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欢迎使用粘土游戏引擎 3.6.0 压缩包中包含的组件:KlayGE头文件,KlayGE源代码,KlayGE的构建工程文件 KlayGE是一个开放源代码的,跨平台的,基于插件结构的游戏引擎。 本引擎的设计目的是用最先进的技术武装引擎,它所提供框架使游戏的开发、测试、移植得到简化。 KlayGE的目标平台是引擎发布当年的出现的最高硬件到上一年出现的最低硬件。-Welcome to Clay 3.6.0 game engine compression package includes components: KlayGE header files, KlayGE source code, KlayGE Construction engineering documents KlayGE is a open source, cross-platform, based on the plug-in game engine structure. The engine is designed to use the most advanced technology arm engine, it provides the framework to enable game development, testing, transplantation has been simplified. KlayGE the target platform is the engine releases the maximum time the emergence of hardware to the previous year, the minimum hardware appears.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.14mb Publisher : 崔天宇
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