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1 程序开发步骤如下 (1) 打开vc,选择菜单项file->new,选择projects选项并建立一个名为\"floppy\"的win32 console applicatoin工程;创建时注意指定创建该工程的目录; (2) 在工程中创建源文件\"floppy.cpp\":选择菜单项project->add to project->files,在选择框中输入自己想要创建的文件名,这里是\"floppy.cpp\";在接下来询问是否创建新文件时回答\"yes\";然后通过Workspace->FileView->Source Files打开该文件,在其中编辑本程序的源代码;编辑结束后通过菜单项File->Save进行保存; (3) 同(2)步骤再加入文件\"floppy.h\"; (4) 通过调用菜单命令项build->build all进行编译连接,可以在指定的工程目录下得到debug->floppy.exe程序;现在即可以运行该程序;由于没有命令行参数,故不必在控制台下来运行,直接运行即可; 2 补充说明 这里仅仅给出了编译结果和源程序,没有所创建工程的其他文件。-a step in the development process as follows (1) Open vc, select menu item file-gt; New, choose projects and the establishment of an option called "floppy" win32 console applicatoin works; Attention to create designated to create the directory of the project; (2) create the works Source "floppy.cpp" : Select menu item project-gt; add to project-gt; files, the choice of their own box to create the file name, here is the "floppy.cpp"; the next question asks whether the creation of new documents to answer "yes" ; then Workspace - gt; FileView - gt; Source Files to open the document, in which the editor of the program's source code; after editing through a menu item File-gt; Save for preservation; (3) with (2) further steps inserted in the document &
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 53.83kb Publisher : 黄小文

DL : 0
window下的生产者消费者程序 1、实验环境 本实验是在win2000+VC6.0环境下实现的,利用Windows SDK编制实例程序。所以试验需要在windows下安装VC后进行。VC是一个集成开发环境,其中包含了Windows SDK所有工具和定义;所以安装了VC后就不用特意安装SDK了。 2、实现步骤 (1) 打开VC,选择菜单项file->new,选择projects选项卡并建立一个名为\" R_WP1\"的win32 console applicatoin工程;创建时注意指定创建该工程的目录; (2) 在工程中创建源文件\" R_WP1.cpp\":选择菜单项project->add to project->files,在选择框中输入自己想要创建的文件名,这里是\" R_WP1.cpp\";在接下来询问是否创建新文件时回答\"yes\";然后通过Workspace->FileView->Source Files打开该文件,在其中编辑源文件并保存. (3) 通过调用菜单命令项build->build all进行编译连接,可以在指定的工程目录下得到debug-> R_WP1.exe程序,然后把给定的test.txt文件存入该debug目录下,就可以在控制台进入该debug目录运行程序了。需要强调的是在创建数据文件时,由于涉及到文件格式问题,最好在记事本中手工逐个输入数据,而不要拷贝粘贴数据。-window of a producer consumer procedures, experimental environment in the experimental WIN2000 + VC6.0 environment to achieve, and Using Windows SDK examples of the preparation procedures. Therefore, the need to test windows installed after the VC. VC is an integrated development environment, which contains all the tools in Windows SDK and definitions; So, the VC not specially installed after the SDK. 2, the realization of steps (a) to open VC, select menu item file -
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.42kb Publisher : wanghui

ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows made by Gynvael Coldwind (of Team Vexillium). t uses a ring0 driver to hook KiExceptionDispatch procedure to detect the exceptions, and then shows information about the exception on stdout (using the ring3 part of the program ofc). The difference between this method, and the standard debug API method it that this method monitores all of XP processes, and the program does not have to attach to any other process to monitor it, hence it s harder to detect. The code currently is considered as ALPHA, and it has been reported to BSoD sometimes (on multi core/cpu machines). Take Care!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 52.74kb Publisher : 张京

