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DDA算法和bresham算法画图,运用OPENGL的一个简单例子-DDA algorithm and bresham drawing algorithm, using the OpenGL a simple example
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.62kb Publisher :

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.04kb Publisher : kevin

中点画线法,中点画圆法,DDA画线法,Bresenham画线法,Bresenham画圆法-were dotted line, the midpoint Circle, DDA line drawing, Bresenham line drawing, Bresenham Circle France
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 波波

DDA算法和bresham算法画图,运用OPENGL的一个简单例子-DDA algorithm and bresham drawing algorithm, using the OpenGL a simple example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

这是根据DDA 算法,作的画直线的例子 自己做的,绝不参考-This algorithm is based on DDA, the painting line for example do for myself, not reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 利好

DDA,Bresenham算法来实现画圆,画直线,画椭圆。-DDA, the Bresenham algorithm to achieve Circle, linear paintings, painted oval.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 242kb Publisher : 李冰海

OpenGL试验包括基本的点、线、dda、多边形、填充、反走样-OpenGL test including basic point, line, dda, polygons, filled, anti-aliasing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher :

第一个是分别用Bresenham和DDA算法画直线,第二个是画圆算法,第三个是cohen-sutherland算法的实现-respectively DDA Bresenham algorithm and line drawing, and the second is drawcircle algorithm, Cohen is the third-Algorithm of sutherland
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 207kb Publisher : 邹文科

VC++和OpenGL实现画多边形,其中画每一边用DDA算法.-VC and OpenGL drawing polygons, which each side painted with DDA algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 389kb Publisher : jygjay

DDA 算法 achieve DDA line drawing algorithm, the Bresenham algorithm, which generates the midpoint painted circle algorithm, and polygon scan line filling algorithm -DDA algorithm achieve DDA line drawing algorithm, the Bresenham algorithm, which generates the midpoint painted circle algorithm, and polygon scan line filling algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

DL : 0
学计算机图形学所画的图形,有画线(DDA,中点,Bresenham),画圆(中点和Bresenham),填充(扫描线和种子),裁剪,Bezier曲线,动画,三维形体。-By painting computer graphics school graphics, a painted line (DDA, the mid-point, Bresenham), Circle (mid-point and Bresenham), filling (scan line and seeds), cut, Bezier curve, animation, three-dimensional shape.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.94mb Publisher : star

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王建

直线生产算法,理解基本图形元素光栅化的基本原理,掌握一种基本图形元素光栅化算法,利用OpenGL实现直线光栅化的DDA算法。-Straight-line production method, understanding the basic graphic elements of the basic principles of grating, have a basic graphic elements rasterization algorithms, the use of OpenGL to achieve straight-line grating of the DDA algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : zhanyun

本代码是简单的opengl源代码 主要功能是创建了一个三角形和一个矩形 利用Opengl实现直线光栅的DDA算法-The code is a simple source code opengl main function is to create a triangle and a rectangle using Opengl linear grating DDA algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 猫子

3.实验原理: 示范代码原理参见教材直线光栅化一节中的DDA算法。下面介绍下OpenGL画线的一些基础知识和glutReshapeFunc()函数。 (1)数学上的直线没有宽度,但OpenGL的直线则是有宽度的。同时,OpenGL的直线必须是有限长度,而不是像数学概念那样是无限的。可以认为,OpenGL的“直线”概念与数学上的“线段”接近,它可以由两个端点来确定。这里的线由一系列顶点顺次连结而成,有闭合和不闭合两种。 前面的实验已经知道如何绘“点”,那么OpenGL是如何知道拿这些顶点来做什么呢?是一个一个的画出来,还是连成线?或者构成一个多边形?或是做其它事情呢?为了解决这一问题,OpenGL要求:指定顶点的命令必须包含在glBegin函数之后,glEnd函数之前(否则指定的顶点将被忽略),并由glBegin来指明如何使用这些点。-DDAsuanfa
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : jing

图形学的重要算法,使用鼠标右键操作。包括直线DDA算法,Bresenham算法,OpenGL画法,以及圆,椭圆的画法。三角形的平移、旋转、缩放操作。环境配置在rar的注释里有说明。-The importance of graphics algorithms, using the right mouse button operation. Including linear DDA algorithm, Bresenham algorithm, OpenGL drawing, as well as round, oval of the painting. Triangle of shifting, rotating, zooming operation. Rar environment in the configuration described in the Notes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : jianqifan

本文对直线的生成的3种算法:逐点比较法、数值微分法(DDA法)、Bresenham算法进行研究。本文对逐点比较法、数值微分法(DDA法)、Bresenham算法进行推导,研究了逐点比较法、数值微分法(DDA法)、Bresenham算法在第一象限的实现和改进后逐点比较法、数值微分法(DDA法)、Bresenham算法在所有象限的实现。通过编程实践,可以掌握VC和opengl的使用方法。-In this paper, a straight line generated by three kinds of algorithms: point by point comparison method, numerical differential method (DDA Act), Bresenham algorithm research. In this paper, point by point comparison method, numerical differential method (DDA Act), Bresenham algorithm is derived to study the by-point comparison method, numerical differential method (DDA Act), Bresenham algorithm in the first quadrant of the implementation and improved point by point comparison method , numerical differential method (DDA Act), Bresenham algorithm for the realization in all quadrants. By programming practice, you can master the VC and opengl is used.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 207kb Publisher : aliang

此程序的功能是实现基本的openGL中的画线算法,总共有四个算法。DDA画线算法,中点Bresenham算法画直线,改进Bresenham算法画直线以及 四分法绘制椭圆-Feature of this program is to achieve the basic openGL draw lines in the algorithm, a total of four algorithms. DDA line drawing algorithm, Bresenham midpoint line drawing algorithm, improved Bresenham algorithm for drawing a straight line and ellipse drawing quartering
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.65mb Publisher : 周中锋

使用OpenGL实现DDA、中点画线法、Bresenham算法绘制;中点画圆法、Bresenham画圆算法;多边形扫描线转换算法;多边形裁剪--逐边裁剪法等计算机图形学基本算法。-Use OpenGL, DDA, the dotted line method, Bresenham algorithm to draw midpoint drawcircle, Bresenham circle algorithm polygon scan line conversion algorithm polygon clipping- cutting edge of law by the basic algorithm in computer graphics.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.75mb Publisher :

使用opengl画线,dda算法,中点算法,bresenham 算法,右键菜单实现线段颜色粗细的选择(Use OpenGL line, DDA algorithm, middle point algorithm, Bresenham algorithm, right key menu to select the color of line segment)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.43mb Publisher : kiafter
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