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Description: 研究了OPC的基本结构和数据访问标准,重点分析了自动化接口的对象模型。使用 Visual Basic编写了一个通用的OPC客户程序,采用了不同的数据访问方法,可以与众多OPC数据 存取服务器进行数据交换。-of the basic structure and data access standards, focusing on the automation interface object model. Use Visual Basic to prepare a common OPC client, using different data access methods, and a number of OPC Data Access server for data exchange.
Platform: | Size: 106251 | Author: candy | Hits:


Description: OPC 是Microsoft 公司的对象链接和嵌入OLE/COM技 术在过程控制中的应用, 为工业控制领域提供了标准的数 据访问机制。OPC 采用客户/服务器结构, 提供了两套接口 方案, 分别为COM接口和OLE 自动化接口。COM接口效 率高, 通过它客户能够发挥OPC 服务器的最佳性能, 采用 C++语言的客户一般采用此方案 -OPC is Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding OLE / COM technology in the process control The application of the system for industrial control areas of the standard data access mechanism. OPC client / server architecture to provide two sets of interface programs, respectively COM interface and OLE Automation interface. COM Interface high efficiency, through which customers can play the best OPC server performance, C language clients generally use this program
Platform: | Size: 65380 | Author: candy | Hits:


Description: 研究了OPC的基本结构和数据访问标准,重点分析了自动化接口的对象模型。使用 Visual Basic编写了一个通用的OPC客户程序,采用了不同的数据访问方法,可以与众多OPC数据 存取服务器进行数据交换。-of the basic structure and data access standards, focusing on the automation interface object model. Use Visual Basic to prepare a common OPC client, using different data access methods, and a number of OPC Data Access server for data exchange.
Platform: | Size: 106496 | Author: candy | Hits:


Description: OPC 是Microsoft 公司的对象链接和嵌入OLE/COM技 术在过程控制中的应用, 为工业控制领域提供了标准的数 据访问机制。OPC 采用客户/服务器结构, 提供了两套接口 方案, 分别为COM接口和OLE 自动化接口。COM接口效 率高, 通过它客户能够发挥OPC 服务器的最佳性能, 采用 C++语言的客户一般采用此方案 -OPC is Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding OLE/COM technology in the process control The application of the system for industrial control areas of the standard data access mechanism. OPC client/server architecture to provide two sets of interface programs, respectively COM interface and OLE Automation interface. COM Interface high efficiency, through which customers can play the best OPC server performance, C language clients generally use this program
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: candy | Hits:

[Windows DevelopOPC_HDA_Auto_1_Sample_Code

Description: OPC 历史数据访问代码 从OPC基金会下载的,非常有帮助!-The OPC Historical Data Access Sample Code consists of an C# client application and a C++ server application. These applications implement the Historical Data Access Custom Interface Specification 1.20. These samples are intended to demonstrate the correct operation of the specification and to serve as starting point for vendors who wish to develop their own implementations. The sample client is based on the OPC HDA .NET API: a standard .NET class library that provides a simplified, .NET aware interface to the OPC COM servers. The OPC .NET API is available as a separate download on the OPC Foundation website and is maintained as an open source library which is available to all OPC Foundation members.
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: Andy | Hits:


Description: 实现用C#对PLC等设备的OPC服务器的数据访问与操作,异步实现-Achieved with C# on the PLC and other equipment of the OPC server data access and operation, asynchronous implementation
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: wanghao | Hits:


Description: OPC开发工具包-数据访问规范-服务器开发工具包 -OPC Development Kit- Data Access Specification- Server Development Kit
Platform: | Size: 1218560 | Author: hehongfeng | Hits:


Description: OPC数据访问服务器开发工具包按照OPC基金会数据访问服务器规范2.04开-OPC Data Access Server Development Kit in accordance with the OPC Foundation, Data Access Server Specification 2.04 open
Platform: | Size: 3148800 | Author: hehongfeng | Hits:

[Program docOPC_Data_Access_Server-Specification_204

Description: OPC数据访问服务器规范204 OPC Data Access Custom Interface Specification-OPC Data Access Server Specification 204 OPC Data Access Custom Interface Specification
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: s_jzh8009 | Hits:


