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用摄像头捕获图像的程序,读视频流,然后显示,是用opencv做的-use cameras capture images of the procedure, reading video streaming, and then show that it is done with opencv
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 吕荫平

本算法主要用vc和opencv做的.对视频图像进行逐帧canny运算.并可以对静态图片进行均值移动运算.-the algorithm and the main vc opencv do. Video images right frame by frame canny operator. And Static images can mean for mobile computing.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 358kb Publisher : 蝈蝈

基于OPENCV的GMM算法,通过时间推移建立视频图像的高斯混合背景模型,并可有效检测其中的运动目标。-OPENCV of GMM-based algorithm, through the passage of time video images to establish the context of Gaussian mixture model, which can effectively detect moving targets.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 马丁

opencv中的图像跟踪算法,能很好的追踪视频图像中的运动物体。是很不错的跟踪算法,适合初学者反复研究。-opencv image tracking algorithm, can be a very good video images to track the moving object. Is a very good tracking algorithm, suitable for beginners repeated study.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : myl_0115

使用opencv语言,利用kalman算法对视频中的图像进行跟踪处理-Opencv using language, using kalman algorithm for video images to track treatment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 998kb Publisher : 徐睿

本程序实现了基于质心法的目标跟踪,由于算法比较简单,因此背景颜色必须简单,最好是纯白色的。本程序先经过对视频图像的灰度化,二值化等一些图像处理,然后找出质心。程序中用到了Opencv库函数-Realize this procedure based on the quality of target tracking-force, due to relatively simple algorithm, so the need for a simple background color, the best was pure white. This procedure, after the first video images of gray and binary image processing, such as, and then find the center of mass. Procedures used in the library function Opencv
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.1mb Publisher : lhb

利用opencv做的视频图象中的运动检测类的文章,供大家参考-Opencv done using video images of the motion detection type of essays, for your reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 180kb Publisher : 姜金刚

windows下用opencv实现的图像变换和视频跟踪,做图像视频处理的可以好好研究一下!-windows achieved using opencv image transform and video tracking, so video images can be handled properly to look at!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.07mb Publisher : 胡戈

此代码可以在Visual C++和OpenCV开发环境下对视频图像实现harris角点检测-This code can be Visual C++ And OpenCV development environment for the realization of video images harris corner detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 135kb Publisher : 张豪

這是一本電子書,介紹openCV的功能,有了他就可以輕鬆的處理影像視訊,並具備許多統計及機器學習的function。可以輕鬆的做到人臉偵測的功能-This is an e-book, Introduction openCV function, with relaxed he can deal with video images, and have lot of statistics and machine learning function. Relaxed people can do face detection function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.26mb Publisher : 發發

VC大恒视频采集卡源代码,可实现多路视频图像的采集。-Video Capture card VC Daheng source code, enabling multi-channel video images of the collection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1018kb Publisher : 张锦雄

实现通过摄像机获取或者手动选择图像进行摄像机标定。并可以计算单应矩阵,实现去畸变等处理。-To do camera calibration on video images or exist images including homography matrics and undistoration.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.69mb Publisher : 杨恒

基于vc++与opencv实现的视频图像Hu矩计算,可以作为运动检测的一个模块。运行时需要有一台usb摄像机才能正确执行。-Based on vc++ with opencv video images to achieve the calculation of Hu moments, can be used as a motion detection module. Run-time need to have a usb camera to the correct implementation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : William Fan

VC++ 使用OpenCV从视频获取图像-VC++ using OpenCV to obtain images from the video
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 46kb Publisher : 李少东

在VC++6.0中,用OpenCV采集摄像机的视频图像,并保存为avi的视频文件,对OpenCV学习和视频分析的人员会有所帮助.-In VC++6.0, the use OpenCV camera capture video images and save it as avi video file, right OpenCV learning and video analysis staff will help.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 327kb Publisher : randy

使用opencv实现视频监控,使用本地摄像头,通过opencv图像处理技术简洁方便实现视频监控及视频图像的美化-Opencv video surveillance, using local camera opencv image processing technology is simple and convenient video surveillance and video images beautification
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 60kb Publisher : 李剑

先介绍实现视频图像目标检测的几种算法,然后介绍一种开放源代码的计算机视觉类库OpenCV,主要阐述该类库的特点及其结构,最后通过“检测一个视频中的运动物体”这一实例探讨了使用OpenCV进行编程的方法。-First, the algorithm of target detection based on video images, and then introduced a kind of open source computer vision library OpenCV, main characteristics and the structure of the library, at last, by "detect moving objects in a video" this instance of the programming method are discussed using OpenCV.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : yagwenbang

opencv从视频文件中获取图像-opencv capture images from video files. . . .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.32mb Publisher : 张 军

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基于opencv,定时读取视频图片并保存-Based on opencv, video images and save the time to read
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.54mb Publisher : tansuiyan

截取视频图像并进行图像处理代码包,按帧读取,并进行一系列图像处理,高斯平滑,腐蚀膨胀等。(nterception of video images and image processing code package)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 文氓
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