驱动开发环境搭建vs6.0+ddk 2600+windows xp+Driver Studio 3.2 2010-07-07 09:35 驱动开发环境之Windows XP DDK2600,VC++ 6.0, Driver Studio 3.2 神秘的驱动开发,神秘的WINDOWS内核,是什么把这些搞得这么神秘呢? 搭Windows驱动开发平台. 要安装的东西都有这些:在Windows XP的基础上,先装上VC++6.0,再装DDK2600(也就是DDK的XP版),最后装 Driver Studio 3.2。 1.首先装VC++ 6.0, 要装VC++6.0那是因为这个IDE式的环境你已经很熟悉,编译和连接的时候不要用各种命令行的命令,只要鼠标点点,就可以(当然啦,一些参数还是要填的)。具体怎么装我就不介绍了。 2.安装XP系统的DDK, DDK全称是叫Driver Development Kit,它提供4种驱动程序的编译环境,我们这种初学者一般是选Win XP Checked Build Enviorment。$/WinDDK/winxp_ddk.rar 这个是下载地址,我写这篇文章的时候这个链接还是通的,不知你看的时候通不通了,如果不通你可以联系我,我可以发给你。 安装的时候就没什么特别要注意的地方,唯一要记得的是记住要完整安装,把那些什么Samples全装上,对于我们这些初学者会很有用的。 3.安装Driver Studio, DriverStudio 是一套用来简化微软Windows 平台下设备驱动程序的开发,调试和测试的工具包。 对于学过Windows 编程的人我可以打个形象的比喻: DriverStudio中的DriverWorks,本质是“DDK类库”,使用C++类库封装的方法简化了NT Driver或者WDM驱动程序的开发,使用DriverWorks代替DDK开发,类似于使用MFC代替SDK开发Windows应用程序。 这个是下载地址。这个需要序列号和注册文件: 这个是序列号生成器和注册文件打包下载的地址。 2.安装和配置   软件的安装顺序:Windows XP --> VC6.0 --> WinXP_DDK -> DriverStudio3.2,如果顺序装错了,那么把DriverStudio3.2删除再重装就OK了。从网上找到库文件ntstrsafe.lib+csq.lib.rar,把解压出来的两个库文件拷贝到WinXP_DDK的安装目录下的库目录中(我的是C:WINDDK2600libwxpi386)。启动vc6,然后进行简单的配置:菜单DriverStudio菜单下的DDK Build Settings,在弹出的对话框中选择已经安装的DDK目录(比如我的是C:WINDDK2600),在Windows DDK compiler Options中选择"Enable only for Driver Studio"。 VC6.0-->Tools-->Options,点击"Directories"选项卡: 1)"“Show directories for:"下选择Include files,然后检查有没有包含ddk的头文件目录(我的是C:WINDDK2600incwxp),如果没有则加上; 2)"“Show directories for:"下选择Library files,然后检查有没有包含ddk的库文件目录(我的是C:WINDDK2600libwxpi386),如果没有则加上;    注意:安装DDK时一定要把例子安装(建议你安装全部的模块),否则编译vdwlibs.dsw时会报如下的错: vdw_wdm.lib - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) 然后打开引起错误的文件,发现: #error The file is from the DDK at srcwdmhidinc. Install DDK HID samples to install hidport.h. Or update INCLUDE path for hidport.h in the DDK! 这表明安装WinXP_DDK的时候没有安装实例。 3.编译适合本机使用的库文件   (1).启动VC6.0。开始-->所有程序-->Compuware DriveStudio-->Develop-->DDK Building Settings,确保“DDK Root Directory”下方的内容是ddk的安装目录(比如我的是C:WINDDK2600),然后点击下方的"Luanch Program"正式启动vc6的开发环境。   (2).进入菜单File-->Open Workspace(打开位于DriverStudio3.2安装目录的DriverWorksSourcevdwlibs.dsw)-->进入菜单Build-->batch Build,点击“Select x86"按钮只选中全部的32位库(我的电脑是32位的。注意:对于32位的电脑一定不要选中64位的库,否则后面编译会出错)-->点击按钮"Rebuild AlL”开始编译。   注:如果出现无法打开文件这类的错误,一般都是DDK Build Settings指向不对,或安装顺序有误,或者你在32位机器上选中了64位库。 4.编译一个DriverStudio自带的实例   (1)"启动vc6,点击菜单File-->Open Workspace,打开项目文件C:Program FilesCompuwareDriverStudioDriverWorksExampleswdmhellowdmHelloWdm.dsw,然后编译,如果没有报错,那说明安装和配置成功。但请你别高兴的太早,开发环境安装配置成功只是万里长城的第一步,剩下的你就是要理解驱动模块的架构和具体的代码编写了。 5.使用Driver wizard生成驱动程序框架   (1).在VC6.0的界面下,点击菜单DriverStudio-->Driver wizard,此后系统会一步一步引导你完成设置,最后自动生产的驱动程序框架。   (2).设置好后将生成驱动文件,然后用VC6.0进行编译:进行Build菜单,Rebuild AlL将生成.sys文件,说明驱动模块编译成功!   注:如果出现无法打开ntstrsafe.lib的错误,说明系统缺少这个库文件,参照上面的方法补上这个库文件,或者进入菜单Project-->Settings,鼠标点击左边方框里的最上面一行,然后右边"Project Option"下的ntstrsafe.lib并删除它。 本文是转来的,经过我的验证可以搭建成功。有些软件下载可能需要到其他地方下载。希望各位开发的兄弟姐妹Enjoy yourself.
Update : 2011-04-22 Size : 63kb Publisher :