Description: OPC客户端源代码,测试好用,能够访问服务器数据-OPC client source code, test and easy to use, and be able to access the server data
Platform: | Size: 6146048 | Author: 尹诗 | Hits:


Description: 在V i s u a lC++环境下,使用定制接口开发访问数据的OPC客户端程序,能够发挥OP C服务器的最隹陛能,较好地满足了过程控制领域对数据实时、高效的要求-In the V i s u a lC++ environment, the use of custom interface to access the data of the OPC client program, can play OP C server s best performance, better meet the process control field of data real-time, high-performance requirements
Platform: | Size: 294912 | Author: 闫晓明 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringvbopc

Description: opc数据访问对象主要包括opc服务器(opcserver)、opc组集合(opcgroups)、opc组(opcgroup)、opc标签集合(opcitems)、opc标签(opcitem)、opc浏览器(opcbrowser)等几个部分-opc data access object the opc server (OPCSERVER), the OPC group collection (opcgroups) the the the OPC Group (OPCGroup) the opc tags collection (the OPCItems,), the opc label (opcitem) the the opc browsers (opcbrowser) and several other parts
Platform: | Size: 407552 | Author: 李二欢 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringOPCHistoryDataSeverReaserch

Description: OPC历史数据访问服务器的研究与开发硕士论文,对于学习了解OPC技术规范及开发基于OPC的工业实时历史数据库的应用软件有非常大的帮助.-Research and Development Thesis OPC Historical Data Access Server, learn about OPC technology for the development of applications based on software specifications and OPC industrial real-time historical database has a very big help.
Platform: | Size: 11468800 | Author: 范勇 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringopc-client-guide-VB

Description: OPC客户端程序设计 使用本书的示范源程序之前,你必须复制和注册必需的OPC服务器,代理-占位DLL,和ActiveX控件: 1. 把配置的光盘插入光盘驱动器, 然后用浏览器打开光盘。 2. 拖动含有示范源程序的文件夹"\Samples", 并将它放在要存放示范源程序的硬盘文件夹中(比如:C:\)。 3. 单击[开始]按钮,然后选择[运行]菜单。单击[浏览]按钮并选择OPC注册批处理文件 "\Samples\Bin\RegOPC.BAT"。 4. 单击[OK]按钮就可以注册OPC服务器,代理-占位DLL,和ActiveX控件。 启动示范源程序: 第2章: -同期数据访问示范程序: 请启动\Samples\Chap2\Sync\Project1.vbp。 -非同期数据访问示范程序: 请启动\Samples\Chap2\Async\Project1.vbp。 第3章: -OPC ActiveX示范程序: 请启动\Samples\Chap3\TrendGraph\OPCTrend.vbg。 第4章: -OPC VBA示范程序: 请启动\Samples\Chap4\Excel\VBA.xls。 -OPC ActiveX示范程序e: 请启动\Samples\Chap4\Excel\ActiveX.xls。 系统和软件要求: 操作平台: WindowsNT 4.0 Workstation(SP3)/Windows 2000 Professional -VB: Visual Basic 5.0/6.0 专业/企业版 (第2章和第3章) -Excel: Office 97/Office 2000 (第4章)-OPC client programming model of the source before using this book, you must copy and register the necessary OPC server, proxy- placeholder DLL, and ActiveX controls: a configuration CD into the CD-ROM drive, and then open the CD browser . The file contains a demonstration of the source 2 drag the folder " \ Samples" , and place it on a hard disk to store the demonstration of the source folder (for example: C: \). 3 Click [Start] button, and then select [Run] menu. Click [Browse] button and select the batch file registered OPC " \ Samples \ Bin \ RegOPC.BAT" . 4 Click the [OK] button can register OPC server, proxy- placeholder DLL, and ActiveX controls. Start demonstration source: Chapter 2:- Data Access demonstration program over the same period: Start \ Samples \ Chap2 \ Sync \ Project1.vbp.- Asynchronous Data Access Demonstration Program: Start \ Samples \ Chap2 \ Async \ Project1.vbp. Chapter 3:-OPC ActiveX demonstration program: Start \ Samples \ Chap3 \ TrendGraph
Platform: | Size: 4361216 | Author: | Hits:


