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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsmfc与opencv结合做的车牌定位、分割的程序

Description: mfc与opencv结合做的车牌定位、分割的程序 有源码,我也在学习阶段,与大家一起讨论研究。
Platform: | Size: 2944291 | Author: yxleon | Hits:

[Video CaptureopenCV program

Description: 这是一个OPENCV和MFC相结合的演示程序,主要是完成了在几个窗口同时读入,显示几个不同的视频流- This is the demonstration program which OPENCV and MFC unifies, mainly was completes has also read in several windows, demonstrated several different video frequencies flowed
Platform: | Size: 3749888 | Author: 杨晖 | Hits:


Description: OpenCV入门的实验,它可以做为你入门的一些实验,大家看看吧。-OpenCV induction experiments, it can provide you some introductory experiments, we look at it.
Platform: | Size: 3234816 | Author: 李乃安 | Hits:


Description: CAMSHIFT算法的mfc实现,对使用opencv的人肯定有一定的帮助。-CAMSHIFT algorithm mfc achieved, the use of opencv it will certainly help.
Platform: | Size: 2098176 | Author: 毛润之 | Hits:

[Special EffectsDisImage

Description: 基于opencv+MFC 的图象处理开发源代码-Based on opencv+ MFC development of image processing source code
Platform: | Size: 6157312 | Author: 李俊 | Hits:

[Special Effectsopencv

Description: Opencv图形图像处理,用OpenCV完成对图像的形态学操作-Opencv graphic image processing, using OpenCV to complete the image morphology operation
Platform: | Size: 13471744 | Author: 连捷 | Hits:

[Special Effectsopencv

Description: opencv标定及跟踪源程序,来自opencv论坛-opencv calibration and tracking of source code, from opencv Forum
Platform: | Size: 12531712 | Author: 闫帆 | Hits:

[Special EffectsOpencv-source-code

Description: 《OpenCV教程:基础篇》这本书附带的源码,作者为:刘瑞祯,于仕琪等。-source code for a book about opencv
Platform: | Size: 2939904 | Author: Melody | Hits:


Description: opencv+mfc打开AVI文件,对初学者非常有用,-GREAT
Platform: | Size: 3646464 | Author: 徐敏 | Hits:


Description: MFC的控件中实现OPENCV的摄像头显示-MFC control to achieve OPENCV camera display
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: | Hits:

[Multimedia programopencv

Description: 基于opencv,可以显示图片,并进行相应的处理,亦可以播放AVI格式的视频文件,并实现快进快退,拖动等功能-Based on opencv, can display pictures, and the corresponding treatment can also play AVI format video files, and to achieve fast-forward, rewind, drag and other functions
Platform: | Size: 8032256 | Author: jtu | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMFC

Description: MFC application with library openCV
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: Hala | Hits:


Description: MFC中应用OpenCV教程,opencv与MFC的结合-Tutorial OpenCV MFC application, opencv combination with MFC
Platform: | Size: 378880 | Author: wy | Hits:

[Special EffectsTeachingOpenCVMFCApplication

Description: Teaching OpenCV MFC Application
Platform: | Size: 385024 | Author: jamno | Hits:

[Special Effectscv_programmer

Description: 四本手册,对于图像工作者及其有用,我的博士生涯就是它们伴随度过的。 windows api opencv mfc 海康 sdk-Four manual workers and their usefulness for image and my life is that they are accompanied by Dr. spent. windows api opencv mfc sdk Haikang
Platform: | Size: 5972992 | Author: 邓宏平 | Hits:


Description: 在mfc中使用opencv的示例,实现了canny算法、surf算法、矩形检测等算法-Opencv mfc used in the example, to achieve a canny algorithm, surf algorithm, the rectangle detection algorithm
Platform: | Size: 12143616 | Author: ckolk | Hits:


Description: 本程序是在 MFC 中使用 OpenCV 的演示程序,由3部分组成。 1、Windows 下用 MFC 编制的程序框架;2、调用 OpenCV 函数实现处理;3、用 DirectShow 编制的视频采集程序-This procedure is used in OpenCV MFC demo program consists of 3 parts. 1, Windows programs under preparation with the MFC framework 2 OpenCV functions for call processing 3, prepared with the DirectShow video capture program
Platform: | Size: 8311808 | Author: 许红梅 | Hits:


Description: 在MFC框架快速应用OpenCV- OpenCV MFC Tutorial
Platform: | Size: 384000 | Author: WANG YI | Hits:


Description: 用OPENCV+MFC简单地打开摄像头,和反色功能。要求装有OPENCV1.0库-With OPENCV+ MFC simply open the camera, and anti-color capabilities. Requirements with OPENCV1.0 Library
Platform: | Size: 2187264 | Author: 小张 | Hits:


Description: 这是本人收集的OpenCv与VC结合的一些例子,包括了许多基本的图像变换,开发工具为VC++ 6.0。-This is my collection of OpenCv using VC with some examples, including many of the basic image transformation, development tool is the VC++ 6.0.
Platform: | Size: 4336640 | Author: 小眼 | Hits:
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