1 程序开发步骤如下 (1) 打开vc,选择菜单项file->new,选择projects选项并建立一个名为"floppy"的win32 console applicatoin工程;创建时注意指定创建该工程的目录; (2) 在工程中创建源文件"floppy.cpp":选择菜单项project->add to project->files,在选择框中输入自己想要创建的文件名,这里是"floppy.cpp";在接下来询问是否创建新文件时回答"yes";然后通过Workspace->FileView->Source Files打开该文件,在其中编辑本程序的源代码;编辑结束后通过菜单项File->Save进行保存; (3) 同(2)步骤再加入文件"floppy.h"; (4) 通过调用菜单命令项build->build all进行编译连接,可以在指定的工程目录下得到debug->floppy.exe程序;现在即可以运行该程序;由于没有命令行参数,故不必在控制台下来运行,直接运行即可; 2 补充说明 这里仅仅给出了编译结果和源程序,没有所创建工程的其他文件。-a step in the development process as follows (1) Open vc, select menu item file-gt; New, choose projects and the establishment of an option called "floppy" win32 console applicatoin works; Attention to create designated to create the directory of the project; (2) create the works Source "floppy.cpp" : Select menu item project-gt; add to project-gt; files, the choice of their own box to create the file name, here is the "floppy.cpp"; the next question asks whether the creation of new documents to answer "yes" ; then Workspace- gt; FileView- gt; Source Files to open the document, in which the editor of the program's source code; after editing through a menu item File-gt; Save for preservation; (3) with (2) further steps inserted in the document &
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 54kb Publisher : 黄小文

DL : 0
window下的生产者消费者程序 1、实验环境 本实验是在win2000+VC6.0环境下实现的,利用Windows SDK编制实例程序。所以试验需要在windows下安装VC后进行。VC是一个集成开发环境,其中包含了Windows SDK所有工具和定义;所以安装了VC后就不用特意安装SDK了。 2、实现步骤 (1) 打开VC,选择菜单项file->new,选择projects选项卡并建立一个名为" R_WP1"的win32 console applicatoin工程;创建时注意指定创建该工程的目录; (2) 在工程中创建源文件" R_WP1.cpp":选择菜单项project->add to project->files,在选择框中输入自己想要创建的文件名,这里是" R_WP1.cpp";在接下来询问是否创建新文件时回答"yes";然后通过Workspace->FileView->Source Files打开该文件,在其中编辑源文件并保存. (3) 通过调用菜单命令项build->build all进行编译连接,可以在指定的工程目录下得到debug-> R_WP1.exe程序,然后把给定的test.txt文件存入该debug目录下,就可以在控制台进入该debug目录运行程序了。需要强调的是在创建数据文件时,由于涉及到文件格式问题,最好在记事本中手工逐个输入数据,而不要拷贝粘贴数据。-window of a producer consumer procedures, experimental environment in the experimental WIN2000+ VC6.0 environment to achieve, and Using Windows SDK examples of the preparation procedures. Therefore, the need to test windows installed after the VC. VC is an integrated development environment, which contains all the tools in Windows SDK and definitions; So, the VC not specially installed after the SDK. 2, the realization of steps (a) to open VC, select menu item file-
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : wanghui