Description: OPC server data access bağ lantı sı iç in kullanı lan kod.-OPC server data access bağ lantı sı iç in kullanı lan kod.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: Sessiz | Hits:

[Software EngineeringOPC-based-data--between-Matlab

Description: Manab OPC(OLE for Process Contr01)T001box提供了一种服务器和客户端互访的通用机 制,应用于0PC客户端数据访问,通过OPC Toolbox可以连接任何一个OPC数据访问服务器,方便地对连接的0PC服务器的数据进行读写,每个0PC数据访问服务器由唯一的ID号来确定,每 个OPC数据访问服务器。由0PC数据访问服务器所在机器的主机名和ID号组成其在网络中唯 一确定的身份-Manab OPC (OLE for Process Contr01) T001box provides a general mechanism for server and client visits, applies 0PC client data access via OPC Toolbox can be connected to any one of the OPC Data Access Server, conveniently connected 0PC server read and write data, each 0PC Data Access Server is determined by a unique ID number for each OPC Data Access Server. By 0PC Data Access server machine host name and ID number to determine the composition of its unique status in the network
Platform: | Size: 329728 | Author: 刘胸毛 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringOPC--in-DeviceNet

Description: 本文介绍了技术产生的背景及其规范,提出了一类基于技术进行远程监控多电机系统的控制方案。文 中搭建了以太网和 现场总线两层网络的实验平台,主要采用罗克韦尔 自动化公司的组态软件通过网络 以服务器F 客户端的形式实现了基于技术的远程数据访问,验证了技术在工业现场和系统集成应用中的实用性和有效性-This paper describes the background technology to produce its specifications, the control scheme is proposed for a class of multi-motor technology for remote monitoring system based on. The paper set up an experimental platform of Ethernet and fieldbus network layers, mainly Rockwell Automation' s configuration software server through the network in the form of F client implemented based remote data access technology to verify the technology in the industrial field and system integration applications practicality and effectiveness
Platform: | Size: 253952 | Author: 刘胸毛 | Hits:

[SQL ServerExcel-to--OPC-Server

Description: 使用EXCEL 实时监控OPC服务器数据,并会设置联机方式-Use Excel to access the Real-time Data of PecStar OPC Server
Platform: | Size: 2021376 | Author: 杨工 | Hits:


Description: 《控制装置标准化通信:OPC服务器开发设计与应用》从应用角度出发,对当前自动化控制领域的OPC标准化通信技术进行了全面、系统的阐述。本书的特点是基于OPC数据存取服务器的开发、测试及应用,紧跟国际OPC技术的发展,介绍了OPC服务器的模型结构及其对象与接口,全面、系统地阐述了OPC服务器与OPC客户端的实现原理、软件设计及测试等方面的内容。本书力图反映OPC技术的*发展,尽可能将OPC的理论基础组件对象模型COM与具体开发实现相结合,从硬件与软件系统的综合通信应用角度对OPC客户端/服务器模式予以详细分析。其中OPC数据存取服务器开发模式、OPC数据存取自动化服务器模型及开发、OPC客户端实现等设计开发应用内容为全书的重点。(Standardized communication of control devices: OPC server development, design and application, from the perspective of application, the OPC standardization communication technology in the field of automation control is comprehensively and systematically expounded. The characteristics of this book is to develop, test and application of OPC data access server based on the development with international OPC technology, introduces the structure and model of object and interface of the OPC server, comprehensively and systematically expounds the realization principle, software design and test of the OPC server and OPC client.)
Platform: | Size: 40388608 | Author: 边缘1025 | Hits:


Description: 如何在C#中实现OPC数据访问,本文主要讲述了在C#语言环境下,编程实现通过SimaticNet 提供的OPC Server, 访问PLC 中数据的步骤。此方法同样适用于WinCC 作为OPC Server 时的数据访问。(How to implement OPC data access in C#)
Platform: | Size: 493568 | Author: 胡宝赞 | Hits:
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