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Description: this document represents openbravo s entity relation diagram ,created with data obtained from the application dictionary
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Description: openbravo erp在虚拟机中的安装过程文档,详细介绍安装过程-this document show us how to setup openbravo erp in our vmware
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: | Hits:


Description: openbravo erp中文开发手册,详细介绍openbravo erp的开发过程-this is openbravo erp develope manual
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: | Hits:


Description: openbravo erp语言本地化中用到的中文语言包-openbravo erp localize package
Platform: | Size: 491520 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 在开源网站上排名开源资源管理类旁榜首,不光有华丽的外表,还有稳定的内核-Position in the open source site next to the open source ERP class list, not only have gorgeous looks, there are stable ker
Platform: | Size: 237568 | Author: 杨刚 | Hits:


Description: openbravo 的eclipse开发环境搭建-openbravo eclipse develop env.
Platform: | Size: 313344 | Author: leo | Hits:

[Software Engineeringopenbravoagileerpwp-english.pdf

Description: Egrile ERP with OpenBravo
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 9KORN | Hits:

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