open source Windows debugger调试器源码.-open source Windows debugger for debugging source code.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 734kb Publisher : 任晓枫

ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows made by Gynvael Coldwind (of Team Vexillium). t uses a ring0 driver to hook KiExceptionDispatch procedure to detect the exceptions, and then shows information about the exception on stdout (using the ring3 part of the program ofc). The difference between this method, and the standard debug API method it that this method monitores all of XP processes, and the program does not have to attach to any other process to monitor it, hence it s harder to detect. The code currently is considered as ALPHA, and it has been reported to BSoD sometimes (on multi core/cpu machines). Take Care!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 52kb Publisher : 张京

live555+ffmpeg例子 调试比较麻烦 是国外一个开源项目的源代码-live555+ ffmpeg debug example is too much trouble is an open source project abroad, the source code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.54mb Publisher : 杨子卿

一款支持模拟ARM和blackfin DSP处理器的软件,在不需要真实硬件下运行ARM Linux, uClinux, uc/OS-II (ucos-ii)等 将tar.gz 改为tar.bz2-SkyEye is an Open Source Software Project (GPL Licence). Origin from GDB/Armulator, The goal of SkyEye is to provide an integrated simulation environment in Linux and Windows. SkyEye environment simulates typical Embedded Computer Systems (Now it supports a series ARM architecture based microprocessors and Blackfin DSP Processor). You can run some Embedded Operation System such as ARM Linux, uClinux, uc/OS-II (ucos-ii) etc. in SkyEye, and analysis or debug them at source level.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 867kb Publisher : lg

在windows、Linux、ARM上调试通过的SQLite源码。 SQLite是一个开源的嵌入式关系数据库,它在2000年由D. Richard Hipp发布,它的减少应用程序管理数据的开销,SQLite可移植性好,很容易使用,很小,高效而且可靠。   SQLite嵌入到使用它的应用程序中,它们共用相同的进程空间,而不是单独的一个进程。从外部看,它并不像一个RDBMS,但在进程内部,它却是完整的,自包含的数据库引擎。 -In the windows, Linux, ARM debug through the SQLite source code. SQLite is an open source embedded relational database, which in 2000 released by D. Richard Hipp, and its application management to reduce the overhead of data, SQLite good portability, it is easy to use, small, efficient and reliable. SQLite embedded into applications that use it, they share the same process space, rather than a separate process. Externally, it is not like a RDBMS, but in the process itself, it is a complete, self-contained database engine.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 581kb Publisher : hegang

调试嵌入式设备的串口调试终端,从putty修改的,增加串口号和波特率的快捷切换方式,增加打开关闭按钮,增加窗口置顶按钮,取消了打开时的配置窗口和关闭时的确认窗口。putty是开放源码的,这里也把源码一起上传了。 界面类似linux的超级终端,黑底白字,标题栏点右键可以设置串口和波特率,其他功能的设置点开“change setting”就可以了,比windows超级终端好用很多。-Serial debug terminal debugging embedded devices, modified from putty to increase the quick switch of the serial port and baud rate, increased open the Close button to increase the window on top button, cancel the configuration window open and closed confirmation window . putty is open source, and and here also upload the source code. Interface similar linux HyperTerminal, white on black, title bar, right click to set the serial port and baud rate other function settings after opening the " change setting" can be a lot of easy to use than windows HyperTerminal.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.35mb Publisher : liao
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