Hits:


Description: OWL API最新版本3.1,2010年8月20日发布,支持对OBO本体的分析。-The OWL API is a Java API and reference implmentation for creating, manipulating and serialising OWL Ontologies. The latest version of the API is focused towards OWL 2
Platform: | Size: 7899136 | Author: qy | Hits:


Description: 本文档通过构建一个Pizza本体库,详细主要介绍protege-owl 3.x的具体使用方法和owl语法规则。-This guide introduces the Prot´ eg´ e-OWL plugin for creating OWL ontologies.And gives a brief overview of the OWL ontology language
Platform: | Size: 2640896 | Author: 何军 | Hits:


Description: protege是用于创建本体的工具,然后用jena对本体进行推理-protege is a tool used to create ontologies and the ontology reasoning with jena
Platform: | Size: 2911232 | Author: haoli | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcreat-model

Description: 主要是利用protege源码的一些方法创建本体-using protege methods to creat ontologies
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 于仰源 | Hits:


Description: owlapi代码,专门针对OWL格式本体进行各种操作。-owlapi code format specifically for OWL ontologies for various operations.
Platform: | Size: 8481792 | Author: lee | Hits:


Description: Pellet是一种基于Tableau算法的描述逻辑推理机,由美国马里兰大学(College Park分校)的MindSwap实验室开发。此为最近的更新-Pellet is an OWL 2 reasoner. Pellet provides standard and cutting-edge reasoning services for OWL ontologies. For applications that need to represent and reason about information using OWL, Pellet is the leading choice for systems where sound-and-complete OWL DL reasoning is essential. Pellet includes support for OWL 2 profiles including OWL 2 EL. It incorporates optimizations for nominals, conjunctive query answering, and incremental reasoning. There’s more detailed information about the architecture of the system and its features in Pellet Help. An OWL DL reasoner like Pellet is a core component of ontology-based data management applications if you need expertise in the use of Pellet for advanced integration or analysis applications, Clark & Parsia LLC can help in a variety of roles: consulting, application development, and OEM licensing.
Platform: | Size: 25435136 | Author: 王冬冬 | Hits:


Description: 其内容包括: 本体论 语义网技术 对等发现服务 服务选择 网络结构和链接分析 分布式事务 过程建模 一致性管理。-This comprehensive text explains the principles and practice of Web services and relates all concepts to practical examples and emerging standards. Its discussions include: Ontologies Semantic web technologies Peer-to-peer service discovery Service selection Web structure and link analysis Distributed transactions Process modelling Consistency management.
Platform: | Size: 2151424 | Author: lishiji | Hits:


Description: Sigma (Pease, 2003) is an environment for creating, testing, modifying, and performing inference with ontologies. Please bear in mind, however, that Sigma is a work in progress with a few rough edges.-Sigma (Pease, 2003) is an environment for creating, testing, modifying, and performing inference with ontologies. Please bear in mind, however, that Sigma is a work in progress with a few rough edges.
Platform: | Size: 30907392 | Author: bugmenot | Hits:

[Technology ManagementMatch-Ontologies-on-the-Semantic-Web

Description: Learning to Match Ontologies on the Semantic Web
Platform: | Size: 186368 | Author: 张海飞 | Hits:


Description: 本体owl的C++访问库,直接在C++代码中操作owl本体-owlcpp is a C++ library for reading and querying OWL ontologies.
Platform: | Size: 994304 | Author: feiwang | Hits:


Description: This tutorial introduces SPARQL and the data formats it is based on. It also covers the RDF, RDF Schema, OWL, and Turtle knowledge representation languages. With these languages, you build ontologies or domain models. For the example used throughout this tutorial, you ll build the ontologies and queries for a journaling and booking system to produce semantically tagged twitter-like micro-blogs.
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: khaldi | Hits:

[Other DatabasesBase-ontologies

Description: knowrob中基本的概念本体,描述了基本的概念与关系-The following files are the main OWL ontologies used in the KnowRob system, grouped by the type of knowledge they describe.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: chien | Hits:
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